The Church : My first grow

Good to know... I'm gunna just let this little baby grow this is my frist grow and I want to keep it plain and simple... I might LST, but for now I'm not sure... I have 6 bag seeds and one that I'm told is northern lights, but who really knows... I'll have lots of practice before I go for the "northern lights"

Hempy pots are a very simple hydro system. Basicly you just drill a hole 2" from the bottom of a bucket with no holes in the bottom... You then fill the bucket with 3/4 perilite 1/4 vermilite (sp?)... you grow your sprouts in rockwool or jiffyblocks and transplant into the perilite vermilite pot and fill it up with water... the pot makes a reservoir at the bottom 2" for the tap root and drains excess throuught the hole the perilite draws the water up to the superficial root... from what I've heard its pretty idiot proof. I figure with those and maybe some LST or Scrog, deffiniitly going to try FIM, all together it should give a nice harvest (givein everything goes right)

Anyways back to my girl:
I raised her top light an 1" to 2". I was also wondering if anyone has a good way to reduce humidity?

I also wanted to know if i should keep the fluro tube on: It keeps the closet at 80-85, but wiuth it off it goes back to about 72-78 and my humidity is always around 40-50% which I'm pretty sure is way too high.

I know she's small, but I'm still working on my technique... I have 2 seeds germinating and I'm hoping to get these hempy pots in action. I also need to get another fan and more lights


March 3rd

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
ur humidity looks just about right bro.. high is good.. to high= no good- invites mold.. but your sittin at 42 wich is pretty damn humidity is at 20%..wish i could snatch a few double digits from ya to be honest lol looks good man keep it up

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
but if it does get too humid,, they sell de-humidifers at most stores like walmart,target, etc..jus my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
ur humidity looks just about right bro.. high is good.. to high= no good- invites mold.. but your sittin at 42 wich is pretty damn humidity is at 20%..wish i could snatch a few double digits from ya to be honest lol looks good man keep it up
Man no lie I've been looking for this info for atleast 3 days, thank you! +rep!
I know about LST never really done it since this is my first time, but anyway I was going to LST her but the stem is very hard to ben and the new growths off the stalk are to small to tie out yet... Now the really question is IF i do LST should i try to bend the entire plant or just tie the new growths off to the sides of the pot? Or any other suggestions you guys have...

Thanks for all the $0.02 I think am half way to a quarter

Oh! and does anyone know if The Church is sativa dom or indica dom? or anything about its genetics? average yield? or anything related to help me grow this bitch..
So call me crazy, but i changed the lights again... I completely took out the Fluro tube since my baby was only using half of it, so i took it out and added another CFL 2700k Daylight... the temps are running alittle high but I'm working on it... This is based on the idea that every inch of the plant should be covered in CFL


Update: I decided to LST my babygirl, she looks better in bondage.... She's finally shown her first lady parts if you can see in the last blurry picture... I also covered the top soil with a layer of perlite i was told this helps draw water to the roots and helps reflect light back ( no idea if its true, but hey I'll try anything)

NOw i have a question about my LST below are to ways I could tie the top up (originally i had used the first pics method, then after examination I moved it to take the whole stalk over) any input?

1.)IMAG0117.jpg 2.)IMAG0121.jpg

Anyway's hope ya'll are having good grows


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna lie I havn't done a whole lot of research on the how-to or when, but I have some seedlings about a week old that I LST'd today. All I did was grab plant and bend it over a bit, then take a wire clothes hanger piece and secure it while leaned over...Sig for pics


Well-Known Member
I have some Church on the way.

I'm doing my first indoor grow and using hempy. I started 3 plants under a single CFL each. Ended up with a tent and a 400W. Growing is fun!

GOod luck with your grow. Subbed!


Active Member
this is the height I started..... And I don't know much about it... but I bent her on over and tied her down some ppl pull on opposite sides like you r doing guess depends on the person? there is a nice LST thread floating around I will locate it and give you the link


Thanks for the info... I was gunna bend it completely over but the stem was not very bendy and im trying to train it into a bush... I juust wanted to be sure that what I did was a good method for LST


Well-Known Member
I read up on supercropping that I think helped me out. Made me get a real thick strong stem. Word up Sticky let's see some pics of the LST. Past the blunt.
She's already been topped twice, so im not going to top again... just the LST, which I might keep tieing her down more and more as she grows... shes starting to she her lady parts so maybe I'll have a little peep show soon... good news is she hasn't died yet