The city calling my house at 1:15 am

Stop taking up space! Look, if you are to scared to answer your phone then you are not needing to grow pot. No one, trust me, gives a shit about your tiny little grow in your house. People please wake the fuck up. The cops smoke the shit and unless you fuck with them or someone else and give them a really good excuse they could not care less about your little pot plant. What crazy shit. I can explain what is wrong easy for you.. One: you are a total idiot, meaning you have an IQ of around 80, two: you are menally ill and need good anti phsychotic medication. I just find it so funny that people on here think that with our countries financial worries, ie no money to pay for basic city, county, state agencies, (police) that they would spend countless thousands of dollars to invade a morons little tiny apartment looking for the huge bust of what two onces of pot. HAHAHA. No really here is the truth, They have spent months staking out your place, watching it in shifts with numerous personel, they got a warrant to wire tap your phones, bugged your car, used helicopters to scan with high tech inferred equipment your property, sent dozens out to find and then search your trash with a fine tooth comb, and then the fateful big day of the massive multi jusiditional, sherrif, constable, local PD raid. They come for your ounce with dogs, copters, guns and a swat team because you are so important and they have all the fucking money and time and ability in the world to violate the privacy of one stupid private pot growing idiot american.. These are the mutts that make life hard for everyone else. You should listen to me people.....[/PHP]
Not sure what planet your from but NOT MINE !


Well-Known Member
If you grow and cops show up at your door... DO NOT ANSWER IT. If they have a search warrant they will just come in and say it. It will be the first thing they say. If they dont say it, they dont have one but dont answer and get ready to take ur shit down real quick and hide.
Exactly right. You are under no compulsion to answer the door ever.

If they have no warrant, they are on fishing expedition hoping you will be foolish enough to waive your rights, or that they can intimidate you into doing so.

If they do have a warrant they are coming in whether you answer the door or not.

Never talk to police. Never, never, never.
I could be wrong, but I've been taught that reasonable suspicion = visual search and gathering information. Probable cause = search warrant. Otherwise they need to bully you into giving your consent.

Weed smells like alot of things, so smelling something that smells like weed doesn't mean that it is weed. So this would only equate to reasonable suspicion. But reasonable suspicion can lead to probable cause if they look in your window and see that your home is full of buckets, ferts, and horticultural lights or see bags of ferts sticking out of your garbage can.

Just be aware.. all a cop needs is to "smell" something illegal going on and they have reasonable suspicion to enter or get a search warrant and enter on their own. I live in a similar situation as you and smoke in a room far away from my doorway so any smells do not go into the hallway. Gotta be careful man.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
out where I live it is never the fraternal order or police. Lol, this is in bad taste, but I cant help it. lol. I used to work for telemarketers and that was who I was collecting for. The policemans ball. lol, man did I get heckled. I remeber one joke about boats. I cant remember the rest. Some weird fuckers out there tho. I will never do that again, lol. Oh and I cant imagine why schanke the cop wourl call you over yer pot smoke at 1 or yer grow, they would just sruprise yu. Yu are fine. Soon the paranoia will go away,then yu will have to remind yerself a little caution is ok.


Well-Known Member
when girls get slipped roofies in their drinks and get raped yes that is a crime the girls' rights were clearly violated and a rapist will rape regardless if ghb or rohypnol are legal and they deserve long prison sentences for that (notice someone is doing something to someone else) and if i chose to take some ghb that is my choice to myself (notice me doing to myself) do you see the difference?!? and little teenagers wouldn't have as much access to drugs if the drugs weren't ran through the black market where no one gives a fuck how old you are...drugs are easier to get when your under 21 than alcohol.
Thats not the point, you said in a previous post

Originally Posted by libertarian23
well when someone od's they are a victim of their own choices...sorry no body made them do the drugs they chose to do...nobody makes people drink or smoke cigarettes but they kill many more people than any drugs do...our laws are supposed to protect people from others infringing on their rights not from a person doing something to his own body
If a dude slips roofies into a girls drink and she OD's from that IT WAS NOT HER CHOICE TO TAKE THOSE ROOFIES, and she is NOT a victim of her own choices. Shes a victim of some bitch ass dude that cant laid on his own so he has to drug girls, thats the fucking point i'm trying to make. Juse cause somebody OD's off a drug does not mean they choose to take that drug. 90-95% of the time sure its our fault for wanting to get fucked up but thats not always the case DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? and black market? lmao really dude black market is for buying kids and selling organs your talking about nic's and dime bags of weed here, your trying to make an ant pile sound like a mole hill to prove your logic is sound when its not.
Thats not the point, you said in a previous post

If a dude slips roofies into a girls drink and she OD's from that IT WAS NOT HER CHOICE TO TAKE THOSE ROOFIES, and she is NOT a victim of her own choices. Shes a victim of some bitch ass dude that cant laid on his own so he has to drug girls, thats the fucking point i'm trying to make. Juse cause somebody OD's off a drug does not mean they choose to take that drug. 90-95% of the time sure its our fault for wanting to get fucked up but thats not always the case DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? and black market? lmao really dude black market is for buying kids and selling organs your talking about nic's and dime bags of weed here, your trying to make an ant pile sound like a mole hill to prove your logic is sound when its not.
black market
people who engage in illicit trade
run: deal in illegally, such as arms or liquor
an illegal market in which goods or currencies are bought and sold in violation of rationing or controls

this would include distribution of narcotics i'm pretty sure
and just because some asshole uses a narcotic to rape someone doesn't mean you make the narcotic illegal


Active Member
You dont have to open door tyke and they cant do anything about that. Not opening the door will not give them probable cause, and with this day and age with all the cops trying to be robocop I wouldn't. Do you have any idea how many arrests and "mini raids" are being made by opening your door. Cops use a maneuver called "knock and talk" where they can either convince you to let them inside your house. Or even in some case where the cops kinda put their foot in the door and force themselves in. I know thats illegal right? Well who is the court gonna believe, a couple police officers or the person that just got busted with 100 plants in their house? If your gonna get busted your gonna get busted. If your growing in an apartment and didn't take the much needed precautions (especially the smell) well then your gonna get what you have comming to you. Theres only a few ways you will get busted.

1.The smell
2.You act like a giddy school girl and go around telling your friends bout your show
3.Your show catches on fire
4.Did I mention SMELL?

Getting a call on your caller ID saying "city of ______" does not mean its the cops/gov. I used to get that all the time on my caller ID. Theres something you dial on your phone before you dial the number your trying to reach that will "mask" your number (kinda like a IP spoofer online). It can also be from other places (schools and what not). TBH I think ya jumped on the paranoia train a little early era.
I have two solutions for the knock and talk. First, I have a very mean dog that's right at the door when I open it regardless of who's there. After the door's open I have him lay down behind me with a clear line of sight. No cop, or anyone for that fact, has ever wanted to stand at my door with my dog right there. Every single person backs up off the porch. Second, I never talk to anyone while standing in my open doorway. Aside from cops there are also criminals who are looking for a good place to rob and hey that looks like a nice tv. I release the dog and then walk outside shutting the door behind me. This one always works whether you have a dog or not.


Well-Known Member
wwooww, answer the phone so u no wtf is going on.. And they didnt call your house if rent a apt. lol

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
dude, just answer your phone.
people who call from payphones or perpaid cell phones
the caller id say city of _____ all the time

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Bet he didn't sleep too well after that lmao :lol:
i can just see him now paceing the floor
cutting off the lights, looking out the windows
flushing all the drugs down the drain
eating his stash-LOL
he prolly thought about burning his house down