the claw i need help

Ive got a room of plants and have about 6 that i have noticed are starting to get "claw" leaves. I use to water two days and then one day of nutrients..they were fed through a hose with sprayers in each plant. now with these it has been switched to hand watering, feed schedule is water nutrients water nutrients..etc., they get there liquids once a day around the same time. i have a few plants that are really green also. but the claw leaves are the most noticeable and would like to know how to fix this issue. flush it?

ph is 6.2 to 6.4
nutrient line is all fox farm
i use to feed water water then my partner thought it would be better to do feed water feed water. and the plants do get dry by the next day. theres 30 plants and about 12 or 14 lights in the room.

but im definately going to take this into consideration. i dont really agree with the watering every day or the feed water feed water schedule.


Well-Known Member
If they are dry by the next day how are you watering?

You should water until you just see some water coming out the bottom.

This way you know you've saturated the soil enough.

Also if this is how you currently water, how big are your pots?

well what they were doing is watering half a gallon to each 5 gallon pot..i thought for one thats not enough cause there is going to be no run off. but i didnt know if it would equal out since they were feeding/watering every day. my partner told one of my growers to do it the way i explained to you guys (water feed water feed water every day)

Po boy

Well-Known Member
when u water soak the soil until runoff. don't water again until the soil is dry, really dry, for at least an inch down. then soak again. timing of watering can vary due to many factors so read the soil and not the schedule. when fertilizing don't overdo it. keep it green. GL
thats what im gonna start doing because ive never had claw problems until we started doing this so for sure. i use to use sprayers with a hose we layed down and i never got claw problems, i hand water my veg but even those bad girls dont get the claw they stay happy...of course i dont water every day ha ha