the "claw" please help?


Active Member
Ok guys this my second run and im having good time,Buttt.. as of last feeding of Nutes my 2 HGK's are showing the dreadful 'claw' at the tips of leaves along with deep dark green color of the fan leaves. I am guessing Nitrogen toxicty is the problem. I guess i just went to heavy on the nutes too fast, As I I did start out 1/4 strenght and worked my way up every other feeding, Since I have flushed with ph'ed water one time,and all new growth is looking good. Can anyone let me know is there anything i can do before i go to flower? Any sugg. Helpful guys. ffof medium1/4perlite, general organics GO box, 3gallon pots, cfls for germ,600MH for Veg,600hps flower. Growtent , temps good,humidity the way never used this brand of nutrient before



Active Member
Sorry about the single pic but my phone is being a peice of shit so i only got to upload this one. the other pic has a nice side view of the plant and shows the claw like 90 degree angle the leaves are pointin down plus the super dark dark green on all the fan leaves (new growth looks good).(the pic i posted is hours after a flush so they do look a little over watered, but im pretty sure i have a nitrogen toxicity problem here. I just dont know what i can do to combat this.


Well-Known Member
what you did, now let it dry out a bit and recover, do any of your leave tips look burned/brown ?

clawing is usealy a thing in flowering

if you do end up with a over watered plant you should look in to H2O2


Active Member
No Slipon No burning or browning at all, thats what really stumped me is that i thought for sure i would see the nute burn accommodating the toxicity but.?. Thanks


Well-Known Member
You're worrying too much. :p Just let it dry out completely and water with plain pHed water next time. Just looks over watered and the start of a little nute toxicity. Honestly you probably don't even need to use 1/4 strength nutes.


Active Member
Your rite Bygon Iam catching myself worrying about it(when im stoned) I have alot invested(to me anyway ya know


New Member
my plants do the same thing but only when I feed it . im using ff ocean forest soil and I only use liquid kool bloom . Im thinking that with potent soil like fox farm then you dont have to feed much . since I went to using kool bloom once every 3 weeks instead of every week , my leaves dont curl much at all if thats any help to you


New Member
If youre using fox farm soil then dont feed it at all until the buds have started popping out . fox farm soil is potent as shit . I just use water with a ph level of 6.5 all through veg. and I never had leaves curl up in veg. I just think youre feeding it to much . try feeding once every two weeks and be real easy on the nutes ! and flush it good once a month and I believe you will be happy with the results.
The best and only thing to do is just let nature take its course. Its cool to add nutes but I use miracle gro bloom booster every other week until 2weeks prior to harvest. You can eff up all your hard work with one paranoid action. So relax if its getting the proper sunlight then your there. And don't overwater especially if its indoor, you can get away with it outside, because the sun dries out the soil qwicker.


Active Member
Thanks for all the helpful info guys I really appreciate it. As for the FFOF I know its a ''HOT' mix and useally gets me through Veg fine. I just wanted to Veg a little longer this round ,and being on week 6.5 My thinking was all the goodies in the soil were used up by this point....guess not!:-(