the college closet grow

ok so a couple weeks ago i got some white widow seeds from I really recommend them. Very fast shipping and very discreet. Ok so i got 5 seeds and started right away. I got metal halide, 2 150w and 2 100w to start it out. I just got a couple quick questions though. How much light should they be under when i first plant them?
I bought 4 light fixtures but the bulbs dont fit and im going out of town for the weekend. So i was wondering if i could just like put them in the window for those 2 days?

Ill post some pics up tomorrow. All advice and help is appriciated. This is my first grow so i want to get a least a little green out of it.

thanks in advanced. :joint:
I got a couple lights at walmart for quick fix. I think they should be fine for the weekend. I got the timer set at 18/6 right now. Heres a couple pics of the start. Let me know if theres anything im doing wrong so i can fix it right away.

And im not growing on a college campus or anything. I have my own apartment, im just in college lol




Active Member
move the lights closer. and i would remove that saran wrap off the top, it needs air otherwise its gonna cause the seed and tap root to rot....


Well-Known Member
looks good to me. what kind of bulbs you using mh or cfls? looks like cfls in the pic? also what spectrum are they? (if they are clfs)

Uber Newb

Active Member
Get the lights closer once the seedling leaves break the soil and loose the clear wrap once they do.
Also, might want to put duct tape or something around the sides of the cups. Light coming in contact with the roots is a bad thing.

Other than that looks good. Good luck on your grow!