The Coming Economic Collapse... Fact or Fiction? You Decide!

why does it have to be liberals and conservatives? there is no difference, its all a big puppet show.. both sides waste money, both sides increase the size of government, both sides tax the shit out of us, both sides take away our freedoms and destroy our constitution.. its not about liberals and democrats, its about AMERICA!!! if the liberals or democrats take away our guns, rip up our constitution, and put us in work camps.. does it really fucking matter? we need to wake up, put our difference aside, and quit fighting eachother, but rather the motherfuckers who are in office sending us up shit creek without a fucking paddle and all our limbs cut off

FloJo i am pissed that i missed this thread when it was active man! Your post here is fuckin spooky! Ive been preachin this exact same govt philosophy for years and Ive never heard anyone else describe politics like that besides me man. I read the post to my girl and she thought I wrote it! But thats great man it feels good ta see somebody else with the same beliefs after feeling like the only one that actually gets it for so damn long ya know!
Ive always thought that govt has done a grea job of splitting everything into 2 sides and turning us against eachother. And it applies to almost all aspects of life, dem. & rep. black & white, rich & poor, young & old yada yada blah blah fuckin blah! If we'd all shut the hell up and stop arguing about our differences we might have a chance to notice that when it really comes down to it were all fuckin Americans!!!!!!:wall:
I gotta give ya props Flo great post man, My curiosity in your vertical set up brought me across this thread and I gotta say Im impressed with the rest of em too. All your threads are pretty interesting and have some good substance to em man. If i can figure out the whole +rep thing ill shoot some your way buddy!
Chief G