The common question gets to the bottom of some of the central problems in drug policy.

Gas here in Texas is $1.83 a gallon but were I live its between 95-103F with 50-90% humidity. It's fucking horrible. I use to live in Illinois in the dead of winter its between -20-0F. And summer was between 90-95 with 0% humidity I fucking loved it. I'd love to live somewhere like Canada. If it wasn't for the Brits sending my people to the swamps of Louisiana I probably woulda been born Canadian. You guys are awesome. Y'all know anything about hot sauce tho? ;)

You Cajun?
i remember Thai stick from the mid 80's and 2 tokes you were wrecked. are they saying that got stronger??
first time i smoked purple indica-no kush back then-people stopped smoking but i didn't feel it so I kept on. i finished and then about 10 minutes later someone spoke...scared the shit out of me because i forgot there were other people in the room.
i haven't seen that quality in years so how again is it getting stronger?? or did my tolerance get that much more??
there was powerhouse stuff back then so are they only talking home grow stuff? i remember all that stuff being pretty crappy.

Oh yes. The thai stick... that showed up around the time the sensi started...

What i woudnt do right now for a even just a coupla honks on a bong of that...
Back in the sixties when are ever enlightened governments tested for THC they ground up the whole plant less the roots. Since then the government has figured out that the stems, fan leaves, seeds ( what happened to all the seeds ?) do not contain THC - so yes the ratio of THC to plant matter tested has changed- the plant has NOT.
Also with an increase in knowledge and growers honing their skills to produce a higher quality product demanded by a more aware consumer has seen lesser herbs frowned on.
Handling times are better now too. Travelling 3000 miles from Mexico in a truck tire at 100 degrees, tends to turn THC into CBN. Some of that sixties and seventies weed must have been over a year old easily ( oh the good old days - as soon as they started growing seni, record albums were no longer needed and that was the end of records.... True story, The 80s coke thing proved CDs were all that was needed).

Oh yes. The thai stick... that showed up around the time the sensi started...

What i woudnt do right now for a even just a coupla honks on a bong of that...
tie stick.... 8-)
Oh the things ones can do with a wittle red thread, some sticks and some little buds. ;)
tie stick.... 8-)
Oh the things ones can do with a wittle red thread, some sticks and some little buds. ;)

Pedro: I been smoking since I was born, man, I can smoke anything, man. You know like I smoke that Michoacán, and Acapulco Gold, man. I even smoke that tied stick, you know?

Man Stoner: "Tied stick"?

Pedro: Yeah, you know that stuff that's tied to a stick.

Man Stoner: Ohh, THAI stick.
Why was it tied to a stick anyway?

No zip-lock baggies back! ;)

It consisted of premium buds of seedless marijuana which were skewered on stems. Several rows of fiber found in the stalk of the marijuana plant were then used to tie the marijuana to the stem to keep it in place. Thai stick bud may also be tied around bamboo sticks with a piece of string known as a “rasta hair.”
No zip-lock baggies back! ;)

It consisted of premium buds of seedless marijuana which were skewered on stems. Several rows of fiber found in the stalk of the marijuana plant were then used to tie the marijuana to the stem to keep it in place. Thai stick bud may also be tied around bamboo sticks with a piece of string known as a “rasta hair.”
tied stick..padro...:lol:

i laughed Dishes..