The compassionate left.


Well-Known Member
I have a way for you not to get missle attacked
Dont go on the internet proclaming you want to bomb the USA
Dont take actions on doing the same
Dont hide out in a foreign country while doing the same thing as above


Well-Known Member
I have a way for you not to get missle attacked
Dont go on the internet proclaming you want to bomb the USA
Dont take actions on doing the same
Dont hide out in a foreign country while doing the same thing as above
Can you promise me that's where it stops?

hen the good Secretary and the Obama Administration announced a change in the samatics of Obama Government Speak. The term “War on Terror” was abandoned for the term “Over Seas Contingency Operation”. In fact, Administration employees were instructed to discontinue using the terms “terror” or “terrorists” in public. This would appear to be just a matter of semantics, until now. Apparently the use of the term “Terror” and “terrorists” is being reserved for use in conjunction with “Right Wing Extremist”. A “Right Wing Extremist” is anyone who served in the US Military, believes in gun ownership rights, opposes abortion, opposes NAFTA or illegal immigration or believes in many of the other ‘Freedoms” guaranteed by the Constitution. Particluarly offensive is the continued reference to those that oppose abortion as being “White Supremacists”. In Napolitano’s world, if you believe “smaller government” is better than “bigger government” you are a right wing extremists. A new report from Secretary Napolitano categorizes returning Military Veterans and those individuals that are proponents of “States Rights” or those that oppose the growth of the Federal Government as “Right Wing Extremists”. See the footnote at the end of page 2 of the report, “Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.

As to Veternas and the Constitutional Right to bare arms the report also states, “The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.” On page 2 of 9 of the report, just above the footnote.

Next the report states, “Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to
boost their violent capabilities.”
At page 3 of 9.
The report goes on to say, “Disgruntled Military Veterans: assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and
radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.” “After Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990-1991, some returning military veterans—including Timothy McVeigh—joined or associated with rightwing extremist groups.” at page 8 of 10.
“A prominent civil rights organization reported in 2006 that “large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads, and other white supremacists are now learning the art of warfare in the [U.S.] armed forces.” at page 8. What Civil Rights organization? ACORN?

Where is the proof? How dare Napolitano compare all US Mititary personnel to McVeigh.


Well-Known Member
Who decides what a terrorist is? We have a homeland security report saying returning soldiers, gun supporters, pro-lifers and Ron Paul supporters fit this profile. Careful who you ride with man if you cool with shitting all over due process.
Drone attacks happen in countries where "due process" is practically impossible. Every where else around the world the USA doesn't use drone attacks. Your list of people at threat from drones is specious at the least

That said HSA list of potential candidates seems pretty good


Well-Known Member
Drone attacks happen in countries where "due process" is practically impossible. Every where else around the world the USA doesn't use drone attacks. Your list of people at threat from drones is specious at the least

That said HSA list of potential candidates seems pretty good
Would you want President Palin/Bachman to have this power? It's not about defending Obama, it's about defending due process, common decency and common sense.

Are you really applauding labeling all returning soldiers as a potential terrorist? wow

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
When rights are taken away, those who abused them are always cited. It really is a shame to see veterans as a group in this category of suspects. I guess that means the concerns these vets have for our country will not be addressed. Saddens my heart.


Well-Known Member
When rights are taken away, those who abused them are always cited. It really is a shame to see veterans as a group in this category of suspects. I guess that means the concerns these vets have for our country will not be addressed. Saddens my heart.

Imagine the outrage if that list included young Middle Eastern men boarding planes with no luggage. Or even worse, if they used the same broad consistency and just listed Middle Eastern men?


Well-Known Member
How long do you think that is gonna last.

How long before we hear about a group of domestic terrorists getting droned in a barn in Wisconsin? I understand its not gonna be this week, but what about in a year, or five, ten?
Its fairly obvious the Gov doesnt give a shit about the constitution.
[h=3]White House Pulls Down TSA Petition[/h] At approximately 11:30 am EDT, the White House removed a petition about the TSA airport screening procedures from the White House "We the People" website. About 22,500 of the 25,000 signatures necessary for a response from the Administration were obtained when the White House unexpectedly cut short the time period for the petition. The site also went down for "maintenance" following an article in Wired that sought support for the campaign.
US Attorneys Refuse to Assure Judge That They Are Not Already Detaining Citizens Under NDAA

The US government seems determined to have the power to do away with due process and Americans’ right to a trial.
I am one of the lead plaintiffs in the civil lawsuit against the National Defense Authorization Act, which gives the President the power to hold any US citizen anywhere for as long as he wants, without charge or trial. In May, following a March hearing, Judge Katherine Forrest issued an injunction against it; this week, in a final hearing in New York City, US government lawyers essentially asserted even more extreme powers – the power to entirely disregard the Judge and the law. Indeed, on Monday, August 6, Obama’s lawyers filed an appeal to the injunction – a profoundly important development that as of this writing has been scarcely reported


Well-Known Member
Would you want President Palin/Bachman to have this power? It's not about defending Obama, it's about defending due process, common decency and common sense.

Are you really applauding labeling all returning soldiers as a potential terrorist? wow
The terrorists use these countries because of lack of due process please explain how you'd implement it?

The shooting at the temple shows their "army" prediction to be pretty good


Well-Known Member
Chesus logic;

Tim McVeigh and another guy who served in the military were domestic terrorist nutbags therefore ALL returning soldiers meet this profile.

The DOJ is closing down legal dispensaries but not ALL of them, therefore Obama is going to legalize pot his next term.

Dude, seriously?


Well-Known Member
Chesus logic;

Tim McVeigh and another guy who served in the military were domestic terrorist nutbags therefore ALL returning soldiers meet this profile.

The DOJ is closing down legal dispensaries but not ALL of them, therefore Obama is going to legalize pot his next term.

Dude, seriously?
Show me the part where they investigate every single veteran as a "potential terrorist" and I'd think you might have a point.

They made a prediction and it came true perhaps you should man up and accept that


Well-Known Member
The terrorists use these countries because of lack of due process please explain how you'd implement it?

The shooting at the temple shows their "army" prediction to be pretty good
Implement what? killing US citizens without due process? I wouldn't.

The Yemen government was also after Al-Awaki for crimes against that nation but when his location was verified we beat them to the punch because all they wanted to do was arrest him. Not good enough.


Well-Known Member
Implement what? killing US citizens without due process? I wouldn't.

The Yemen government was also after Al-Awaki for crimes against that nation but when his location was verified we beat them to the punch because all they wanted to do was arrest him. Not good enough.
You really think the yeoman government is in proper control of its country? Wishfully thinking doesnt work you know


Well-Known Member
Show me the part where they investigate every single veteran as a "potential terrorist" and I'd think you might have a point.

They made a prediction and it came true perhaps you should man up and accept that
I could make a prediction that Medical Students are domestic terrorists with the potential to shoot up Batman movie goers, put them on the watchlist, and it would have come true. Does this make it good policy?


Well-Known Member
You really think the yeoman government is in proper control of its country? Wishfully thinking doesnt work you know
Who gave us the intel of where he was eating lunch? It was 3 guys in a car. I think the Yemen government could have handled that, yes.


Well-Known Member
You really think the yeoman government is in proper control of its country? Wishfully thinking doesnt work you know
and i sposse you think the American government is in PROPER control of the country? or maybe its that wishful thinking thing kickin in....


Well-Known Member
I could make a prediction that Medical Students are domestic terrorists with the potential to shoot up Batman movie goers, put them on the watchlist, and it would have come true. Does this make it good policy?
  • Show me the part where they investigate every single veteran as a "potential terrorist" and I'd think you might have a point.

Repeated for your reading pleasure


Well-Known Member
Who gave us the intel of where he was eating lunch? It was 3 guys in a car. I think the Yemen government could have handled that, yes.
Good for you. Citizens of yeman need no longer worry about warlords because ginwilly "thinks" their government has it sorted


Well-Known Member
recent polling suggests that 77% of the American people dont trust the government. 77%, yeah they got things completely under control. im pretty sure with 66.6% we can toss em out and start over.
course thats a whole new set of problems. A document such as the Constitution can not be written in todays society. if we tried, we will have even less liberty than today.