The Confederacy of Dunces - Trump Troll Permanent Record


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the club!

Biden will never come close to achieving enough delegates. Sanders will easily have the vast majority.

If we go into a contested convention, and the super delegates back the candidate with less support......

The Democratic Party will shatter under it's corruption and failure.

As amazing and exciting as that would be, let's just hope they do their job, and represent their constituents.


Well-Known Member
The list grows. Welcome new member!

I really refrain from these posts because the mer waste of time it takes to right one isn’t worth the debate with people like 90% of the above^^^^^
How can you sit there on your asses.....

For reasons like these

One.... you blame one man for a freaking virus no matter the origins.....

Two.... do something about it! Get off your ass stop bitching and go help those elderly and vulnerable that don’t have families or support systems.

Three.... do you really feel good at night wishing death on 100s of thousands of a certain political party?...Fellow Americans??... wait!!! Your for peace love and humanity??


FIVE.... there is no left and right or republican or Democrat
There’s “haves” and “have nots”. Those that do for better for their selves for the better good of everyone and there’s those that do nothing and take from those that work for them selves....

Where do any of you lie?

If every single one of you spent half the time you spend bitching about a certain president and instead got out and did something positive, maybe your Love for people and the world around you would TRUMP your disgusting Hate!!!

TRUMP 2020!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Two in one day. The campaign for POTUS seems to be ramping up.

from what my doctor said, it’s not as dangerous as the news is making it out to be. He said that the standard flu has already killed 9000 people here in the U.S. alone this year. He said so far world wide the corona virus has not come close yet to even those numbers. I personally think it’s media hype to cause distractions from things like Weinstein and Epstein child pedo rings getting busted which could implicate the top 1%...


Well-Known Member
Two in one day. The campaign for POTUS seems to be ramping up.
They've been crawling out of the woodwork like the cockroaches at Mar Logo since super tuesday, it's a sign that them good ole boys is gett'n a might nervous. They are getting worried early too, the epidemic hasn't even begun yet and congressional oversight is coming for the coronavirus fiasco. They should soon be busy killing Americans with donald's disinformation and standing in front of the freight train for the dear leader.


Well-Known Member
Actually I hate trump. I voted for Bernie. Oh well. No one here seems to be interested in a peaceful discussion anyways - later.
Welcome new member. Unfortunantly world democracies are and have been under attack for a long time. The Russians have militarized online trolls that sign up and attack this site (and every other one with a chat section) nonstop, so people are quick to not trust new members that find the political section right away, because almost always they end up being sock puppet troll accounts.

If you are a real person, welcome. Remember you have a ignore button if you are getting attacked.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for bringing this up.

I still can't understand how a guy with no experience, who got kicked out of the Navy for coke, got a million-dollar-a-year energy job.

Trump's kids, like them or not, are in the established family business - development and hotels. Hunter Biden....outside of having a law degree and being an unemployed 50 year old man....can't tell what he does or how he supports himself.


Well-Known Member
Welcome back to the Hall of Shame. We missed you.

yeah but Biden basically lies during the debates with bernie and gets called on it so there is that. I'm not out here trying to say that Trump is a great guy I'm just saying I don't see any difference between his bullshit and Bidens bullshit. And Biden is actually losing his mind. Like ya'll can act like that's a sharp brain but I've seen what age can do and it's that. Dude aint right. His damn son banged out his dead sons wife bro. Come the fuck on. Trump at least kept his wealth in the family Biden forces companies to pay his son. BIden aint honest. and he's losing his mind. Cuz I'm sure BIdens plan for getting us out of the corona viruse crash prolly involves my family getting our money stolen by an entity that drone strikes other families on the daily while telling me they are going to take care of us and we should be an accepting and tolerant culture. but we still drone striking so fuck it. Who's going to let me keep more?
omg I can't stand this you 2 should be ashamed. 2 americans arguing at each other instead of some rando foreigners. If we can't communize on that how can we communize on health care, gasoline, food, student loans, overdraft fees, and a lil spendin money cuz I got to look cute. Absurd. I aint joining the lie cult. I'm going to follow an Honest Man Like Donald Trayvon Trump.
No Trump is up until corona shut down the earth the greatest president for my pocket that ever existed and probably will ever exist. All politicians are liars. We can't Trust nothing any of them say. Whenever it's told to us that it helps we often find out 5 years later it was bullshit that enriched a corporation AGAIN. Biden was literally the vice president while bailing out banks ( who I'm pretty sure are ran by billionaires or close.) The auto industry. Somehow is giving guns to fucking cartels in some demented program where they sold them guns to see where they would go but obviously didn't. They fucking armed the cartels. Then after our service members die defending our fucking embassy the government Biden was #2 of fucking told us they rose up cuz a made up youtube video. What lies got you mad that Trump said? When he sharpied a path of a storm? For fucks sake go watch the video Chelsea manning released of our military 50 cal'ing 100's of civilians while Biden is #2. in the USA. NO BRO FUCK THAT SHIT. Trump was staring at tits backstage while all that shit was going on that's about the jist of the worst you got on the guy.
It seems to me that you used to try and hide your Trump dick sucking better than you do now. May I suggest that your next Trump cum-sock uses a little more restraint and subtlety.


Well-Known Member
LOL so if I write Trump you have to document it? lmao you guys are the best. Threw that bold on it to make your life easier comrade!
Tell us again how you don't support Trump. If you do it a few more times we might start to believe you. Its a totally novel approach that we have not seen before.

I have no doubt that he's been good to you. What other President has made it so that you can earn the equivalent of 27 cents per post to allow your own dumbness and hatred to ooze out of your clearly inadequate brain?
Tell us again how you don't support Trump. If you do it a few more times we might start to believe you. Its a totally novel approach that we have not seen before.

I have no doubt that he's been good to you. What other President has made it so that you can earn the equivalent of 27 cents per post to allow your own dumbness and hatred to ooze out of your clearly inadequate brain?
When did I say I don't support him? You make no damn sense. You quoted 3 posts of mine in support. Do you guys seriously have a bunch of people come here and support Trump and then you guys are like prove you don't support Trump... HAHAHAHA too funny.


Well-Known Member
When did I say I don't support him? You make no damn sense. You quoted 3 posts of mine in support. Do you guys seriously have a bunch of people come here and support Trump and then you guys are like prove you don't support Trump... HAHAHAHA too funny.
Says the serial Trump-sock.

I love you. Don't ever leave.

Says the serial Trump-sock.

I love you. Don't ever leave.

It can't be a sock if you put your regular banned name at the front of your name. Like if someone puts on a hat are you aware that it's still the same person? Also was clearly Pro Obama until he attempted to seize the citizens money to put into billionaire insurance company hands. because that does not actually help any person I know. Back in the old day you could just give em your neighbors I.D and eventually the government would pay them anyway so I don't really get why they always trying to get my money. They aint ever one time been to my work truck before I was. They just don't deserve it.


Well-Known Member
It can't be a sock if you put your regular banned name at the front of your name. Like if someone puts on a hat are you aware that it's still the same person? Also was clearly Pro Obama until he attempted to seize the citizens money to put into billionaire insurance company hands. because that does not actually help any person I know. Back in the old day you could just give em your neighbors I.D and eventually the government would pay them anyway so I don't really get why they always trying to get my money. They aint ever one time been to my work truck before I was. They just don't deserve it.
I always ignored you back then. We're you always this shockingly stupid or have you gotten worse?