the consequences of gay marriage

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Well-Known Member

Man that was a badass party last weekend, me FDD & Uncle Buck throw the best partys.. He broke my new belt buckle though, I was soooooooo pissed. <3


bud bootlegger
and i never got the point of gay men and or women pretending to be straight, get married, have children, then like 10 years later waking up and realizing that they have been living their lives as a lie.. i can't imagine the torment that that must bring on to a family..
wouldn't it have simply have been better to have allowed these people to be who they were from the get go and not have to put on these beards and pretend they are something that they are not, and allow them to simply date and or marry whom ever they choose to??
i would think a lot of less lives would be affected in negative ways if they were allowed to do so..


Well-Known Member
I personally lean against it because, I do not have kids yet, & when I do down the road... I do not want it to be a 50/50% chance that kids turn out gay or straight due to what they see on T.V. or their peers doing.. Such as instead of Kids playing games with one another. Kicking the girl or boy they liked.. You will have your kids in a playground w/ another gay couples kids over their trying to hold other boys hands.. Hugging boys... Playing "House" and Two boys are the parents.. That is honestly scary to me.. To have the "gay" image that much more available to kids making the %%%% of homo boys & girls rise.. Cause its.. ."Normal" to them.
and i never got the point of gay men and or women pretending to be straight, get married, have children, then like 10 years later waking up and realizing that they have been living their lives as a lie.. i can't imagine the torment that that must bring on to a family..
wouldn't it have simply have been better to have allowed these people to be who they were from the get go and not have to put on these beards and pretend they are something that they are not, and allow them to simply date and or marry whom ever they choose to??
i would think a lot of less lives would be affected in negative ways if they were allowed to do so..


Well-Known Member

Oh Nos ! 100 Years from now we wont be the Worlds Super Power... we will be the Worlds Spectacular ! Power.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I personally lean against it because, I do not have kids yet, & when I do down the road... I do not want it to be a 50/50% chance that kids turn out gay or straight due to what they see on T.V. or their peers doing.. Such as instead of Kids playing games with one another. Kicking the girl or boy they liked.. You will have your kids in a playground w/ another gay couples kids over their trying to hold other boys hands.. Hugging boys... Playing "House" and Two boys are the parents.. That is honestly scary to me.. To have the "gay" image that much more available to kids making the %%%% of homo boys & girls rise.. Cause its.. ."Normal" to them.


bud bootlegger
does it matter as long as they're happy? being "gay" shouldn't be looked at as inferior to being "staight".
i completely agree.. who the ef cares if two dudes or two chics want to get married?? not i said the fly, not me said the bee.. i see said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw..
how does it effect my life in one way or another if two gay people get married?? hmm, it doesn't, not in the least.. i don't see why people have their panties up in a bunch about it as i feel the same way about gay marriage as i do drug use.. what harm am i or anyone else doing to anyone else if i prefer to enjoy smoking marijuana in the privacy of my own home?? same with gay marriage imo..


bud bootlegger
Theres dick and theres pussy..they go together perfectly what else can be said....
so you like pussy dsb, so do i, but what do i care if johnny down the street likes cock instead?? i so don't, so long as it's not my cock that he's liking, lol..
and hey, the more gays in the world, that's all the better chance i and every other straight person has at landing a hottie, right??


Well-Known Member
so you like pussy dsb, so do i, but what do i care if johnny down the street likes cock instead?? I so don't, so long as it's not my cock that he's liking, lol..
And hey, the more gays in the world, that's all the better chance i and every other straight person has at landing a hottie, right??
you make a good point racer.....
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