• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Contributors Thread


Well-Known Member
Take a bong hit,, hold it, while holding hit, take a shot. Still holding Bong hit, finish off with a dab. Olympics baby. Haha. I added that last dab part in, but that's our game.

I do notice the lack of oxygen puts you in a dizzying state. That asking with thc can be fun !

But as noted, it's bad for lungs.. but we getting combo high..and and extra 1% WOOO WOOO :p


Well-Known Member
Many of us have made the same suggestion to ignore finMcbumshags threads, it's just so hard to resist responding to such favourites as "Don't worry. This is real chemistry..." hahaha, I mean, we're only human & to be fair, finMcbumshaggy invites trolls, he seems to thrive on ANY attention, good or foul. But yes, if no-one responded to his threads he'd find somewhere else to gain the 'adulation' that he clearly craves.
Some chance that if there is no response, some noobe might end up accepting his post as gospel. Perhaps a response making it clear that it is not accepted by the main steam, and why, without delving to personalities or continuing the exchange after receiving an acrimonious or flip response?


Active Member
Gotta love smoke Olympics... anyone else know what I'm talking about? For you geezers, lol sorry had to, it's where people get together and smoke as much as possible while doing smoke tricks lol probably a California thing ;)
Geezers, GEEZERS? who the fuck are you calling a 'geezer'? I'm middle aged thank you:)

Are you one of those young blokes who thinks anyone over 30 has one foot in the grave ? [I know I did when I was a juvenile :)] Or that we've been hiding under a rock for most of our lives only to emerge every now & again to take a breath & tell you your wrong?

And do you REALLY think that us fossils didn't conduct smoke Olympics when young & impetuous only waiting for the next generation to TEACH us?

A few years ago my then 14yo was sprouting some nonsense that I corrected. He stood his ground until I asked "Do you really think you know more than me or is this just a teenage thing?" Slowly a smile erased his "I'm right & I'm not backing down" expression, laughed & said "Just a teenage thing Dad."

Does anyone still smoke bucket bongs? Man, I gave up bucket bongs after wiping out my Korean neighbours in our local 'Olympics'.
At 18 I held the record of pulling a 4-5 hit party cone [hash] in one go.
So yes, most of us older members played silly games & wasted good pot, showing off.

As one gets older, & hopefully wiser, one tends to adopt habits that are more gentle on the body [read lungs] because the realisation eventually dawns that life is a marathon, not a sprint, for those of us lucky enough to survive the impetuousness of youth:)

Kase I did not invent smoking games nor did the generation before me. We all stand on the shoulders of those who've come before us.

Just a California thing? You haven't travelled & strayed outside your comfort zone yet Kase? It's alright, your young, there's plenty of time to expand your horizons:)


Well-Known Member
Lol whoa... you read waaay too much into my joke of a comment. I am over 30 and frankly think I was born in the wrong generation. As a teenager I got along with my dad's friends more than kids my own age. I just had no idea when or where the term came from ;) Love ya Grey :)


Active Member
Yeah we're good Kase, just having a laugh.

'Geezer' is English slang meaning a bloke. I don't think it's used as a derogatory term but I'm sure our British friends will correct me if I'm mistaken.EDIT; I think it's use often refers to 'old' blokes though.

When I was really young I had mainly older friends, through my love of motor bikes [proper ones:) not rice-burners of old] Now that I'm older, all of my mates are 10-25 years younger. Go figure?

Age is a state of mind. In my minds eye I still see myself as I was in my twenties. Although I'm regularly told I look 40, I still get a shock when I catch my visage in a mirror.] It's only when I recently turned 50 that I thought to myself "Fifty? That's old. Aww fuck it, I don't feel old & can still drink the young fellas under the table." haha

Aww, I love you too Kase :)


Active Member
Some chance that if there is no response, some noobe might end up accepting his post as gospel. Perhaps a response making it clear that it is not accepted by the main steam, and why, without delving to personalities or continuing the exchange after receiving an acrimonious or flip response?
Your absolutely correct Fadedawg, as usual. I've read your comments to fin & could not think of any one more suitable to get that message across, for others to see, in such a restrained yet to the point, compassionate style.

My comment was aimed at those, like myself, who finds it difficult, to do the same without resorting to humour, thereby diluting the seriousness of our objections & criticisms regarding fins flawed & dangerous theoretical instructions.

Me criticise you Fadedawg? Perish the thought :)


Active Member
take a big hit "not inhaled"....and blow smoke rings to others to "inhale" sitting around the table, its pretty cool :D
Everyone must've had a 'shotgun' at some point? Where you put the lit end of a joint in your mouth & blow into anothers mouth while they suck on the end of the joint? It was a cool way to kiss the girls I was too shy to ask. Of course straight guys never offered one to another bloke.
What did you guys call it?


Active Member
Did someone say Shotgun! now your talking my salvage smoker of youth days, oh boy can one joint go far between 6 guys with a shotgun expert at the helm.

As for the straight guy part, well look there's ppl who grew up with allot of weed and those who lived off their father's roaches of imported jamaican high grade. I love olympic talk, i dreamed of having friends who were into that but alas i played all Olympics left hand vs right hand when gripping the bong.... <----loser. I remember trying to force my wife to do shotgun's in the basement bathroom we were living in, i kept telling her if we ever go to india and hit the chillum's i want the true smoker award so you can't be lame. Poor woman couldn't give a shotgun to save her life, me on the other hand i blow em till the tweezer roach status.

Anyways thanks for the unexpected memory lane of smoke.
Hey who's ever smoked one of these for a living? Man for 7 year's i smoked hash with tobacco out of that black sludge filled thing and thought I was a true leather lung cuzz i got bitter tar in my mouth and liked it, oh man that thing has been around the world with me. Thank God for OIL


Active Member
Is that one of those rigs you could smoke on the go? Like on a motorbike?

I was arrested, taken to the Police station & flogged for 2hours & 20 mins by the local knuckle scraping filth. They were after me, I'd been set-up. If it were not for a small pipe in my pocket, I would've avoided arrest, a flogging & court [That's right, they flogged me, trying to extract info., & when that didn't work they charged me. Pricks.] I was 17. I learnt my lesson & never carried any implement again. All I need is an aluminium can to make a pipe in 10 seconds. Smoke then throw in the bin.
Cops are always looking for an excuse. Get you to empty your pockets & they find a pipe? That's all they need to search your car. Mongrels.
One guy I knew was searched & busted because he had a pack of novelty cig papers with a pic of a mj leaf on the papers. Bastards.

I had a huge collection of pipes, bongs, roach-clips, chillums [memories? I haven't heard the word chillum for decades] papers with wires, flavoured papers. After this nasty introduction to Police methods & behavior, I gave my entire collection away.
This new habit of never having anything incriminating in my pockets saved me several times over the coming years.

Cool implement none-the-less Saybian :)


Active Member
I've never understood that side unfortunetly, handling police for me is like talking at a bank. If you respect what they do then they can't take advantage of certain things they can't really do. I think I was afraid of the police until about 24 when i realized I'm an adult who understand law. I never understood area's where you could randomly pat people down but i understand why, it just never could happen to me without the shit hittin the news.

Yes that's my baby compact I use to smoke it out the window at work back in my soho london day, and it was great for walk and smoke past police cuzz there's no cherry for the eye to chase. I've crossed borders with it, and when i lost the top i finally gave up smoking and started ejuicing and dabbing so i owe the pipe allot. I've also had many beutiful pipes and one way or another have none of them now. I still keep this 1 pipe on my desk, it's also a weapon on a necklace if you need it.

I worry more about the police not being there for me, than BEING there for me! I guess that changes the symbol above your head to them. Different sides of the world i guess but your caution is more than valid.


Weed Modifier
just getting into the Halloween spirit :fire:

trying to get others to change their avatars for the week, started a thread, which i posted a link to.


Active Member
Several years ago I got a knock at the door to find 3 coppers standing there. I was going through a nasty family court shit-fight for custody of my son. My ex or her father had rung the local anonymous 'crime stoppers' hot-line & said I was "dealing drugs." I wasn't selling a fucking thing but I did have 6 girls half way through flower. I gave the poor buggers heaps. They wanted a 'quick look' around my home & that would be the end of that. Yeah right & I came down in the last shower. I explained my situation [I was not long out of a 6mnth hospital stay & had been only given a few years to live. I firmly explained that my experience had taught me that half of the Police are decent people trying their best, & the other half are......."Your cops, you know what the other half are like! And as I don't know you guys I apologise if your one of the good guys. Now get a warrant or leave me the fuck alone." Funny thing was none of the coppers corrected my assessment. In fact the lady cop kept nodding her head in agreement.haha
I've met some really decent cops & I've met my share of corrupt cock-sucking arseholes. I am always polite to Police. If the fools confuse that for weakness then that's their mistake. They really don't know what to make of me, hehe.

My 'proudest' achievement at 18, was breaking the nose of one of the seven arseholes flogging me. I laughed my head off as they left me lying bleeding & covered from head to toe in bruises on the cell floor as they led their bleeding mate away sobbing like a little girl "Fuck I think the c#nt broke my nose" AHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA
Funny thing was that I was never harrassed by the local boys ever again. They seemed to have a grudging respect towards me after this. Idk, go figure?

I had an in-built hatred of bullies. I was a little kid, but I learned that bullies are usually gutless mongrels, who are scared of getting hurt.

Anyway, I could ramble all day, [that's just part of the story] but I digress. I've probably said too much. If a cop does his job courteously he will receive the same. If he wants to be a plastic tough guy hiding behind a gun & uniform then I'll do my best to discourage such behavior :)

I probably hold somewhat of a romantic notion regarding British police. The fact that Bobbies don't carry guns. The softly softly approach, the velvet glove. I like that. BUT if ones too stupid to appreciate this & pull out a 'shooter' then stuff em, out comes the Iron fist. A car load of heavily armed coppers turns up. Fair enough I say.

Who else has been flogged by their 'Protectors of Society'?

P.S. I really hope no-one asks "What did you do to deserve the flogging?" No one deserves what I got. I was a kid.
P.S.S. If anyone's wondering, there were two separate Police 'incidents'.


Well-Known Member
I had the unfortunate experience of being involved in an automobile accident with injury, while drinking, and I can tell you that you do not want any part of the jail system, because that is where the lowest common subhuman denominator resides, many of them in a jailer position.

Acknowledging those serving as prison guards from a deep love of humanity and a desire to serve the lowest human denominators, ask yourself where you think the bullies and cowards of the earth go to find a job where they can fullfil their sociopathic drives with impunity, and the victims are mostly unarmed and impotently vulnerable.

As far as the police on the street locally, be very careful how you move around them, lest you get shot for making what they perceived to be a threatening gesture that left them gravely concerned for their own safety and that of those around them. They repeatedly gun folks down, some unarmed, and it has gotten bad enough for the federal government to step in our local law enforcement issues.

In something as simple as traffic court, they lie to support the ticket they have written, even after clearly being shown in error and one even threatened me leaving the courtroom after I proved without a shadow of a doubt that he was not only in error, but lying through his teeth, and the judge tossed his ticket.

How much do you think I trust them to be truthful on anything else?

Do I feel threatened, no, because I grew up in snake country and have learned to keep a watchful eye, and because except for walking my well trained dog off the leash and occasional mild speeding, I give them no reason to focus on me.

I'm courteous and polite to most people, that aren't in my face, and most of my encounters with local police officers have been at the worst neutral, but do not forget that even with the good guys protecting and serving in the mix, there is a disproportionate proportion of bullies and sociopaths in that profession.

I would personally get the signatures to put a bill before the voters to ban their profession entirely, if there weren't other sociopaths and psychopaths out there preying on us...........................................

If we took away their enforcement jobs, where would those sociopaths and psychopaths go???????????????


Active Member
^^^exactly^^^ What we call a necessary evil huh? I don't know how working in a maximum security prison would not change a person. I was a little on the wild side when I was a young fella. A mate was in maximum security so off course I visited him. There was a vibe in that place, made up of the worst of human emotion that is so thick, you could almost cut it with a knife. That first visit was enough to calm my youthful indiscretions some-what, I swore to myself I was never going in that place unwillingly. My mate came out 18 months later a changed guy, he was only 20. Although he was ok, protected [knew enough of the right people in there] it was what he saw done to others that messed with his head the most. Some of the stories not only defied credulity, but also basic humanity.

I've seen some crazy stuff from the US. Has anyone seen that vid of 'Ernest' someone, a black guy who was gunned down while he had his arms raised? The cop unloaded 12 to 15 bullets in this guy. Cops in the U.S. seem to be trigger happy, they even pull their guns at traffic stops if what I see on C.O.P.S. is an accurate account. That just doesn't happen here in Aus. Although, having said that, since they removed minimum height requirements for coppers [because that would discriminate against little asian boys & wimps who want to play cop] are getting Taser happy. A couple of little asian coppers killed a Brazilian back packer recently, zapped him over 40 times. Why? "He was bigger than me."