The crazy ideas you'll come up with ON Weed


Active Member
I was thinking earlier today, that you know how the ocean has a distinct smell? Well i was thinking, since the world is mostly covered in ocean, shouldnt the smell like permiate, and cover the entire world? Then i thought, maybe it does and we just dont know cause its always been there and we're just used to it, and the smell at the ocen is something else, like the sand.

It seemed to make more sense when I was high. haha


Well-Known Member
alright well i thought of a new type of joke. you know like theres racist jokes, blonde jokes, etc. its period jokes. but they only count when u make a period joke to a girl while shes on her period. if u make a period joke and nobody in the room is on their period, youre just a loser.


New Member
alright well i thought of a new type of joke. you know like theres racist jokes, blonde jokes, etc. its period jokes. but they only count when u make a period joke to a girl while shes on her period. if u make a period joke and nobody in the room is on their period, youre just a loser.
thats just nasty man. i get upset when femenine hygene commercials come on, i wouldnt want my "homies" clowning around about it in our spare time..


Well-Known Member
Heres some deep shit i thought up and put in my "thoughts journal":

We havent evolved over the years as humans. Only parts of our minds. Like how our minds stimulus has evolved with the industrial revolution and war. we quest and crave for levels of hapiness that we no longer provide for ourselves naturally.

Lol if i were to create an RnB music video:

Get a Tahoe or yukon and turbo/supercharge it. Get big rims 26's/28s and do a burn out at the drag strip while doing an RnB song (think falsetto). It would be awesome.
Make the Tahoe extra nice. like a competion one.

Make a cover of fiona apples - Criminal but steer it toward a mans point of view

About Dj ing: Cut songs short when they get weak and play an even better song. That way you can get more songs in before commercials