The Cup 2010 ~One Mans View~


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In America on Saturday something amazing happened, some of the most famous people in the Cannabis world stood under gods sunshine and enjoyed a sacred plant. Dennis Peron, Will Foster, Jorge Cervantes, DJ Short, BOG, MzJill, and Subcool all stood in full view in what was the smoke session of all sessions IMO. We were not all officially toking together but all stood in a 10 foot area! The times are indeed changing Bobby D.
TGA attended the 2010 High Times Medical Cup this weekend and I wanted to share my experience with you. It was a cool windy morning the first day as we made our way over to "Terra", an art gallery and exhibit hall where the event was held. Everyone was very busy when we arrived getting their areas prepared and everyone was smiling and happy. We checked in and found out where our two areas were and my crew started setting up while I cruised the facility checking everyone out. I made a few Video's that will be loaded on YouTube by the time this story is posted.
While the vendors readied there stations anxious people waited in line to come inside it was all very exciting. People started pouring in and from the start it was apparent that the venue was too small. The Terra is a really nice place but only a few small entry points and very limited wheelchair access kinda bummed me out, I mean it's a medical event. Richard Lee would have had a very hard time accessing this event and that's just wrong. I read online that many people with VIP passes waited as long as 2 hours to get inside so thats kind of a bummer. Once inside visitors were treated to some pretty amazing displays though and TGA was passing out bonghits, hash hits and bud samples in the 215 Area as well as answering any questions about growing, super soil and genetics.



Well-Known Member
The Hash bar was up and running but a few people passed out from the incredibly potent hash and after the second stretcher was wheeled in that was shut down. Keep in mind all these people needed was some sugar and rest I have had a few white outs myself and the ambulance was overkill but public safety is always paramount.

MzJill came in looking so hot in her green fairy outfit, she has been training really hard in the gym and it showed and as always she made me look cool just standing next to her. So now that we were together I took her through the event and introduced her to everyone I had met that morning. She made sure I had fresh water and good food all day as I tend to talk all day and ignore my health. I'd turn around and she hand me something and say eat this. I too am training in the gym so its important to eat properly to get results. Thank you Baby!
The great thing about these events is how nice everyone always is. Other than a few pushes and shoves in the crowded corridors it was a very peaceful gathering as every Cannabis event I have ever attended was. Things don't always go smoothly when stoners are involved but they're also more patient about things. So many people came up and bought books and other gear and many were surprised that I was just hanging out and many were overly complimentary to MzJill and Myself.
It's weird to me I went from someone that no one knew to someone that people are shocked I am just a normal dude. I love teaching people how to grow great cannabis and I love hearing how it helps people with serious medical conditions or just everyday use that keeps a person sane in this crazy world.
It was that afternoon that Jack Green came over and showed us his Vortex entry that he had entered with a repugnant name and both Jill and I were disgusted. I am sure MzJill more than I but she didn't comment at that time, as you really try and get along and be nice to people at these events. Later you can hear my comment when it appeared on the Video screen. The name is demeaning to woman, demeaning to God, Demeaning to the medical Movement itself and MzJill and I both had a feeling the way things work in life and the fact it was a TGA stain it was going to win. Things just work like that for us some times we call it the magnet. The one thing youd hate to happen always does! Jack seemed like a nice guy but his idea for a name is more a joke shared between men and not something you actually would name a strain. There's also the fact it already had a name, VORTEX.
The day wound down and even though there was an after party all the walking really trashes my knee and I was limping pretty badly by that evening so we just had some food and crashed, getting old sucks but I just didn't have the energy to cover the party and I am sorry I can't bring you that story.
Day two was less windy and warmer, we headed over around 9.30 in the morning and got set up for the 12 noon opening. MzJill has this awesome GO GREEN cheerleader outfit thats super cute and since it wasn't windy and cold she excited for the sunshine. (pic)



Well-Known Member
I met a really nice couple Frank and Jenna the day before that were fans and had entered the "FRUIT LOOPS" strain. They are with MJ Consultants, INC/Patient to Patient Collective in Lake Tahoe. They had given me a bud to sample and take pictures of but I had lost that bud and was honest about it and they came over with a few nice purple buds. I started to shoot the buds and Jenna ran off to get real colas. These two are what's good about cannabis caring sharing people just hoping to show off their buds and have people appreciate them as growers. I may be Subcool but I will always be that person and so will MzJill. There strain tested above 19% THC and was easily my favorite of the Purple entries I tasted. With 40 entries for 2 people to test it would be impossible to get a fair assessment so most of us feel this is more of an opinion of a few people rather than a contest that is judged fairly. The HT crew are all good people as a whole Matt worked his ass off and his feet were just as sore as mine by the end of day one but we heard there were 11 judges then 9 then when it went down only two? How can 2 people judge 35+ edibles? So thats my biggest complaint other than access, luck plays as much a part of a win as does effort and skill.
I mentioned some people in the start of this article that you may have heard of. . Dennis Peron, Will Foster, Jorge Cervantes, DJ Short, BOG and so many other people were there in support of the movement and the plant. BOG was super nice and we shared buds and hash hits and pictures. I introduced MzJill and Myself to DJ Short and he was rather stuffy and pretty much just walked off after excusing himself. Either he was high, nervous, or stuck up but I wasn't impressed at all. Jorge was his usual charming self and I really enjoyed re telling the story of the first time I met Will Foster and sampled his Full melt dry sift.
Ipski420 came by with his crew just great people really down to earth and he dropped this huge Grand Daddy Purple Bud on the table so I took some shots of it also.
Speaking of full melt dry sift, I have a fan that we met at the Expo in April that was there again and had some amazing yellow keif that was absolutely full melt and he got me very medicated with his cool jug bong but I asked if I could have a small pile to test in my own pipe later in the hotel and he gave me a huge jar full. It was to much so I asked him to let me give him some of my full melt even though it was just the #3 and he said hell yes he wasn't going to smoke it but frame it. I hope he does smoke it though because I am damn sure smoking his!!. It was made from Blue Dream and is just primo some of the best I have ever tasted I just wish I knew the cats name. He wears a lab coat that says "The Dude" so if anyone knows this cat I would love to give him proper credit.
That afternoon I was told that My Vortex entry and Jack Green's tested very high and within the margin or error with each other. I knew then that the Cup was going to the Vortex Entry with the disgusting name but I was hoping that the Third Dimension would still do well. It was grown by one of my best friends and easily my favorite entry. I was convinced he was going to get the win for TGA or at least a second place.
The ceremonies were packed and I was really happy my buddy the hash man Vernon took second place. He was so excited he was about to pass out and having recovered from a brain tumor just two years earlier with the help of his hash I only wish he had taken home the cup. If there was better hash than his I hope to one day smoke from that growers head stash.
When They announced the Winner of the Sativa as Jack Greens Vortex the female announcer struggled with the offensive name but sure enough the world world now knows what a mockery this event was to the Medical Movement, Woman, and anyone who believes in a higher power . Jack clearly stated his thanks to TGA and that all he had done was plant a few of our seeds. But I was shocked to see no mention of the strains real name in any HT press release.
When I got home I was happy to see that the internet boards were just as appalled and also that everyone is aware a TGA strain won the cup.
While I really really wanted a cup myself I am really happy that all it took to win the cup was a pack of my seeds. I hope the HT crew takes this as constructive criticism and makes some changes for the next event. As a business owner it wasn't a profitable event for us like the Expo was and if we don't return that will be the main reason. Vendors have bills to pay and its up to an event planner to make an event profitable if its to be a success.
MzJill and I would like to thank the entire TGA Crew who work very hard making sure everything's set up and spend countless hours answering questions, giving out donations out of their own pockets and working the booths so we can do our thing. A special shout to Dioxide who put in 1500 miles to get the shirts, books and stuff down to the event.

I'd also like to thank the hundreds of people that braved the lines and crowds to stop by and say hello. See you at the Expo in Sept. Did you hear that Cypress Hill and Sublime will be there :)
Thats my story and I'm sticking to it


Bonus Coverage coming up I have samples of the winning entry :)



awesome write up sub, It was great seeing you there. My friends were very happy to meet you. I know your a normal dude and they were stoked on how down to earth you are, Your just like us man. Most people don't realize that, but that's what makes it so cool, , very easy to relate to and have a conversation. Don't hesitate to hit us up if your ever back down in the area. I'll Show you some good BB-q you wouldn't believe. Sweet tea and all, Plus lots of full melt bubble rips to the dome.

those GDP pics are my home grown. I appreciate you posting them up
take care buddy, Tell Jill I said HIGH, and It was nice meeting Dioxide, I'm looking forward to planting these chernobyls and cheesequakes man,.. already got the Qrazys in flower. Hopefully see you in Aug at hemp fest. If not Sept is going on again at Cow palace.



Well-Known Member
awesome write up sub, It was great seeing you there. My friends were very happy to meet you. I know your a normal dude and they were stoked on how down to earth you are, Your just like us man. Most people don't realize that, but that's what makes it so cool, , very easy to relate to and have a conversation. Don't hesitate to hit us up if your ever back down in the area. I'll Show you some good BB-q you wouldn't believe. Sweet tea and all, Plus lots of full melt bubble rips to the dome.

those GDP pics are my home grown. I appreciate you posting them up
take care buddy, Tell Jill I said HIGH, and It was nice meeting Dioxide, I'm looking forward to planting these chernobyls and cheesequakes man,.. already got the Qrazys in flower. Hopefully see you in Aug at hemp fest. If not Sept is going on again at Cow palace.

I will edit the story to reflect your GDP bro it was easy to loose track :)


I will edit the story to reflect your GDP bro it was easy to loose track :)
tell me about it. :)
next time you'll have to try my full melt. we never had a session. I didn't want to intrude cause your super busy and got mad lurkers on the scene. Someday we'll get together for a proper smoke out though.


Well-Known Member
Sub you know you got something good when someone wants to name it there own .

Even if you did not get the cup you can at least have pride in that your strain won the first every US medical cannabis cup . No one else can say that . Also all of us know the true credit is due to you and the TGA crew .
Its hard to believe someone beat you with your own strain,
but like you said 2 people were testing what 20 or 30 strains.
Kind of ridiculous.
If i grew out vortex and won over you i'd be stoked.
i sure wouldn't hide it with a stupid name.
no mater what the name, Vortex won!!!
best weed in the world.
theres a lot of glory in it.
your the shit.
and everybody knows it.
sorry about the ass suck'in.


Well-Known Member
Great write up Subcool. Donesn't really sound like I missed out on a whole lot (except meeting the TGA crew and personally getting some gear)

What is the expo comming up? Is it only open to cali medical card holders?


Well-Known Member
Show looks awesome, but be careful advertising Sublime. James Bradley Nowell is dead and there will be no more true Sublime. RIP JBN.


Well-Known Member
what ever I am just telling you whoese on the bill fact checker
Kotton mouth kinks too sept 25,26 TGA is now the main sponcer :)


Well-Known Member
So my Washington distributor Sacred Seeds pays 1500 for a booth 500 to enter High Plains Drifter and when he calls to ask how it tested he is told a mistake was made and his sample was never tested.
Does this sound like an accurate contest?


Well-Known Member
We are a proud Cannabis Family and through our efforts we help hundreds of sick people. I deal with MS patience and cerebral palsy and many cancer victims.
We dont hide what we do and are not embarrassed in anyway to discuss cannabis with our kids. But with three daughters I damn sure cant explain the controversy of this win.
We live in two very different places and while I have seen a female friend use the C word in a restaurant in the UK it dosnt fly here to insult women.

Petey McEnroe

Well-Known Member
thanks for the write up bro. looks like it was a fun day.

great lookin GDP lpski. i know its bad ass cuz i grow the same cut.

The Potologist

Active Member
Thanks for the awesome write up SUB! Sucks to see only two people testing that many strains.....So whats the ETA on that tackle box full of hash??? I know you thought of me when you saw that and was like...I better grab this for my boy Potologist, he'd do it for me :) Your the bestest Sub & MzJill!!! TO YOU I FIRE IN DA HOLE!!!