the cure for cancer


Well-Known Member
they found it!

I will try to find a internet article with information on it, I saw it on news tonight, a doctor in houston who specializes in advanced cancers and brain tumors, isolated the cancer genes and now he can turn them off, and turns on some good genes in there place.
it may not be the cure for every one and every type , but the FDA has already approved it, and I belived he's cured a few people already!!!!

fuck you cancer


Well-Known Member
along with stem cells they could make human lives so much longer its almost scary(before anyone goes and says about stem cells and them being from aborted babies their is something alot of people have not heard about, a simple way to make adult skin cells re-vert to clean slates that are for all intents and purposes stem cells. no aborted babies required). I say its almost scary because just think about how overpopulated the world is getting, imagine if most people(in developed countries at least, in fact those who could not get it would probably have their resources taken by those who are more priveledged once they start running out of resources) lived 300-400 years old or older.....


Well-Known Member
They already have the cure for Cancer. Its called population control. Thats why they don't give it out. Oh ya, can you imagine the money that woud come out of the economy, if they revealed the cure.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
If a cure for cancer was found, every television station on earth would cut in to a breaking news story about it. :) Kinda like the Emergency Broadcast System. :D


Active Member
marijuana cuts brain tumor growth by 50%, and slows the spread of brain cancer. the study was done at Harvard University. if you look around you can probably find it.


Well-Known Member
Lost my wife to cancer early last year. My belief anymore is " There is no money in the cure" These pharmaceutical company's and Doctors make billions off the drugs or should I say poisons they pump in to people. I believe the cure is out there but like I said, "No Profit"


Well-Known Member
I have become increasingly frightened of this idea as I have gotten older. The worst part about Hell, is that it's eternal. :(
Lots of things start to "Hit Home" as you get older. You are starting to sound like me Crypt. Things I think about now, I never even gave them a second thought 10-15 years ago.:-(


Well-Known Member
motherfuckers dont want people to know der is a cure for cancer just like the cure for syphilis wich der is but most people dont kno so they end up dying with that shit