Well-Known Member
can't elaborate? what else ya got to do triggered snowflake? tell me why you feel this way about this particular issue...
You really need to take a paws and tidy up a bit, kitty cat.
can't elaborate? what else ya got to do triggered snowflake? tell me why you feel this way about this particular issue...
I had no intent of implying it was mine and my floor is spotless.
yes, that cat shit is worthy of ridicule. I have ridiculed it many times. keep it up, your doing great sweetheart!
are you trying to distract from the fact that you don't grow or smoke, that no one likes you, and that you are just here to spam us with your nazi shit?yes, that cat shit is worthy of ridicule. I have ridiculed it many times. keep it up, your doing great sweetheart!
you've gone and steered off topic because I posted a pic of your grow.
We've got lot's of uranium, we export it I believe and turn it into a harmless kind of nuclear fuel, not the fast breeder reactors like those used in the US. Any uranium set to Canada was probably made into fuel rods for CANDU heavy water reactors, it's one way to make sure it doesn't end up in a bomb I suppose.according to you, Russia. Canada is where the uranium went so why not right?
you posted that pic to distract from a question that you are desperately trying to avoid concocting a lie for:
why do you post on a pot website even though you don't smoke or grow, and no one likes you or the literal russian spam you bombard us with?
@captainmorgan where you at? don't want to ridicule this grow anymore buddy?
We've got lot's of uranium, we export it I believe and turn it into a harmless kind of nuclear fuel, not the fast breeder reactors like those used in the US. Any uranium set to Canada was probably made into fuel rods for CANDU heavy water reactors, it's one way to make sure it doesn't end up in a bomb I suppose.
Most people control a grows odor with carbon filters, never seen anyone do it with cat shit lol.
We are in a position of advantage, Trump would put us there by fucking up and throwing them out, we could take more than 10% with private sponsorship alone and politically it might not be too unpopular. We have fairly strict criteria for citizenship and I'm sure at least 30% could qualify under the regular rules. They speak english and are educated, so a lot of the heavy lifting has been done. Hell they is even Christians and most are white (that's important to some people), but I'm sure lots of Muslims will be eager to take their place, a bit of cultural difference, but fine folks just the same. Good luck with that...since this is all hypothetical, why only take 10% why not 100% so they can live better than here in America as you put it?
I still like smart pots, work farm dirt and maxsea.
sucks to suck.
jesus christ you pathetic racists are getting desperate nowit was smuggled out. us uranium is not legally exported.
We are in a position of advantage, Trump would put us there by fucking up and throwing them out, we could take more than 10% with private sponsorship alone and politically it might not be too unpopular. We have fairly strict criteria for citizenship and I'm sure at least 30% could qualify under the regular rules. They speak english and are educated, so a lot of the heavy lifting has been done. Hell they is even Christians and most are white (that's important to some people), but I'm sure lots of Muslims will be eager to take their place, a bit of cultural difference, but fine folks just the same. Good luck with that...
Ya see the problem is people from Norway don't want to move to America, they think it's a shit hole. Compared to Norway, I'm sad to say it is, Canada ain't much better when compared to them either. So no Norwegians, it's hispanics, africans and muslims on offer, take yer pick, dreamers don't seem so bad do they?
good luck with what?
desperate to avoid answering that one eh?
you don't smoke or grow. no one likes you. all you do is repeat verbatim whatever trump or russian bots are saying that day. so why are you here?
he was telling you that norwegians don't want to immigrate here, it's a shithole compared to their country. but plenty of people from muslim countries are happy to come here, and you hate muslims because you are an obvious racist (FREEDOM OF RELIGION DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN BUILD A MOSQUE!) so he was wishing you good luck with dealing with those brown people you are racist against.
does that help, trailer boi?
Many would, many are children, I figure they would be a good risk if America was stupid enough to throw them out. If they came as children they wouldn't have an issue, parents might though.good luck with what? dreamers aren't going anywhere. why are you a Canadian saying dreamers wouldn't make citizenship in your country?
and 400 Norwegians immigrated here last year. guess those know their oil and gas reserves cant float their cradle to grave welfare forever?
calm down, trailer cuck. i was helping you out because i have a low opinion of your intellect.that guy seems a lot smarter than having to have a cat shit grower speak for him. the fact you feel the need to speak for him makes it seem you have a low opinion of his intellect.
who the fuck are you to speak for others on their own thread?