The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
On a side note...

New York attorney general sues Trump Foundation

The New York attorney general on Thursday sued President Donald Trump's charitable foundation along with its directors -- the President, his sons Eric and Donald Jr. and daughter Ivanka, alleging they violated state and federal charities law.

Attorney General Barbara Underwood alleges a pattern of persistent illegal conduct over more than a decade that includes extensive unlawful political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign.

chump change.

the majority of us know he is a criminal. but we are currently dealing with treason.

america needs to TAKE OUT THE WHITE TRASH again !!!!!!

greg nr

Well-Known Member
It's a bad day quit popcorn.......

Ahead of likely charges, Cohen looks to sell property, hire lawyers with plea expertise
Ahead of likely charges, Cohen looks to sell property, hire lawyers with plea expertise



Ahead of likely charges, Cohen looks to sell property, hire lawyers with plea expertise …

5:38 PM - Jun 14, 2018

Ahead of likely charges, Cohen looks to sell property, hire lawyers with plea expertise

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greg nr

Well-Known Member
I guess I'll just have to toke more....

Exclusive: Michael Cohen believes Trump and his allies are turning on him
Source: CBS News

CBS News has learned that Michael Cohen, President Trump's longtime personal attorney, believes the president and his allies are turning against him. Sources familiar with Cohen's legal problems say that he is increasingly feeling isolated from Mr. Trump and his allies, and Cohen appears to be moving closer to a legal strategy of cooperating with investigators given the gulf that now exists between him and Mr. Trump.

A source says about Cohen, "the signals are crystal clear" that they are turning on him.

These new developments come as Cohen fields inquiries about whether he is going to "flip" and cooperate with investigators.

Cohen's associates say that in recent days he has become increasingly irritated by statements made in the media by the president's lawyer in the Russia investigation, Rudy Giuliani. A source tells Pegues the president's allies are trying to attack Cohen in the event that he does flip.

Read more:

Let's hope this is the best birthday present ever--for the nation.


Well-Known Member
Don't members of congress swear the same oath to defend and protect the constitution that the military takes? Shouldn't they be held to the same standards? A soldier breaks his oath through an act of cowardice, so does a congressman or senator.

Usually defend and protect requires guts on the part of those doing the defending and protecting...
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Well-Known Member
I'm hoping for a hundred plus seat change in the house and a shocking loss for the GOP in the senate, even with their limited exposure. If these circumstances don't lead to a landslide, I'd say the country is in big trouble and so are we here in Canada. I believe the GOP lost the middle of the country and I see dozens of talented former republicans with brains on TV thrashing their former party and Donald daily. What Donald Trump and a lame duck resentful GOP congress would do then will be interesting to say the least. I hope they take the fucker with them when they go, cause they will have a month to finally do their constitutional duty before they go back home to face their neighbors. If the Dems pull off a big victory, Trump will be going berserk between november and january and literally anything is possible from this desperate sociopath and the idiots who hang onto his every word as if it were truth. Assuming they can understand what he is saying, since he often contradicts himself in the same sentence. But I guess the hate and malice are easy to understand and that's what really appeals to the base, policy is of no concern and neither are patriotism, honor, common sense or truth.

The dark side is strong with in Donald, he has power over the weak minded and there are many.
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greg nr

Well-Known Member
Trump just went into full dictator mode:

Trump tells Fox News he wants Americans to obey him like North Koreans obey Kim Jong-un
Source: RawStory

15 JUN 2018 AT 08:54 ET

During a surprise interview with “Fox & Friends” on Friday, Trump said he was impressed by the respect that Kim commanded from his people.

“He’s the head of the country — and he’s the strong head, don’t let anyone think anything different,” Trump said during the interview. “He speaks and his people sit up in attention. I want my people to do the same.

Kim Jong-un runs a totalitarian dictatorship in which people face imprisonment or execution if they criticize him. According to human rights watchdog Amnesty International, North Korea has imprisoned an estimated 120,000 people based on political grounds across four separate camps dedicated to imprisoning political dissidents.

Despite this, the president has praised Kim for being a “very tough” leader who “loves” the people of his country.

Aaron Rupar


Replying to @atrupar
OMG -- Trump again says that during the 2016 campaign, parents of Korean War veterans approached him asking for help returning remains of American soldiers who died there. The war ended in 1953.

Aaron Rupar


WOW -- Trump says he wants American people to treat him like North Koreans treat totalitarian dictator Kim Jong Un.

"Hey, he's the head of a country, and he's the strong head -- he speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same."

8:55 AM - Jun 15, 2018

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greg nr

Well-Known Member
Aww, wittle wittle poty needs his nappies.....

Donald Trump is officially out of gas
Bill Palmer | 1:13 pm EDT June 15, 2018
Palmer Report » Analysis

It’s gotten even worse. When Donald Trump was at the G7 summit, he often came off like he was half dead. He lumbered around like a zombie. He was accused by other nations of having fallen asleep during meetings. Even though his handlers had him showing up late and leaving early, they couldn’t cover for the fact that he was out of gas. Then came his North Korea summit, where he seemed to be completely out of it. Now that he’s home, new developments say that he’s not exactly recovering.

On Thursday, there were zero public events on Donald Trump’s official calendar. Today there are also zero public events on his schedule. It’s not as if he has anything going on behind the scenes either. Best anyone can tell, he’s in bed watching Fox News while eating Big Macs. This is how he spends most of every day – but these past two days, it’s all he’s doing.

Donald Trump is out of gas, and not in the way that you or I would be worn out if we just came back from an international trip. He didn’t do anything during his trip. He slept on Air Force One, then he presumably slept his way through most of the G7, then he went to Singapore and did little beyond holding a forty minute meeting with Kim. This trip should not have worn him out to the extent that he’s needed to spend the whole rest of the week in bed since he got home – particularly considering that he’s also surely going to end up doing nothing this weekend.

There are differing schools of thought about whether we’re worse off when Donald Trump is trying to do the job and doing it horribly, or when he’s not even trying. I’m not sure what side I’m on when it comes to that particular debate. But the bottom line is that this guy has nothing left in the tank. He’s gearing up for the fight of his life. His presidency, his family, and his freedom hang in the balance as his criminal scandals come to a head during this new prison phase. Instead of gearing up for one last fight, Trump is sleepwalking.

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Well-Known Member
Aww, wittle wittle poty needs his nappies.....

Donald Trump is officially out of gas
Bill Palmer | 1:13 pm EDT June 15, 2018
Palmer Report » Analysis

It’s gotten even worse. When Donald Trump was at the G7 summit, he often came off like he was half dead. He lumbered around like a zombie. He was accused by other nations of having fallen asleep during meetings. Even though his handlers had him showing up late and leaving early, they couldn’t cover for the fact that he was out of gas. Then came his North Korea summit, where he seemed to be completely out of it. Now that he’s home, new developments say that he’s not exactly recovering.

On Thursday, there were zero public events on Donald Trump’s official calendar. Today there are also zero public events on his schedule. It’s not as if he has anything going on behind the scenes either. Best anyone can tell, he’s in bed watching Fox News while eating Big Macs. This is how he spends most of every day – but these past two days, it’s all he’s doing.

Donald Trump is out of gas, and not in the way that you or I would be worn out if we just came back from an international trip. He didn’t do anything during his trip. He slept on Air Force One, then he presumably slept his way through most of the G7, then he went to Singapore and did little beyond holding a forty minute meeting with Kim. This trip should not have worn him out to the extent that he’s needed to spend the whole rest of the week in bed since he got home – particularly considering that he’s also surely going to end up doing nothing this weekend.

There are differing schools of thought about whether we’re worse off when Donald Trump is trying to do the job and doing it horribly, or when he’s not even trying. I’m not sure what side I’m on when it comes to that particular debate. But the bottom line is that this guy has nothing left in the tank. He’s gearing up for the fight of his life. His presidency, his family, and his freedom hang in the balance as his criminal scandals come to a head during this new prison phase. Instead of gearing up for one last fight, Trump is sleepwalking.

Help fund Palmer Report's early and accurate political analysis: PayPalGoFundMe

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It looks like stress and a shitty lifestyle are taking its toll on Donald, he is looking pretty bad lately, looks stressed out, good, no rest for the wicked...


Well-Known Member
Paul Manafort sent to jail, pending trial
A judge sent former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort to jail as he awaits trial on foreign lobbying and other charges. CNN's Shimon Prokupecz reports.
One down and a lot more to go, Paulie heard the jail door slam behind him and he'll be coming out in a box, unless... I wonder what Donald's reaction would be if he suddenly made bail again someday soon! Too bad he didn't go to jail in NYC instead of Virginia, I hear Riker's island is lovely this time of year. But I do understand he is gonna spend some quality time in a DC jail till they figure out where to warehouse him. I figure about two weeks should do it, he'll wanna talk to Mueller by then, if Cohen is gonna talk, maybe Paul will wanna get in first. No wonder that Donald is all stressed out!
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Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Don't members of congress swear the same oath to defend and protect the constitution that the military takes? Shouldn't they be held to the same standards? A soldier breaks his oath through an act of cowardice, so does a congressman or senator.

Usually defend and protect requires guts on the part of those doing the defending and protecting...

politicians in america are criminals...

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Trump just went into full dictator mode:

Trump tells Fox News he wants Americans to obey him like North Koreans obey Kim Jong-un
Source: RawStory

15 JUN 2018 AT 08:54 ET

During a surprise interview with “Fox & Friends” on Friday, Trump said he was impressed by the respect that Kim commanded from his people.

“He’s the head of the country — and he’s the strong head, don’t let anyone think anything different,” Trump said during the interview. “He speaks and his people sit up in attention. I want my people to do the same.

Kim Jong-un runs a totalitarian dictatorship in which people face imprisonment or execution if they criticize him. According to human rights watchdog Amnesty International, North Korea has imprisoned an estimated 120,000 people based on political grounds across four separate camps dedicated to imprisoning political dissidents.

Despite this, the president has praised Kim for being a “very tough” leader who “loves” the people of his country.

Aaron Rupar


Replying to @atrupar
OMG -- Trump again says that during the 2016 campaign, parents of Korean War veterans approached him asking for help returning remains of American soldiers who died there. The war ended in 1953.

Aaron Rupar


WOW -- Trump says he wants American people to treat him like North Koreans treat totalitarian dictator Kim Jong Un.

"Hey, he's the head of a country, and he's the strong head -- he speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same."

8:55 AM - Jun 15, 2018

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if i some how end up in a crowd of people listening the retards and he says anything remotely close, i will stand up, whip out my dick and start peeing on people who cheer...


Well-Known Member
Monologue: A Feckless Stunt | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including a scathing new Justice Department report, legal drama for the president's former lawyer, and Donald Trump's meeting with his new best friend.

Justin and Donald | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill puts on a modern spin on the "Goofus and Gallant" comic strip with Donald Trump and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau.

New Rule: #BlueToo | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill calls for a review of police hiring practices and demands that good cops stop protecting their abusive peers.


Well-Known Member
I think the hold Putin has on Trump is now asylum, Trump will run to Moscow on air force one if he thinks he's gonna be impeached. Trump will claim a "deep state coup" and do propaganda from Moscow like Tokyo Rose to a 5th column of his hardcore base. Whatever Putin had on Trump is irrelevant now and I figure Trump is sucking his arse for a place to run to. I wonder how long the plane will be on the tarmac in Moscow before they bring it back, Pence might have a few questions to answer too. I wonder if the heat will get hot enough before the election for him to try, wouldn't look good for the GOP if he went before the midterms. Trump is eager for another meeting with Putin, and Putin WILL be fucked anyway after this stunt, so why not. Trump could even announce it before he leaves and the GOP wouldn't do anything about it. Hell he'd be in Moscow for a month before they would impeach him and even then the base would freak out on them.

Putin couldn't refuse to let Donald land and stay because if he refused, Trump might nuke russia on the way back home to try to eliminate the evidence and cause a distraction. Only after Donald is removed from office will Putin turn on him and send him back home, in chains with any luck. Pardon that president Pence, even though Putin probably owns him too, seems Manafort really wanted Pence as VP, so that tells ya something.

I always expect the worst from Donald and he seldom disappoints, if he ran to moscow while pardoning every criminal in the USA on the way, I wouldn't be surprised, would you?
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Well-Known Member
I'd personally like to carve a swastika in that cocksucker's forehead. I hope he ends up in the bighouse and someone carves him one.

7 hours ago
Report: Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Pushed for Border Separation Policy


White House adviser Stephen Miller was the driving force behind President Trump’s decision to enforce the family separation policy at U.S. borders, according to The New York Times. Unlike Trump, who has publicly claimed to hate the practice, Miller told the Times it was a “simple decision.” “No nation can have the policy that whole classes of people are immune from immigration law or enforcement. … The message is that no one is exempt from immigration law,” he was quoted as saying. The immigration hardliner had argued in recent months for “zero tolerance” policies and a new way to end the common practice of “catch and release,” which allowed illegal immigrants to be released into the country while their cases were being processed. Miller also reportedly pushed Trump and other White House officials to begin using deterrence policies, and after border numbers spiked in April, he was said to have been instrumental in convincing Trump to resort to the “nuclear option” now so widely being condemned as inhumane.


How Trump Came to Enforce a Practice of Separating Migrant Families

A child cried as her mother was searched and detained in McAllen, Tex., this past week.
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