The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
When ya think about it for a minute, Charlie Manson would have made at least as good a president as Donald Trump, probably better, Charlie didn't lie nearly as much! Congress probably could've worked with Charlie, even the swastika he had carved into his forehead would have been a hit with the base. He could focus better and probably had more empathy too. I'm also pretty sure he never committed treason either. Yep, the late Charlie don't seem so bad in comparison...:lol:

Hey the asshole is president of the United States, ya gotta have fun with the absurdity of it all, it's a choice between laugh or go nuts sometimes. Why do you think late night comics are so popular lately and why they all went political. I'm serious about Charlie though...

That would make a good thread BTW: Would Charlie Manson have been a better president than Trump? One psycho is as good as another I suppose.
Trump got way closer to Rahowa than Charlie. Lol. No but really both should burn in hell.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too familiar with Russia's election process or term limits, maybe Putin will still be President at the time?
Is slowing down Energy Independence in the best interests of the US?

And, are you happy handing over the trust of African countries to China.

In eighteen months, entrepreneurs brought electricity to hundreds of thousands of people in places that the grid failed to reach.

Now you know why we pay more for solar panels and washing machines, But hey!, Proctor and Gamble might be able to sell soap pods for those machines as soon as we get diplomats in place.


Well-Known Member
Everyone still standing behind Trump is all in. They are hell bent on destroying everything if that's what it takes to maintain their lies. Scorches earth on liberals, and because their base is so stupid and brainwashed, they will cheer even as they become collateral damage. They want a civil war, and like Republicans under Obama, they offer no solutions to any problem except sabotage, a straight shot to collapse via libertarian fantasy. Their ineptitude fuels their anger. All they have is hate, and they would rather see everyone fail and die than see liberal solutions succeed.

If Democrats gain control, I'd say July 2019.
that was apparent with roy pedo over party.


Well-Known Member
We are right in the middle of TV season for much of the country, lot's of folks will be paying attention to the news for awhile. They are going to go into the summer holidays with lot's to talk about, for Trump and the Republicans it will be a long hot summer indeed. By labor day the public should be well lathered up with treasonous revelations coming from the trials and news coverage, that's the traditional beginning of the campaign season. The current polls show the republicans getting murdered come next election, what will they be like in november after a winter, spring and summer of fun?

Like I said, patriotic Americans should be optimistic about this, it's difficult to have patience, cause if ya love yer country, it's hard to bear the likes of Trump being it's face to the world and in control of a 1/3 of it's government. It's painful to put up with the sleaziness, dishonesty and betrayal for long, don't ever forget, people give their lives for their country, feelings run deep.

Wonder what they will call the Donald after it's all said and done, "first prisoner" perhaps? Maybe by act of congress the supermax prison number 00000001 will be reserved for the first prisoner. I wonder if Trump would read that bill before he signs it, think it would send a message? Good idea for a first democratic bill for him to sign, being the #1 should be appealing to him, I figure he'd sign.:lol:
you are very wise..from which kingdom do you hail?


Well-Known Member
people don't think, they react. i not only think enough people hate trumps guts to vote him out next election, i see a massive democratic win in response to the republicans massive fuck ups.
theres a cycle i've seen not only in my lifetime, but ever since ww1. people like to think they're socially conscious, and they will vote for democrats, who usually have a platform that focuses on social issues. the democrats get in office for 2, maybe 3 terms, then people start to realize that all this social awareness cost money and time, and that their taxes are slowly going up. then they vote for republicans, because they want someone in office that will make them some money, make some jobs.....till they start to realize that its going to cost them all of the social "progress" they just made.....
the length of time the cycle takes depends on how extreme the situation i'd say this will be a pretty quick cycle.
trump supporters will vote for him again, and probably a straight republican ticket, but Trump has mobilized the left against himself like no one ever has before, and they'll turn out in record numbers to vote him out, no matter who runs against him

careful what you wish..we might get Pickle Queen..then this would've been for naught.


Well-Known Member
Christ! just looking at the news, Gen John Kelly said Trump's wall idea was "uninformed" in public,Trump is gonna shit when he hears it, these assholes are gonna implode! DACA is gonna fall through and the government will shut down. No fucking way can they keep up this pace of shear madness, all emanating from Trump.

Well, America got the ultimate reality TV show, crazy president, what a fucking circus, the neighbors are wrestling drunk and naked on the front lawn again, there goes the neighborhood!:wink: Jesus what a show, CNN has gotta be doing very well these days. Seriously, game of thrones ain't got nothing on this shit.


Well-Known Member
you are very wise..from which kingdom do you hail?
I'm a Canadian and figured if the russians could...
My main concern is treason against our multiple military alliances, I don't want to be involved in domestic US politics, it's none of my business, only treason concerns me really. But I do like the US and have many American friends and even some relatives, I too cannot help but become outraged by what I see. I figure we are in a fight against a common foe, I'm an ally and the evil is not hard to see for those with open hearts and minds.

I like to write and have a bit of fun too, Donald makes humor easy, hopefully he's out of office before he causes a serious tragedy and mass death. Sometimes ya can either laugh or cry, I choose to laugh, when I can, but if ya got a heart, sometimes ya just gotta cry.
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Well-Known Member
When's the date this will absolutely happen? Lets bet our riu accounts on it.
Predicting the date of the demise of Cheeto Jesus, is almost as hard as figuring out the return date of the mythical Jesus. We ain't prophets here, just having fun guessing the date when Trump goes down, nothing to get too serious about!

I can funk'n near guarantee you that Donald Trump won't be the president of the United States in 6 months, probably sooner. If he is, your country will be in the process of tearing itself apart. Mueller is keeping the peace until the next election, the GOP should remember that if Trump wants to fire him.


Well-Known Member
Seems that the republicans figure the FBI has a "secret society" and is corrupt! Wow, these guys are fucking nuts, order up some extra straitjackets, they are accusing the FBI of treasonous conspiracy with no evidence! Do the work of the Devil long enough and ya become indistinguishable from him, this is a goddamn FBI counterintelligence investigation and the russian bots are echoing the republican talking points. The FBI is getting it from three sides, the enemy, the president and the GOP.

This is just about civil war, these people crossed a line and there ain't no going back! This is business of the most serious kind, you had better pay attention to the news, what is going to happen to these assholes when they go home? If I were a constituent I'd have a fucking stake and pile of wood in front of their office! Do they have any veterans in their districts? Any patriots? Anybody who gives a fuck for their country?

I was listening to republican senators and congressmen on TV, un fucking believable, they have no shame. They must be desperate, to say what they are saying without a shred of evidence is not just outrageous, but probably criminal as well. They all need to be questioned by the FBI as to the source of their material, it's a federal case now and will be after the midterms.
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Well-Known Member
I'm a Canadian and figured if the russians could...
My main concern is treason against our multiple military alliances, I don't want to be involved in domestic US politics, it's none of my business, only treason concerns me really. But I do like the US and have many American friends and even some relatives, I too cannot help but become outraged by what I see. I figure we are in a fight against a common foe, I'm an ally and the evil is not hard to see for those with open hearts and minds.

I like to write and have a bit of fun too, Donald makes humor easy, hopefully he's out of office before he causes a serious tragedy and mass death. Sometimes ya can either laugh or cry, I choose to laugh, when I can, but if ya got a heart, sometimes ya just gotta cry.
one issue is 'i'll sign anything' even though this is not the case, GOPers will do anything, even treason, to get what they wish. it's a very unusual time here in the states..all bumper stickers are gone- no one will comment in general about like they used to at my morning coffee places. I can't tell if it's denial about what's happening, or if president pedo's being on twitter 24/7 and everyone is just tired. if everyone's tired they are ignoring..this cannot be ignored, because once you look away..?
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Well-Known Member
one issue is 'i'll sign anything' even though this is not the case, GOPers will do anything, even treason, to get what they wish. it's a very unusual time here in the states..all bumper stickers are gone- no one will comment in general about like they used to at my morning coffee places. I can't tell if it's denial about what's happening, or if president pedo's being on twitter 24/7 and everyone is just tired. if everyone's tired they are ignoring..this cannot be ignored, because once you look away..?
The Trump business will be dealt with soon, he's out of office by spring I figure. The career people in the FBI and justice departments will arrange for the trials and shit to come out during the election season. This is an election where they will try to place the facts before the public, a referendum if you will. Trump will be out of office and into one of his many criminal trials, I figure there's shit that will come out that will shock many Americans back to their senses.

The senators and congressmen who are attacking the FBI right now along with the russians, will be like Trumps bankers and investors, screwed! They will be covered with the most vile smelling shit imaginable after the bus runs them over.
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Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Seems that the republicans figure the FBI has a "secret society" and is corrupt! Wow, these guys are fucking nuts, order up some extra straitjackets, they are accusing the FBI of treasonous conspiracy with no evidence! Do the work of the Devil long enough and ya become indistinguishable from him, this is a goddamn FBI counterintelligence investigation and the russian bots are echoing the republican talking points. The FBI is getting it from three sides, the enemy, the president and the GOP.

This is just about civil war, these people crossed a line and there ain't no going back! This is business of the most serious kind, you had better pay attention to the news, what is going to happen to these assholes when they go home? If I were a constituent I'd have a fucking stake and pile of wood in front of their office! Do they have any veterans in their districts? Any patriots? Anybody who gives a fuck for their country?

I was listening to republican senators and congressmen on TV, un fucking believable, they have no shame. They must be desperate, to say what they are saying without a shred of evidence is not just outrageous, but probably criminal as well. They all need to be questioned by the FBI as to the source of their material, it's a federal case now and will be after the midterms.
They need to go to prison


Well-Known Member
I think he will make it to 2020 personally. But hes gone after that. Hes a doucher and extremely unpopular with a majority of the voting public. He might not even run. Despite what he says. I dont even think he wants to be in the White House and was never deeply committed. But hes pissed so many people off....lets hope they get out and vote it in 2020. Lets hope the dems dont nominate a corporate dem that was hated as much as Hillary. But yeah. I think the Orange Clown will make it to 2020. And if he runs...he wont grip the White House for 4 more years.