The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
The Woodward book is all the buzz in the media and Donald must be going nuts, it makes him look like an idiot, because he is. I'm looking for the biggest distraction that Donald's crippled imagination can come up with this week. Donald must be freaking out if he's watching cable news, the ridicule, insults, bare truth and criticism are more than a narcissistic sociopath like Donald can handle. It's gonna be a tough week for the staff if Trump is watching the cable news shows.
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Well-Known Member
The Woodward book is all the buzz in the media and Donald must be going nuts, it makes him look like an idiot, because he is. I'm looking for the biggest distraction that Donald's crippled imagination can come up with this week. Donald must be freaking out if he's watching cable news, the ridicule, insults, bare truth and criticism are more than a narcissistic sociopath like Donald can handle. It's gonna be a tough week for the staff if Trump is watching the cable news shows.
I'm enjoying his meltdown. Simply delicious.


Active Member
I'm enjoying his meltdown. Simply delicious.
He will melt down into a pile of shit , I bet the wife really detest’s him , it’s all about the money . The whole family are truly laughed at here in this country. It is like the muppet show , but a lot more cringy .


Active Member
He will melt down into a pile of shit , I bet the wife really detest’s him , it’s all about the money . The whole family are truly laughed at here in this country. It is like the muppet show , but a lot more cringy .
Rule BRITTANIA ... I’m just saying , TRUMP keep you’r nose out of country we don’t want you here .


Well-Known Member
I'm enjoying his meltdown. Simply delicious.
I'm not, it's too dangerous for the country and world, he needs to go quickly. After he's out of office he can be dealt with according to the law and evidence, with what is already publicly known it will put him away for life. He can freakout all he wants in an orange jumpsuit pacing his 6x10, I'm sure the walls of the cell will echo with his his rage, unless he ends up in a rubber room, they don't echo much.


Well-Known Member
He will melt down into a pile of shit , I bet the wife really detest’s him , it’s all about the money . The whole family are truly laughed at here in this country. It is like the muppet show , but a lot more cringy .
He's already a pile of shit that is being held up by a scaffolding of the republican party, when the scaffolding collapses in the midterms the towering pile of shit will come under the law of gravity and quickly fall to the ground straight through to Hell! Donald is gonna lead the elephants into extinction this fall and they might return the favor by impeaching him before leaving Washington in january.


Well-Known Member

I wonder which of you wont make it.
You need to watch more of the "fake" media, it's not looking too good for Cheeto Jesus or the GOP. Sixty days until we find out what the majority of Americans think about the situation. Dufus Donald is not done fucking up yet, he might even have a government shutdown before the midterms and there's all of those indictments, trials and Mueller's report too! Donald might be gone before the end of the year, he's already publicly known as an unindicted criminal co conspirator in the Cohen case, a judge said so.


Active Member
I’m not from the states , so I don’t know fully how thing’s work there , but , will he actually go to court then jail. Are they waiting for his president’cy to end ? Why can’t they do that now ? After all he is a criminal , a racist , and god know’s what else .


Well-Known Member
I'm not, it's too dangerous for the country and world, he needs to go quickly. After he's out of office he can be dealt with according to the law and evidence, with what is already publicly known it will put him away for life. He can freakout all he wants in an orange jumpsuit pacing his 6x10, I'm sure the walls of the cell will echo with his his rage, unless he ends up in a rubber room, they don't echo much.
But he won't go quickly, you must know that. I have to think that justice will prevail, the alternative just creates stress, not good for plants, or people. Humpty Trumpty (for his egg shape) will break down mentally but he won't be impeached by the current ruling anti-christian Republicans. With them in control, there are no legal remedies and the world suffers. So, live every day as if it is your last. Oh, and eat your vegetables.

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
You need to watch more of the "fake" media, it's not looking too good for Cheeto Jesus or the GOP. Sixty days until we find out what the majority of Americans think about the situation. Dufus Donald is not done fucking up yet, he might even have a government shutdown before the midterms and there's all of those indictments, trials and Mueller's report too! Donald might be gone before the end of the year, he's already publicly known as an unindicted criminal co conspirator in the Cohen case, a judge said so.
No tears when your boy is gone , I would ould say no whining but that is all Trumps klan does



Well-Known Member
I’m not from the states , so I don’t know fully how thing’s work there , but , will he actually go to court then jail. Are they waiting for his president’cy to end ? Why can’t they do that now ? After all he is a criminal , a racist , and god know’s what else .
The will jail him when he is removed from office, in the American system of Government he represents a third of the government with the congress and the courts being the other branches. The president runs the administration, is commander and chief and is responsible for large part of foreign affairs, the congress make the laws, levies taxes and is suppose to be a check on the presidency and hold it to account, the courts enforce and interpret the laws according to the constitution, that's the theory....

Ya can't bust him for being a racist in America, over a third of the population is and it's not against the law there. There is a legal opinion by the DOJ that a sitting president cannot be indicted, but it is untested by the SCOTUS and it clashes with the principle doctrine of "no man is above the law". Trump will likely be impeached after the election, he will force the issue by his actions


Well-Known Member
From your reply I'd say your as emotionally and socially retarded as Trump. Anybody who supports Trump now is either an idiot or a traitor or both, unless your from russia, then yer just doing your job, if your from America your just a useful idiot.

Farm much outside your basement? Hog prices are falling so low you can toss wieners at people, soybeans and corn prices are way down, real farmers are getting fucked and a lot of them are going democratic.
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Well-Known Member
But he won't go quickly, you must know that. I have to think that justice will prevail, the alternative just creates stress, not good for plants, or people. Humpty Trumpty (for his egg shape) will break down mentally but he won't be impeached by the current ruling anti-christian Republicans. With them in control, there are no legal remedies and the world suffers. So, live every day as if it is your last. Oh, and eat your vegetables.
Everything depends on the midterms and how bad a pounding the GOP gets, if the Dems get the house by 50 seats and a senate majority it will mean Trump will probably be gone after the election with the republicans doing him before january. If not, the democrats will do him after january and there might be a few republican senators who will go independant, there are three independents that caucus with the democrats now (King, Lieberman and Sanders), so a half dozen independent republicans after the midterms is a possibility. The bottom line is there will be enough to do Donald when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
Bob Woodward Book A 'Devastating' Portrait Of President Donald Trump WH | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Details made available Tuesday from Bob Woodward's new book 'Fear,' offer revealing glimpses of interactions with former Trump lawyer John Dowd as well as Trump's impressions of AG Sessions. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
From your reply I'd say your as emotionally and socially retarded as Trump. Anybody who supports Trump now is either an idiot or a traitor or both, unless your from russia, then yer just doing your job, if your from America your just a useful idiot.

Farm much outside your basement? Hog prices are falling so low you can toss wieners at people, soybeans and corn prices are way down, real farmers are getting fucked and a lot of them are going democratic.

"Ermahgerd, all Trump supporters dont do the things I want and I hate them all sooooo much for it"

I haven't spoken to one farmer that isn't a fan. Maybe you just mad.


Well-Known Member
New bombshell book expected from Watergate reporter
Bob Woodward's new tell-all, "Fear: Trump in the White House," depicts paranoia throughout the administration, sources say.