The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I hope the country can survive until Pelosi and the courts get around to hammering Trump and his minions, enforcing subpoenas, and jailing a few for contempt of congress I'm sure will have amazing results.
I am not as worried about us, I hope the countries that don't have massive wealth can survive this worldwide assault. They will start crumbling well before us.
I am not as worried about us, I hope the countries that don't have massive wealth can survive this worldwide assault. They will start crumbling well before us.
He’s definitely making future enemies for the USA. We were already seen as the violent assholes of the world and for good reason. The biggest bully of them all. You can’t wreck someone’s life and just walk away without there being at least thoughts of recourse.

Watch the Chinese. He has them cornered. He thinks. Notice that at the G20 China supposedly committed to large buys of American farm products. So far not a single sale. This while China swaps out a negotiator that has the Trump gang very nervous. Nervous specifically about the Chinese taking a far tougher stance in dealing with Trump.
I think Pelosi has been compromised, probably to protect her worthless son that was photographed spending New Years 2018 with the tRUmps. All these politicians are so corrupt and perverted it must be easy to blackmail them.
I am not as worried about us, I hope the countries that don't have massive wealth can survive this worldwide assault. They will start crumbling well before us.
Remember the financial crises of 2008 when the banking system seized up and Bush went on TV and sucked the nation's arse to bail out the 1% who had 60% of their money tied up in the big banks? If the economy crashes again what do you think will happen with Trump in charge?

You'll be on yer knees in no time flat eating yer lawn like a sheep to survive! If the banking system froze solid with Trump running the government you would be fucked at light speed, the beautiful dream could end with in a month. Trump would declare a national emergency and use it to make a grab for power making the situation even worse and that would be the end of ya.

Massive wealth for the .1%, you and your family will starve to death before they give any of it up.
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I think Pelosi has been compromised, probably to protect her worthless son that was photographed spending New Years 2018 with the tRUmps. All these politicians are so corrupt and perverted it must be easy to blackmail them.
I think she has a plan and is smart and tough enough to stick to it, she wants Trump in prison and a host of others too. First step win the 2020 election, house, senate and presidency, second step let the hearings begin and set the new prosecutors and lifers in the DOJ loose on these assholes. They will be held to account if Pelosi wins, she will probably retire as speaker after the election and the nation is gonna be looking for accountability and retribution, not just the democratic base. The courts will convict because there is plenty of evidence of crimes, Bill Barr is gonna do long prison time for contempt of congress at least and possibly perjury.

We will see how the country feels a year after Trump if they lose in 2020 and there have been a few hearings, trials and investigations. It's not just Trump who is gonna pay the price, hundreds of others will end up in prison or squeal deals. Maybe it should be a crime with mandatory minimum sentences if a public official violates their oath of office?
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Remember the financial crises of 2008 when the banking system seized up and Bush went on TV and sucked the nation's arse to bail out the 1% who had 60% of their money tied up in the big banks? If the economy crashes again what do you think will happen with Trump in charge?

You'll be on yer knees in no time flat eating yer lawn like a sheep to survive! If the banking system froze solid with Trump running the government you would be fucked at light speed, the beautiful dream could end with in a month. Trump would declare a national emergency and use it to make a grab for power making the situation even worse and that would be the end of ya.

Massive wealth for the .1%, you and your family will starve to death before they give any of it up.
You are correct about it being far scarier with Trump doing something stupid. I haven't looked lately, but I don't think anything as big as the housing bubble has happened recently. The reason for the slower growth during Obama years really was to not overheat the economy.

Trump has been doing everything he can to overheat it (tax cuts to rich, high government spending, and pressuring Fed to reduce rates) but it seems businesses are actually holding back a bit to try to not overextend like everyone did back in pre-2007. That 60% was a lot wrapped up in our inflated housing values.
You are correct about it being far scarier with Trump doing something stupid. I haven't looked lately, but I don't think anything as big as the housing bubble has happened recently. The reason for the slower growth during Obama years really was to not overheat the economy.

Trump has been doing everything he can to overheat it (tax cuts to rich, high government spending, and pressuring Fed to reduce rates) but it seems businesses are actually holding back a bit to try to not overextend like everyone did back in pre-2007. That 60% was a lot wrapped up in our inflated housing values.
Corporate debt? Along with personal debt they’re both far higher than in 2008. At last report 7,000,000 auto loans are past due over 90 days. The fed funds rate is already just 2.5% so there’s not much wiggle room there. The next crunch will be a financial death blow to the 40% who have watched this supposed “economic miracle” just pass them by. Presently 60% of American families are unable to handle a $1000 emergency.
Corporate debt? Along with personal debt they’re both far higher than in 2008. At last report 7,000,000 auto loans are past due over 90 days. The fed funds rate is already just 2.5% so there’s not much wiggle room there. The next crunch will be a financial death blow to the 40% who have watched this supposed “economic miracle” just pass them by. Presently 60% of American families are unable to handle a $1000 emergency.
Its defiantly tight, I am not saying it isn't.

We are 11 years out of course everything is 'more', how are they as a share of GDP? And auto loans i think is also a dangerous area, but it doesn't touch to total wealth that was wrapped up in the housing bubble. Add to that the shadow banking systems insurance back then that was popping right with Housing.
Its defiantly tight, I am not saying it isn't.

We are 11 years out of course everything is 'more', how are they as a share of GDP? And auto loans i think is also a dangerous area, but it doesn't touch to total wealth that was wrapped up in the housing bubble. Add to that the shadow banking systems insurance back then that was popping right with Housing.
Notice that after the 2008 crash Wall Street became landlords intentionally and in a huge way. The banking industry has historically avoided becoming landlords. They’ll back someone else with all the interest and caveats.

Now? “They” literally have purchased entire swatchs of complete neighborhoods in many cities. They’ve done this because they knew housing would never be the same after huge foreclosures. The supply of suckers was gone.

Now it’s not unusual for half of family income being used to pay for housing. Traditionally if you spent more than 1/4 of your income on housing you were considered in poor financial condition.

There’s been a lot of changes never before seen or planned for. The next time will be a financial slaughterhouse.
Seems ole Cesar was hyped up on steroids and was a mite sorry when he sobered up. I don't figure they will let him spray paint the top of his head black in prison, perhaps a jailhouse tattoo though. Hey maybe Donald will pardon him for shits and giggles, anything is possible with demented Donald, fuck he might even get hired by the WH, I understand Donald is looking for a new DNI (Director of National Intelligence)...
Cesar Sayoc, who sent pipe bombs to prominent Democrats, sentenced to 20 years
McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell jabbed at political rivals on stage at the Fancy Farm Picnic in rural Graves County, Kentucky, on August 3 before a crowd divided by party line - with Republican supporters on one side and jeering Democrats on the other, the latter chanting "Moscow Mitch."

Kentucky Democrats are capitalizing on the viral nickname following criticism over McConnell's blocking of legislation designed to protect the political system against a foreign attack.
McConnell On Stage At Fancy Farm Picnic As Crowd Chants "Moscow Mitch"
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell jabbed at political rivals on stage at the Fancy Farm Picnic in rural Graves County, Kentucky, on August 3 before a crowd divided by party line - with Republican supporters on one side and jeering Democrats on the other, the latter chanting "Moscow Mitch."

Kentucky Democrats are capitalizing on the viral nickname following criticism over McConnell's blocking of legislation designed to protect the political system against a foreign attack.
1. Actively shut down everything Obama tried to accomplish to help the economy.
2. Blocked Obama and Democrats from announcing the Russian election meddling.
3. Passed legislation to block financial records of the NRA from being investigated.
4. Stopped the Dems from blocking Trumps lifting to the Sanctions on Daraposka.
5. Blocking the election protection legislation.

Maybe more, but those are the ones that bug me the most about him.

Its a well earned nickname.

Bummer I can't vote against him though.
1. Actively shut down everything Obama tried to accomplish to help the economy.
2. Blocked Obama and Democrats from announcing the Russian election meddling.
3. Passed legislation to block financial records of the NRA from being investigated.
4. Stopped the Dems from blocking Trumps lifting to the Sanctions on Daraposka.
5. Blocking the election protection legislation.

Maybe more, but those are the ones that bug me the most about him.

Its a well earned nickname.

Bummer I can't vote against him though.
Mitch figures since he's protected by and wrapped in racism and hate, he will be safe in Dixie no matter how much he fucks America. Trump has the GOP & Mitch twisting in the wind and driving many of them in the house and senate to defeat in 2020, the Trump inspired terrorist attacks and their opposition to sensible gun laws are some of the chickens coming home to roost. Mitch might have trouble in 2020, he has a serious opponent with a ton of money and even though you can't vote in his state, you can still send money or go there to volunteer, if you can afford it

Trump has been given so much rope to hang himself with that his head will pop off when slack comes out of the line. A majority of whites say they support Trump, but how many are so consumed by fear, hatred and bigotry that they are willing to cut their own throats by actually voting for Trump again? How many Trump/republican supporters will stay home or leave the top of the ticket blank after the impeachment hearings and witness like McGhan, Hicks and a host of others testify publicly? Donald still has a lot of time to fuck things up even more before the election, I see the's working on crashing the economy now.

If the democrats play their cards right there's no reason to believe they won't take the house, senate and presidency in 2020. For the country to defend itself, much less move forward and progress in the world, America must get rid of the republicans, ya need a clean sweep, vote them all out. They have shown themselves not only unfit to govern and in violation of the constitution and their oaths of office, but treasonous as well, in consorting with a hostile foreign power to attain and retain political power. Mitch McConnell is aiding and abetting this effort by the Russians to interfere in American elections and has been since 2016 when he vetoed informing the public of massive foreign interference before the election.

The republican party has become a racist organization that supports terrorism, treason and massive corruption. They opened the door to racism to gain and retain power and the poison of hatred flooded in and took them over, driving out the moderates, minorities and conservatives. Obama was the catalyst that ignited the long smoldering fire of hatred, when he became president something snapped inside many white American males and they went off the deep end. Let's see how many of them stay stupid after Trump is done with using their assholes...
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Mitch figures since he's protected by and wrapped in racism and hate, he will be safe in Dixie no matter how much he fucks America. Trump has the GOP & Mitch twisting in the wind and driving many of them in the house and senate to defeat in 2020, the Trump inspired terrorist attacks and their opposition to sensible gun laws are some of the chickens coming home to roost. Mitch might have trouble in 2020, he has a serious opponent with a ton of money and even though you can't vote in his state, you can still send money or go there to volunteer, if you can afford it

Trump has been given so much rope to hang himself with that his head will pop off when slack comes out of the line. A majority of whites say they support Trump, but how many are so consumed by fear, hatred and bigotry that they are willing to cut their own throats by actually voting for Trump again? How many Trump/republican supporters will stay home or leave the top of the ticket blank after the impeachment hearings and witness like McGhan, Hicks and a host of others testify publicly? Donald still has a lot of time to fuck things up even more before the election, I see the's working on crashing the economy now.

If the democrats play their cards right there's no reason to believe they won't take the house, senate and presidency in 2020. For the country to defend itself, much less move forward and progress in the world, America must get rid of the republicans, ya need a clean sweep, vote them all out. They have shown themselves not only unfit to govern and in violation of the constitution and their oaths of office, but treasonous as well, in consorting with a hostile foreign power to attain and retain political power. Mitch McConnell is aiding and abetting this effort by the Russians to interfere in American elections and has been since 2016 when he vetoed informing the public of massive foreign interference before the election.

The republican party has become a racist organization that supports terrorism, treason and massive corruption. They opened the door to racism to gain and retain power and the poison of hatred flooded in and took them over, driving out the moderates, minorities and conservatives. Obama was the catalyst that ignited the long smoldering fire of hatred, when he became president something snapped inside many white American males and they went off the deep end. Let's see how many of them stay stupid after Trump is done with using their assholes...
This is a very important moment for the Democratic party. With all of the backlash against the republicans it will be very easy to sneak in Manchurian candidates running as Dems. It is important that in local races, people are voting in the primaries for the best people. If the Foreign hate bots run a campaign it would be easy to sneak in the worst candidates because they can target people down to the local voting district and get a few thousand votes pushing them into the general.
The circus has been tame till now, wait till Kush and Jr are charged and all the other trials, revelations, scandals, etc, take place during election season in 2018.They will force Donld to pardon his family members on federal charges and then use state charges on them, they will force pardons before election time. They are saving the real juicy russian stuff until after Trump is removed from office and it will be used to not just put him away, but to discredit him too..

Even some of the gerrymandered republicans will worry about their seats when this shit hits the fan. How can Kevin Nunes escape conspiracy or obstruction of justice charges in 2019? He might not be the only congressman to face investigation either. Eventually Jeff Sessions is gonna go to jail for perjury too, as is anybody connected to this bullshit. There are the press people, intelligence, justice and FBI officials that are highly motivated on this one. Every patriotic American will want a piece of their asses, ya don't do this kinda shit without paying dearly and that goes for Vlad a company as well.

There are lot's of highly educated, experienced and smart people on our side on this one, I say a large majority of them. They will deal with the Donald according to the law, or you won't have a country, it's that simple.

I say keep the faith, he'll be gone by summer or it will be one Hell of a hot one on the streets of America this summer. Mayors, councillors and cops will lead the peaceful protests. The charges and trials are about to begin and it will look very bad for the republicans during election season, they are gone for a generation, not just an election cycle or two.

Lmao @ this thread. What summer are you referring to, 2021 or 2025? :lol:
Calm down and get us someone who will actually beat this assclown in a head to head. And dont mind the polls,they were not accurate last round. Biden is lost in space so maybe liz Warren?
This section is crazy as hell,hard right or harder left. There's nobody here that's even remotely moderate. The dems need a JFK type , someone like Obama with some charisma.
Lmao @ this thread. What summer are you referring to, 2021 or 2025? :lol:
Calm down and get us someone who will actually beat this assclown in a head to head. And dont mind the polls,they were not accurate last round. Biden is lost in space so maybe liz Warren?
This section is crazy as hell,hard right or harder left. There's nobody here that's even remotely moderate. The dems need a JFK type , someone like Obama with some charisma.

I'm passively watching my life get shorter, is that moderate enough.
Lmao @ this thread. What summer are you referring to, 2021 or 2025? :lol:
Calm down and get us someone who will actually beat this assclown in a head to head. And dont mind the polls,they were not accurate last round. Biden is lost in space so maybe liz Warren?
This section is crazy as hell,hard right or harder left. There's nobody here that's even remotely moderate. The dems need a JFK type , someone like Obama with some charisma.
I read what LED said and I see somebody who is reasonably upset over what Trump is doing. LED lives in Canada, so your demand that he provides us with a leader is pretty funny.

Speaking of reading. "The polls" got it right in 2016. Trump was given a 30% chance of winning the election and it came down to a few thousand votes in a few districts for him to squeak in a win in the EC but a loser in the popular vote. You should get your facts right.
Lmao @ this thread. What summer are you referring to, 2021 or 2025? :lol:
Calm down and get us someone who will actually beat this assclown in a head to head. And dont mind the polls,they were not accurate last round. Biden is lost in space so maybe liz Warren?
This section is crazy as hell,hard right or harder left. There's nobody here that's even remotely moderate. The dems need a JFK type , someone like Obama with some charisma.
“Hard right or harder left”? Geez I wonder where this dumb fuck stands eh? Another fucking troll. Probably living in Uzfuckistan.
Lmao @ this thread. What summer are you referring to, 2021 or 2025? :lol:
Calm down and get us someone who will actually beat this assclown in a head to head. And dont mind the polls,they were not accurate last round. Biden is lost in space so maybe liz Warren?
This section is crazy as hell,hard right or harder left. There's nobody here that's even remotely moderate. The dems need a JFK type , someone like Obama with some charisma.
The only ones on the fence are those who don't know right from wrong, Trumpers don't know their asses from a hot rock much less treason when they see it rubbed in their noses daily. There is no center in America politics today, wake up and smell the coffee, it's been 60/40 against Trump for awhile now and his numbers are going down, soon it will only be the psychotic 35% base. Wait until the public testimony begins, or better yet the Deutsche Bank docs are released, your boy Donald will be dancing and howling like a red hot poker was shoved up his ass
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Lmao @ this thread. What summer are you referring to, 2021 or 2025? :lol:
Calm down and get us someone who will actually beat this assclown in a head to head. And dont mind the polls,they were not accurate last round. Biden is lost in space so maybe liz Warren?
This section is crazy as hell,hard right or harder left. There's nobody here that's even remotely moderate. The dems need a JFK type , someone like Obama with some charisma.
Polls say any of the democratic front runners can beat trump by 10 points, even Warren, fuck, Bernie beats him by more and Joe Biden will wipe the floor with him. Hillary ain't around this time, Donald will have to stand on his own hind legs and on his abysmal record. I wouldn't expect too much effective help from your Russian friends either, America's NATO allies are watching too and it is in our vital national security interests to help America to fight this bullshit and we will.
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