The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

This latest WH spousal abuse security scandal is great! It's another ball in the air that Trump has to keep an eye on and one that could really get away from him bigly. Mueller is still quietly plugging away and the plan to fire Rosenstein is stalled cause they gotta deal with this bullshit. Some estimate there are as many as 30 people in the WH who still don't have security clearance, Porter is not alone. Trey Gowdy chairs the oversight committee that is suppose to keep an eye on this situation, I hear nothing but crickets and silence. Trump is behind the latest fiasco as he is the root of most of the screw ups, next to go out the door, John Kelly and Dan McGhan.

The russians are still attacking America and Trump has done nothing but interfere with the responses and solutions. The republican congress is now complicant in this conspiracy with Trump and those who surround him. These people must be fucking crazy to get into bed with Trump and Putin. The only ways for the GOP to win elections is to gerrymander, suppress the vote, smother with money, propagandise and use divisive social issues like racism, abortion, gay marriage and even restrooms! Now they have added treason to the list of things they are willing to do to hold onto power.

Anyway this latest example of the Trump style of mismanagement is causing a distraction for Trump, not the press, cause there is a real important story here about security clearances. This will serve to strip away many of the assholes who populate the WH that can't get a security clearance. All this stuff is delaying the firing of Rosenstein and throwing Trump off his stride, more grist for Mueller's mill, who I'm sure will want to interview a few of these folks one day.

Ya know, I figured over a thousand assholes would go to prison before the dust settles on this business, I might have underestimated.
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Trump's new official portrait. Sans sperm. ;)

I figure Vlad should go for broke and tell Trump to give Alaska back to russia plus a billion dollars, why not? The GOP should be ok with it and it would be a great opportunity for Putin to show his total domination over Trump, really rub America's nose in it. I don't really see a problem with the base going along with it either considering the kinds of bullshit they are buying now. Just get FOX news on board and they could sell the idea to the base. Next thing Facebook and Twitter will light up with " #Give back Alaska" as the trolls and bots come online.
I figure Vlad should go for broke and tell Trump to give Alaska back to russia plus a billion dollars, why not? The GOP should be ok with it and it would be a great opportunity for Putin to show his total domination over Trump, really rub America's nose in it. I don't really see a problem with the base going along with it either considering the kinds of bullshit they are buying now. Just get FOX news on board and they could sell the idea to the base. Next thing Facebook and Twitter will light up with " #Give back Alaska" as the trolls and bots come online.

The gop will never give up 2 senate seats. They would probably keep a few square miles owned and leased out entirely by the koch brothers just so it can retain statehood.

But they will likely get control of the northwest passage without even a thank you m'am. Once that pass is open due to global warming, controlling it will be very profitable. A true abdication of us interests.
The gop will never give up 2 senate seats. They would probably keep a few square miles owned and leased out entirely by the koch brothers just so it can retain statehood.

But they will likely get control of the northwest passage without even a thank you m'am. Once that pass is open due to global warming, controlling it will be very profitable. A true abdication of us interests.

Ya just hit the one snag in the plan, if they were democratic seats, she'd be gone! I'm sure some clever russian is working on it now, planning an Alaskexit campaign or something. There are even Trump supporters in Alaska who are willing to cut their own throat if Donald says so.

Canada might have something to say about any northwest passage ventures, we have an economy larger than russia which has a GDP about equal to Spain, we've also got NATO help. Trump won't be there that long anyway, once he's on the ropes he'll go down real quick, once Mitch and Paul decide to pull the pin on the prick, he's instantly fucked. They are just looking for an opportunity and some good cover with the base, if Mueller stays around, Trump is as good as fucked. Once he starts presenting his case for impeachment it will be a whopper and hard for the media, country, or GOP to ignore.
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First, condolences to those affected by the mass shooting in Florida, we all know the reasons, enough said.

Looks like the latest scandal has brought to light a much more serious issue. I don't think it's legal for these folks to read classified material and they could be subject to prosecution, another lever for Mueller to use. Trump never took care of business responsibly or properly and it's gonna bite him in the ass.

Scores of top White House officials lack permanent security clearances

WASHINGTON — More than 130 political appointees working in the Executive Office of the President did not have permanent security clearances as of November 2017, including the president’s daughter, son-in-law and his top legal counsel, according to internal White House documents obtained by NBC News.

Of those appointees working with interim clearances, 47 of them are in positions that report directly to President Donald Trump. About a quarter of all political appointees in the executive office are working with some form of interim security clearance.
First, condolences to those affected by the mass shooting in Florida, we all know the reasons, enough said.

Looks like the latest scandal has brought to light a much more serious issue. I don't think it's legal for these folks to read classified material and they could be subject to prosecution, another lever for Mueller to use. Trump never took care of business responsibly or properly and it's gonna bite him in the ass.

Scores of top White House officials lack permanent security clearances

WASHINGTON — More than 130 political appointees working in the Executive Office of the President did not have permanent security clearances as of November 2017, including the president’s daughter, son-in-law and his top legal counsel, according to internal White House documents obtained by NBC News.

Of those appointees working with interim clearances, 47 of them are in positions that report directly to President Donald Trump. About a quarter of all political appointees in the executive office are working with some form of interim security clearance.

my fellow citizens that voted for cheeto jesus are not deep thinkers. in fact, it's quite embarrassing that they think they are MAGA.

i really need mueller to crumble this administration and teach some people i know how wrong they have been.
my fellow citizens that voted for cheeto jesus are not deep thinkers. in fact, it's quite embarrassing that they think they are MAGA.

i really need mueller to crumble this administration and teach some people i know how wrong they have been.
Many will not admit it, too proud, though some will say, "We wuz hornswoggled"! The media line will be "you were lied to, it wasn't your fault" and that should help a few of em, just staying home in the midterms would do a lot to make up for it though.

Even with massive GOP help, it looks like this incompetent fool is gonna implode anyway, it's hard to prop up a piece of shit. I'm thinking of an implosion rather than a crumbling and a spectacular shit spewing one at that.

What was it they chanted at Trump rallies? LOCK HER UP! Why did they shout that, they said she mishandled classified documents! What does the latest scandal involve? 130 people in the WH without clearances after a year in office, mishandling secret documents, etc. How do you gather so many people in one place that can't pass a security check? If you choose people at random off the street you'd do much better than this.
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How do you gather so many people in one place that can't pass a security check? If you choose people at random off the street you'd do much better than this.

You use russian stooges like sam clovis to staff your white house. Look, it's no secret that trump has surrounded himself with russian friendly interests. Sam clovis is largely responsible for that.

Helped of course by the likes of ivanka and jarred; every person working in ivanka's management team speaks russian. You don't get a unique skill set like that by accident.

And if you have close and questionable ties to foreign enemies, you don't get a clearance. Hell, even close ties to friendly governments will block a clearance (Israel and France to name 2). You also don't get a clearance if you are a thug with a violent streak. Or if you have a dui, or money problems, or heaven forbid, smoke cannabis.

But these numbers are NOT normal. If you look at past administrations, they vetted their employees thoroughly before hiring them, and almost all got their clearances quickly.

Trump's staffing is NOT normal.
The WH and GOP are now just a extension of the russian mob.
It sure as shit looks like it, not an impression you'd wanna make either. When the GOP decided they were gonna carry Trump's water, I don't think most really knew what they were getting in for, they are getting an idea now. Ya might as well try to carry the Pacific ocean on yer back as carry water for Donald, he's constantly adding to yer burden as well.

Nailing this prick is easy as pie, just the GOP standing in the way, without them, he'd be like a fart in a stiff breeze, gone...
You use russian stooges like sam clovis to staff your white house. Look, it's no secret that trump has surrounded himself with russian friendly interests. Sam clovis is largely responsible for that.

Helped of course by the likes of ivanka and jarred; every person working in ivanka's management team speaks russian. You don't get a unique skill set like that by accident.

And if you have close and questionable ties to foreign enemies, you don't get a clearance. Hell, even close ties to friendly governments will block a clearance (Israel and France to name 2). You also don't get a clearance if you are a thug with a violent streak. Or if you have a dui, or money problems, or heaven forbid, smoke cannabis.

But these numbers are NOT normal. If you look at past administrations, they vetted their employees thoroughly before hiring them, and almost all got their clearances quickly.

Trump's staffing is NOT normal.
He had help in staffing for sure, direct instructions from Moscow for some positions, what do you think they talk about during all those meetings. Donald is not good with instructions so he needs frequent updates, close supervision and guidance, he's amazingly docile and passive, if ya got a firm enough grip on his nuts and know how to squeeze.

I've noticed that the former prosecutors among the GOP seem to be taking a more cautious approach to this stuff lately. Trey Gowdy seems "concerned", since he has oversight over this WH security mess and it's starting to look like dereliction of duty. He did howl mighty about Hillary's emails and BENGHAZI, not one hearing on any of this WH security stuff yet.

People have noticed that the LOCK HER UP! chants were about a trivial email security issue that the FBI gave her a pass on. Compared to this fiasco, Hillary's email problems were small potatoes indeed, LOCK HIM UP! might be a chant heard round the clock outside the WH this summer! Maybe someone should organise a "shout-a-thon till he's gone", in front of the WH starting this spring. Teams of people could go round the clock with, LOCK UP THE LOSER!, or LOCK HIM UP! etc. Get some blue ball caps with MAKE AMERICA DECENT AGAIN etc printed on them. I don't figure getting a crowd and volunteers to do the chanting will be an issue, you'd make a killing on the caps...

What ya call fun and profit all rolled into one, kinda like a weed grow...
130+ people in the white house without security clearances because they are either compromised and able to be blackmailed, incompetent, in bed with foreign leaders, or god knows what else.
You use russian stooges like sam clovis to staff your white house. Look, it's no secret that trump has surrounded himself with russian friendly interests. Sam clovis is largely responsible for that.

Helped of course by the likes of ivanka and jarred; every person working in ivanka's management team speaks russian. You don't get a unique skill set like that by accident.

And if you have close and questionable ties to foreign enemies, you don't get a clearance. Hell, even close ties to friendly governments will block a clearance (Israel and France to name 2). You also don't get a clearance if you are a thug with a violent streak. Or if you have a dui, or money problems, or heaven forbid, smoke cannabis.

But these numbers are NOT normal. If you look at past administrations, they vetted their employees thoroughly before hiring them, and almost all got their clearances quickly.

Trump's staffing is NOT normal.
I'm sure someone in the FBI is gonna talk to Sam on many occasions and they will get him, if a heart attack doesn't first. Ivanka and Jared aren't the "sharpest knives in the drawer", but they are smart enough to be terrified of Mueller, so is Trump. I can't help but feel that Mueller has indictments ready to go and someone to instantly drop them off at the courthouse at the first hint of his or Rosenstein's firing.

The professionals in the FBI and justice departments know that the house and senate will change soon and if Trump isn't impeached before the midterms he will be after. Everybody with experience and knowledge of the law knows how this is gonna end, once they start in on Donald, it'll be quite the show. Future commissions, hearings, trials, studies, academic papers, books and movies will cover this era in microscopic detail, we might even see what Putin has on Trump. Trump's trials and tribulations will go on until he dies, the evil he has committed is catching up to him.

Mad the Orange Emperor will become, even though the dark side is strong with in him, I sense his downfall. He will start to lose control over the weak minded and his evil minions are being stripped away. As the heads around him roll he will be more alone with no one to carry out his will (scatterbrained as it is), he then becomes even more powerless and inept. Soon the Imperial Guard (GOP) will turn on him in a night of the long knives.

LOCK HIM UP is being chanted constantly on the WH lawn and it's driving him even more nuts... Someone designed a phone app to organise people for the chanting relays, it became a trendy and popular thing to do in the summer of 2018. A selfie chanting on the WH lawn will be the thing to have on yer facebook page, thousands show up everyday and even follow Trump golfing. Response has been so popular that another group has been working the capital too...
I see Steve Bannon sang for 20 hours to Mueller today, Stevie might be an asshole, but he's no dummy. Priebus and McGhan also talked to Mueller and he's got a clear picture of what went on, I'm sure it's not a pretty one.

It looks like Trump's fixer Cohen screwed up by talking about the non disclosure agreement and Stormy Daniels is gonna gush about Donald. The $130K payment is gonna be trouble for Donald and his boy.
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I see Steve Bannon sang for 20 hours to a grand jury today, Stevie might be an asshole, but he's no dummy. Priebus and McGhan also talked to Mueller and he's got a clear picture of what went on, I'm sure it's not a pretty one.

It looks like Trump's fixer Cohen screwed up by talking about the non disclosure agreement and Stormy Daniels is gonna gush about Donald. The $130K payment is gonna be trouble for Donald and his boy.
that hush money was made in coordination with candidate trump, making it a clear violation of campaign finance laws.

we'll see if he goes to prison or if laws are just for little people
I see Steve Bannon sang for 20 hours to a grand jury today, Stevie might be an asshole, but he's no dummy. Priebus and McGhan also talked to Mueller and he's got a clear picture of what went on, I'm sure it's not a pretty one.

It looks like Trump's fixer Cohen screwed up by talking about the non disclosure agreement and Stormy Daniels is gonna gush about Donald. The $130K payment is gonna be trouble for Donald and his boy.

can't wait for stormy to squeal
Looks like Rick Gates is cutting a deal with Mueller.

That's 3 plea deals so far of very senior Trump people that are connected to russia. Obstruction of justice appears to be a separate track, all the public action has to do with russia, Flynn, Papadopoulos and now Gates. Paul Manafort knows he'll never see the light of day again unless he's got something extraordinary to offer up, Gates might have beat him to the punch though.

I'll bet this shit bothers Donald a lot more than the Rob Porter fiasco, or even the obstruction of justice charges. The russia business is the one thing that could separate him from much of his base and give the GOP enough cover to impeach him. What these people and others who will be convicted of conspiracy have to say at trial and sentencing should be quite interesting and sensational. Will Mueller try to impeach Trump before or after the trials and sentencing begin?