The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

can't fix stoopid

unbelievable how fucking dumb white rural americans have become.
Facts are as scace on that site as sanity, they say it themselves when they call what everybody else watches or reads the mainstream media or fake news. You know, fake news like the CBC, BBC. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, all the major newspapers (International as well) and all the other media companies, how do they coordinate such a vast left wing conspiracy? Who makes this fake news and how do they get other folks to go along with it? What about journalistic standards and professionalism? These people aren't really that stupid, they still have to breathe after all and even though it's mostly automatic, it does take some neurons to keep sucking and blowing.

Just remember it's a website for Texas bowhunters, not a bastion of progressive thought! It's a bit like this weed site, only here the views are more "mainstream" and in accordance with reality and sanity. Our drugs just ain't that good, their koolaid is much stronger and far more dangerous.
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Facts are as scace on that site as sanity, they say it themselves when they call what everybody else watches or reads the mainstream media or fake news. You know, fake news like the CBC, BBC. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, all the major newspapers (International as well) and all the other media companies, how do they coordinate such a vast left wing conspiracy? Who makes this fake news and how do they get other folks to go along with it? What about journalistic standards and professionalism? These people aren't really that stupid, they still have to breathe after all and even though it's mostly automatic, it does take some neurons to keep sucking and blowing.

Just remember it's a website for Texas bowhunters, not a bastion of progressive thought! It's a bit like this weed site, only here the views are more "mainstream" and in accordance with reality and sanity. Our drugs just ain't that good, their koolaid is much stronger and far more dangerous.

the bowhunters are the very definition of trump supporters.
On a lighter note before I tend to the garden.....

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I wonder, would you have to include meetings with the president, in contacts with a foreign agent on the forms! No wonder Trump had such a small campaign team and budget, the russians were running an entire third campaign for him and spending millions. Does he have to declare the 13 russians who worked for him on the FEC forms? Were they doing anything for the GOP too, other than electing their candidate for president? If they bust Trump for election fraud and conspiracy with the russians, can Hillary sue Trump for damages?
I wonder, would you have to include meetings with the president, in contacts with a foreign agent on the forms! No wonder Trump had such a small campaign team and budget, the russians were running an entire third campaign for him and spending millions. Does he have to declare the 13 russians who worked for him on the FEC forms? Were they doing anything for the GOP too, other than electing their candidate for president? If they bust Trump for election fraud and conspiracy with the russians, can Hillary sue Trump for damages?

Maybe they actually run the event planning firms all the inauguration money went to. ;)
Maybe they actually run the event planning firms all the inauguration money went to. ;)
Maybe Trump used it to pay back Putin! NOT, TOO FUCKING GREEDY, Vlad got stiffed too! Secrets are free, but this is money and that has a special place in Donald's chest, a place usually occupied by a heart in normal folks. They will find he pocketed the cash too, probably broke the law as well.
Trump is undermining American democracy and Canada should be concerned, expert says
Trump is undermining American democracy and Canada needs to be concerned, history expert Timothy Snyder tells The National’s Susan Ormiston.
To read more:

This short video should interest some folks
I think one of the ways to deal with russian meddling is to unite with other nato members who are also being attacked and planning a united response. Everybody has the same problem with the same asshole, so gang up on the fucker, take him down and take his money too. After Trump is a bad memory we can deal with Vlad, but Vlad will get his, the intelligence community is spitting mad about this bullshit and when they are back in the saddle with decent leadership...

In the meantime we should all appreciate Donald more and all the things he will do for America, especially what he will do for the GOP, wipe it out! He's made CNN interesting and breathed new life into journalism and late night comedy. Single handedly removed Jesus from American politics, this guy is a real antichrist for sure! Stripped the American flag off the republican party and exposed them as power driven traitors and fools, they won't be able to wrap themselves in old glory anymore. Has done more for the women's empowerment movement than any other man in history, helped found "me too", he has also pissed off more women than any man in history. Will bring about a single payer health care systems years before it normally would arrive. He'll hasten legalisation of cannabis nationally by helping to elect democrats and breaking the deadlock in Washington. As for the senate, it might have more right leaning independents or the GOP might even split into two parties for a time.

After they take a shit kicking in the midterms the candidates this bunch of lunatics will throw up will take your breath away. The GOP has become extremist and tribal, a lot of the base are gonna have sore assholes pining for Trump. They might make him the 2020 GOP candidate, even though he's serving life in a supermax for treasonous conspiracy! Seem too far fetched? The whole idea of the current situation with Donald Trump as president is absurd and far fucking stranger than fiction. Imagine, a fucking traitor as president of the USA and we have every prospect of Mueller being able to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and probably several different ways. If yer stupid enough to commit treasonous conspiracy at this level by text, phone and email, yer dumb enough to do anything imaginable, like confess on national TV or something...
Trump criticizes FBI for failure to probe tip on Fla. shooter, says ‘too much time’ spent on Russia probe
By Matt Zapotosky and Mark Berman February 18 at 12:33 AM
President Trump late Saturday night criticized the FBI for failing to act on a tip that might have prevented the recent massacre at a high school in Parkland, Fla., and said the bureau was devoting too much time to its investigation of his presidential campaign.

“Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter,” Trump said in a Tweet. “This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign — there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!”

How desperate is this guy? Didn't wait long after the tragedy did he, imagine micromanaging the FBI at that level and using this situation to attempt to yet again obstruct justice. Trump signed the bill allowing nuts to buy guns and removing restrictions a few weeks ago and is far more responsible than the FBI, even if the FBI knew about this guy the law Trump signed would have tied their hands! The GOP, including the state governor have turned Florida into a shooting gallery for lunatics and NRA model state, not the FBI.
Trump criticizes FBI for failure to probe tip on Fla. shooter, says ‘too much time’ spent on Russia probe
By Matt Zapotosky and Mark Berman February 18 at 12:33 AM
President Trump late Saturday night criticized the FBI for failing to act on a tip that might have prevented the recent massacre at a high school in Parkland, Fla., and said the bureau was devoting too much time to its investigation of his presidential campaign.

“Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter,” Trump said in a Tweet. “This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign — there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!”

How desperate is this guy? Didn't wait long after the tragedy did he, imagine micromanaging the FBI at that level and using this situation to attempt to yet again obstruct justice. Trump signed the bill allowing nuts to buy guns and removing restrictions a few weeks ago and is far more responsible than the FBI, even if the FBI knew about this guy the law Trump signed would have tied their hands! The GOP, including the state governor have turned Florida into a shooting gallery for lunatics and NRA model state, not the FBI.

Yeah, that's rich. So he guts the agency, leaving it with hundreds of unfilled positions. He attacks it on a daily basis. He works with toads in congress to leak state secrets vital to fbi investigations. He creates chaos and stress in the FBI on a constant bassis.

Then he blames them for investigating him when it breaks.

Donald Trump, worst president ever (seriously). Don't argue with me just read the fucking news, oh and some people owe Barack Obama an apology.
Trump: 'They are laughing their asses off in Moscow' over how US handled Russia investigations
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump says Russians are "laughing their asses off in Moscow" for the way Washington has handled the Russia investigations, following the Department of Justice's charges against Russian nationals last week for allegedly interfering in the 2016 election.

"If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America!" Trump tweeted Sunday morning.
Yep, they are laughing their asses off in Moscow, Donald hasn't imposed the sanctions yet either. I don't really think Donald is laughing though, I figure he's shitting his pants, cause he knows the jig is up, Mueller got him spooked bigly. The kind of amazing detail in the indictment of the 13 russians should make any American who played footsie with them very worried. They might have been mentioned in some russian's email or a report to the boss etc. One can only imagine what the NSA has collected and analysed on Trump after going back through their archives with a new search topic. All of the western allies are doing the same thing with their secret intelligence too, the dutch even had control of the computer cameras in the russian troll farm during the American hacking operations.

When they hit Trump it will be with a sledgehammer and the blow will knock his head clear off his shoulders. Bob Mueller won't fuck around when it comes to the safety of his country, he's good at his work and this final job is gonna be a masterpiece. The modern FBI is to a large extent the creation of Mueller who did extensive reforms during his tenure as director, he can't be happy with Trump trashing it. Does anybody seriously believe Trump still has friends in the FBI? I'd be surprised if there were any republicans left in the organisation. Think every G man working and retired wants Donald's ass?

It's becoming clear that many of Trump's supporters know he's guilty of being in bed with the russians, but just don't give a shit. Their loyalty is to the white tribe, not America and russians are seen as fellow white/christians, they see the world in black and white or in religious terms. That's why the mere truth won't help with many of these people, it gets filtered through the reality distortion machines of FOX, AM hate radio and their own fear and hate driven perspectives. You might now have a permanent russian 5th column in yer country after this, as the russians pick up the pieces in a post Trump world.
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Donald Trump, worst president ever (seriously). Don't argue with me just read the fucking news, oh and some people owe Barack Obama an apology.

I don't think I owe obamma an apology (I did say some nasty things about him), but in comparison I'd rather obama had another term. The nasty things I said were along the lines of opportunities lost, not mistakes made, not corruption, not stupidity or ignorance, not incompetance.

Heck, I'd be happy if romney was president knowing what I know now, or even bush the lestest, and they were no friend to the poor or non-privileged.

This pigos is so damaging to the interests of everyone in this country it shouldn't even be a question. It is no longer a battle between those that can afford a private jet and those that can't, or those who are disgusted by gays vs those who don't care. It's now about the survival of our democracy and our security.
Trump: 'They are laughing their asses off in Moscow' over how US handled Russia investigations
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump says Russians are "laughing their asses off in Moscow" for the way Washington has handled the Russia investigations, following the Department of Justice's charges against Russian nationals last week for allegedly interfering in the 2016 election.

"If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America!" Trump tweeted Sunday morning.
Yep, they are laughing their asses off in Moscow, Donald hasn't imposed the sanctions yet either. I don't really think Donald is laughing though, I figure he's shitting his pants, cause he knows the jig is up, Mueller got him spooked bigly. The kind of amazing detail in the indictment of the 13 russians should make any American who played footsie with them very worried. They might have been mentioned in some russian's email or a report to the boss etc. One can only imagine what the NSA has collected and analysed on Trump after going back through their archives with a new search topic. All of the western allies are doing the same thing with their secret intelligence too, the dutch even had control of the computer cameras in the russian troll farm during the American hacking operations.

When they hit Trump it will be with a sledgehammer and the blow will knock his head clear off his shoulders. Bob Mueller won't fuck around when it comes to the safety of his country, he's good at his work and this final job is gonna be a masterpiece. The modern FBI is to a large extent the creation of Mueller who did extensive reforms during his tenure as director, he can't be happy with Trump trashing it. Does anybody seriously believe Trump still as friends in the FBI? I'd be surprised if there were any republicans left in the organisation. Think every G man working and retired wants Donald's ass?

It's becoming clear that many of Trump's supporters know he's guilty of being in bed with the russians, but just don't give a shit. Their loyalty is to the white tribe, not America and russians are seen as fellow white/christians, they see the world in black and white or in religious terms. That's why the mere truth won't help with many of these people, it gets filtered through the reality distortion machines of FOX, AM hate radio and their own fear and hate driven perspectives. You might now have a permanent russian 5th column in yer country after this, as the russians pick up the pieces in a post Trump world.

if mueller hates what trump represents as much as i do, he realizes this is damaging to democracy. i hope he swings BIGLY when he goes to nail trump.

and as patriotic, medal winning and country loving as mueller as been his entire life, fox news and their pundits continue to try to ruin his name. i hope karma bites these fuckers so hard they have to work at walmart when everything is done.
I don't think I owe obamma an apology (I did say some nasty things about him), but in comparison I'd rather obama had another term. The nasty things I said were along the lines of opportunities lost, not mistakes made, not corruption, not stupidity or ignorance, not incompetance.

Heck, I'd be happy if romney was president knowing what I know now, or even bush the lestest, and they were no friend to the poor or non-privileged.

This pigos is so damaging to the interests of everyone in this country it shouldn't even be a question. It is no longer a battle between those that can afford a private jet and those that can't, or those who are disgusted by gays vs those who don't care. It's now about the survival of our democracy and our security.

the hard core righties will call you a liar. it's all about making lefties feel bad for them. fuck the good of the country, they don't give a fuck.

and neither should we when we confront these people in real life. we should isolate them and continue to shame them the rest of their lives.
The latest xmas toy to hit the market - GOP INaction Figure!!!!
