The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Kiss the ring...
More like kiss his ass... Even in Utah the base is nuts, mormons believe crazy shit and fell for a guy long ago named Joe Smith who was a lot like Donald, a fabulist sociopath. I figured Mitt would have more spine since Trump is not too popular in mormon country.

Donald will have his church and worshipers too, just like Elvis, in fact I'll bet there are a lot of the same people in both churches, since cognitive dissonance is not an issue for them. It's how they can call themselves christians, while serving the Devil day everyday, they also worship Trump and put his values before Christ's. Some folks are real good at bullshitting themselves.
More like kiss his ass... Even in Utah the base is nuts, mormons believe crazy shit and fell for a guy long ago named Joe Smith who was a lot like Donald, a fabulist sociopath. I figured Mitt would have more spine since Trump is not too popular in mormon country.

Donald will have his church and worshipers too, just like Elvis, in fact I'll bet there are a lot of the same people in both churches, since cognitive dissonance is not an issue for them. It's how they can call themselves christians, while serving the Devil day everyday, they also worship Trump and put his values before Christ's. Some folks are real good at bullshitting themselves.

the people that believe obama is a muslim believe trump is a christian.

wow, what a fucked up group of morons...
Monologue: Turd in the Punchbowl | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including Trump introducing his trademark drama to the G7

New Rule: Crass Dismissed | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill warns that free speech is under fire from both ends of the political spectrum.
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Trump considers Canada and your NATO allies "national security threats" and imposed tariffs because of a national security emergency. Do you think he will try to cancel the midterm elections if it doesn't look good for him? Nullify the results because of a national security threat (the russians might help with that)? I think Trump is capable of anything and if the republicans go along with him, you could have a "long congress", unless someone grows a pair down there and puts the beast down. I know all the arguments against such notions, but you are dealing with Trump here and common sense or decency play no part, he is a desperate, cornered, narcissistic sociopath so expect the absolute worst. Lets just see if we can avoid nuclear war in the next week, I'm sure Mueller is thinking about such things, before he does something that causes Donald to need a distraction.
Trump considers Canada and your NATO allies "national security threats" and imposed tariffs because of a national security emergency. Do you think he will try to cancel the midterm elections if it doesn't look good for him? Nullify the results because of a national security threat (the russians might help with that)? I think Trump is capable of anything and if the republicans go along with him, you could have a "long congress", unless someone grows a pair down there and puts the beast down. I know all the arguments against such notions, but you are dealing with Trump here and common sense or decency play no part, he is a desperate, cornered, narcissistic sociopath so expect the absolute worst. Lets just see if we can avoid nuclear war in the next week, I'm sure Mueller is thinking about such things, before he does something that causes Donald to need a distraction.

He can't cancel the midterms. They aren't run by the federal gov't. They are run by the states. He could try to postpone the presidential 2020 election, but that is a constitutional mandate, and the courts would stop him unless there was a legitimate national emergency. But the states would have to take that action to stop the midterms, which would hurt them since their members would have to leave office when their term ends.

But even if the 2020 presidential election wasn't held, trump would still cease to be president on Jan 20. Succession would fall to the speaker of the house since the vp slot would also be vacant. Since the house changes leaders before the president, that would be whomever was elected speaker on Jan 4th (I think, it's first week in Jan). If some states hold the federal election, but others don't, or if the election doesn't get out of the electoral college, the house can vote in a new president. It still wouldn't be trump.

So unless he sends the army into the scotus and house and shuts everything down and declares marshall law, his term will end. The constitution is explicit. Terms end, only elections can start them.

Bullets trump paper however. If the army breaks for trump, the country ends.
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He can't cancel the midterms. They aren't run by the federal gov't. They are run by the states. He could try to postpone the presidential 2020 election, but that is a constitutional mandate, and the courts would stop him unless there was a legitimate national emergency. But the states would have to take that action to stop the midterms, which would hurt them since their members would have to leave office when their term ends.

But even if the 2020 presidential election wasn't held, trump would still cease to be president on Jan 20. Succession would fall to the speaker of the house since the vp slot would also be vacant. Since the house changes leaders before the president, that would be whomever was elected speaker on Jan 4th (I think, it's first week in Jan). If some states hold the federal election, but others don't, or if the election doesn't get out of the electoral college, the house can vote in a new president. It still wouldn't be trump.

So unless he sends the army into the scotus and house and shuts everything down and declares marshall law, his term will end. The constitution is explicit. Terms end, only elections can start them.

Bullets trump paper however. If the army breaks for trump, the country ends.

I agree with you, but Trump will still try, he's desperate and cunning, but not too bright and doesn't know how the constitution works. He will try to destroy the country before he is forcibly removed from power and will foment unrest after he is gone, until the judge takes away his Twitter. He is gonna try to do as much damage as possible. I don't think too many in the military leadership would follow Trump into a power grab, if you have seen the US army field manual criteria for leadership abilities, you'll know Trump has none, he couldn't lead a pack of dogs (morons are another matter).

The congress has let him get away with everything so far, most in the GOP wouldn't say a thing if he floated the idea of a power grab. Ya got lucky with Trump, if he had a brain and a plan the country would be toast and so would the rest of us.
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Yep, we're real impressed with this loser up here in Canada, I wonder what Putin ordered him to do about Korea... "Weak and dishonest" sounds like Trump, I think Donald is projecting again.
White House attacks Canada on eve of North Korea summit

President Trump flew to Singapore from Canada, where he participated in an especially contentious G7 summit that came after he triggered a trade dispute with several of the US' closest allies. The quick succession of combative G7 meetings and his arrival in Singapore for a summit with North Korea's dictator set up a striking contrast best captured by a pair of tweets Trump issued after leaving Canada in which he slammed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as "very dishonest & weak" and reneged on US plans to sign a joint communique with the G7 leaders.
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Fine then, we are no longer going to accept the occasional Canadian penny in comerce anymore either. They will be seperated then discarded into fountains through out the states with not so well wishes, believe me.
Fine then, we are no longer going to accept the occasional Canadian penny in comerce anymore either. They will be seperated then discarded into fountains through out the states with not so well wishes, believe me.
If Trump gave the word they'd be all in favor of invasion, why not, if yer in for treason already and don't mind Putin as yer Lord and master. You folks gotta do something about the morons in yer midst and in particular the moron in chief, he's probably gonna start a war and kill millions in yer name, if Putin wants it. Putin just wants America out of asia, so does China, he also wants to break up the G7 and NATO and his boy Donald is following orders, weakening the USA in every way he can. Putin owns the fucker, he's totally his bitch, Vlad's kompromat must be mighty indeed. Treason is always bitter tasting as are most poisons and ya'd have to be numb from the neck up not to sense it here.

PS, we got rid of the penny up here a few years ago, prices are rounded up or down, you won't find many Canadian pennies soon.
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I figure it's got more to do with treason, the russian invite to the G7 was a give away, Vlad owns him. Everything Trump has done and is doing serves Putin's interests, he's owned and by extension so are you and so is every other American.

I take offense at your premise of anyone "owning" me
How did vladamir buy him
I doubt it was very difficult. Trump is a vulgarian, enough money would buy him easily. And if you back that up with incriminating blackmail, it isn't much of a trick to make him do what Putin wants. Think about it... What did Putin buy? Did he buy an intelligent, well educated man who had devoted his life to public service? No, he bought a privileged, slum-lord realty realty tycoon who starred in a reality show that glorified himself. That was easy.

Trump is out for Trump, not the country. He doesn't give a shit about America. The real question is why so many in America would vote for such an obvious piece of shit and why they still support him while he destroys the country.
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