The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump


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‘Alternative Law:’ Constitutional Scholar On The Dershowitz Defense Of Trump | All In | MSNBC

Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe looks at Alan Dershowitz’s likely defense of Trump ahead of the Senate impeachment trial: “Alan is completely wacko on this.” Aired on 01/17/20.


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If Donald is removed from office and Pence is in shit, this guy could end up as the GOP nominee in 2020. I don't think he's crazy or stupid enough for the base though, so maybe not.
Bill Weld: Trump Is A ‘Recipe For Disaster’ For GOP | The Last Word | MSNBC
Fmr. Gov. of Massachusetts Bill Weld, who's running for the GOP nomination against President Trump, tells Ali Velshi that Republican Senators must allow witnesses and evidence or it will be a "recipe for disaster" for the Republican Party. Aired on 1/17/2020.


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Impeachment managers release trial memorandum detailing why Trump must be removed from office

House impeachment managers released an in-depth trial memorandum laying out the case for convicting President Donald Trump during his Senate impeachment trial.

The memorandum was released by representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA), Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), Val Demings (D-FL), Jason Crow (D-CO) and Sylvia Garcia (D-FL).

The document divides the argument by the House of Representatives into three points.



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Key Republican Senators Now Open To Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial | NBC Nightly News

Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins said they’d be likely to vote for additional information in President Trump’s impeachment trial. New evidence is bolstering the claims of Lev Parnas, an indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, that he was connected to the Trump administration — including photos with Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and other Republican officials.


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South Carolina voter: To a large swath of the country, Trump is unaccountable
CNN's Alisyn Camerota speaks with a panel of black South Carolina voters about the impeachment of President Donald Trump.


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Joe: Devin Nunes keeps Getting Caught In One Clumsy Lie After Another | Morning Joe | MSNBC
New evidence released Friday by House Dems shows Derek Harvey, a former WH official and top aide to GOP Rep. Devin Nunes, communicated extensively with Lev Parnas on Ukraine. Aired on 01/20/20.


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‘Alternative Law:’ Constitutional Scholar On The Dershowitz Defense Of Trump | All In | MSNBC

Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe looks at Alan Dershowitz’s likely defense of Trump ahead of the Senate impeachment trial: “Alan is completely wacko on this.” Aired on 01/17/20.
The whole idea is to get 'we the people' sold on the emperor wearing clothing when in fact he's naked.

Alt? Alternative? You mean lies..

It's a lie to call lies something other than what they are..


Well-Known Member
If Donald is removed from office and Pence is in shit, this guy could end up as the GOP nominee in 2020. I don't think he's crazy or stupid enough for the base though, so maybe not.
Bill Weld: Trump Is A ‘Recipe For Disaster’ For GOP | The Last Word | MSNBC
Fmr. Gov. of Massachusetts Bill Weld, who's running for the GOP nomination against President Trump, tells Ali Velshi that Republican Senators must allow witnesses and evidence or it will be a "recipe for disaster" for the Republican Party. Aired on 1/17/2020.
They would go to 3rd in line Nancy Pelosi.


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Trump Turns MLK Day Tweet Into Tribute To His 2017 Inauguration ...
and made it all about him ...

Don “ the Con “ Trump decided to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day the only way he knows how: with a tweet focused on himself.

On Monday, the president tweeted that the day marked the three-year anniversary of his inauguration before somehow tying that into the commemoration of King’s birthday.


Considering the many times the president used racism and racist rhetoric to build up his campaign and his real estate business, it’s no surprise that many Twitter users weren’t exactly impressed..... to say the least.

As I feel none of you are really surprised at this ...


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Key Republican Senators Now Open To Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial | NBC Nightly News

Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins said they’d be likely to vote for additional information in President Trump’s impeachment trial. New evidence is bolstering the claims of Lev Parnas, an indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, that he was connected to the Trump administration — including photos with Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and other Republican officials.
Jesus..Parnas even has a pic with that cunt Pam Bondi.


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CNN obtains proposed Senate impeachment rules for trial

The impeachment organizing resolution text from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gives House impeachment managers and the President's legal team 24 hours each to make their opening arguments over two days. CNN's Phil Mattingly reports.


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Adam Schiff Slams Impeachment Rules: 'This Is The Process For A Rigged Trial' | MSNBC

Impeachment manager Senator Adam Schiff, D-Calif., slammed the impeachment rules announced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling the process different from the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton. Aired on 01/21/20.