The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump

I'll bet next week Trump's approval rating stays at 42%. Their base doesn't care. They also know that a large number of people has short memory.
The investigations will continue and shit will fall from the sky at an increasing rate right up to election day. I think Trump might get 38% of the vote and it will go right down the ballot to dog catcher. Too many people are wise to this bullshit now and determined to put it to an end in november, turn out will be massive and that won't be good for the GOP generally. Donald will lead them to disaster, he fucked up everything he ever touched, even his election, he never wanted to be POTUS, it was all a marketing scam. He really needs to win this time, the sum of his sins will be added up in court if he loses. Donald and his minions are part of a very serious criminal conspiracy and cover up, lots of high level people could go to prison for a long time and they might include GOP congressmen and even a senator or two.
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Wray and the FBI have been real quiet during all of this, I wonder how hard Barr is pressing his thumb on him, I think the FBI probably knows just about everything about this bullshit, or will start investigations to find out more, if they need it. Barr needs to be careful with Wray, he's another guy who writes everything down and he wants to be there for awhile, long after Donald is gone, he needs to think about the future too.

If the democrats win in november, Wray will need to be quick with information for the new congress, AG and federal prosecutors, he'll want to be on the right side of history and the law. He is investigating and gathering evidence, if he doesn't, someone might want to know why one day.

i was thinking this very same thing..who will make Donald leave when he calls rigged in November? I mean how does it work, we've never had someone like this..i'm pretty sure it'll be some sort of landslide to which he'll call foul..who goes to him to escort him out..assuming there is someone.
Wray and the FBI have been real quiet during all of this, I wonder how hard Barr is pressing his thumb on him, I think the FBI probably knows just about everything about this bullshit, or will start investigations to find out more, if they need it. Barr needs to be careful with Wray, he's another guy who writes everything down and he wants to be there for awhile, long after Donald is gone, he needs to think about the future too.

If the democrats win in november, Wray will need to be quick with information for the new congress, AG and federal prosecutors, he'll want to be on the right side of history and the law. He is investigating and gathering evidence, if he doesn't, someone might want to know why one day.
I was referring to what Comey did just days before the election. He's not why Clinton lost, but his nudge made a difference in the favor of Trump. If the election this fall is close, Trump's control of the FBI makes another nudge likely to have a similar effect. As with Comey's nudge, he doesn't even have to be correct, just truthy to have an effect. This, in spite of all the crap that Trump had done and will do before the election, might be all he needs to convince the short sighted members of our voting community at the critical moment.
The investigations will continue and shit will fall from the sky at an increasing rate right up to election day. I think Trump might get 38% of the vote and it will go right down the ballot to dog catcher. Too many people are wise to this bullshit now and determined to put it to an end in november, turn out will be massive and that won't be good for the GOP generally. Donald will lead them to disaster, he fucked up everything he ever touched, even his election, he never wanted to be POTUS, it was all a marketing scam. He really needs to win this time, the sum of his sins will be added up in court if he loses. Donald and his minions are part of a very serious criminal conspiracy and cover up, lots of high level people could go to prison for a long time and they might include GOP congressmen and even a senator or two.

my wallpaper..the very moment Eric Swallwell announced the link between Nunes and Ukraine..I love Congress TV!:lol:

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I was referring to what Comey did just days before the election. He's not why Clinton lost, but his nudge made a difference in the favor of Trump. If the election this fall is close, Trump's control of the FBI makes another nudge likely to have a similar effect. As with Comey's nudge, he doesn't even have to be correct, just truthy to have an effect. This, in spite of all the crap that Trump had done and will do before the election, might be all he needs to convince the short sighted members of our voting community at the critical moment.
He will most likely try that and more, lie, cheat and steal is Donald's game, he's been doing it all his life, it's the only thing he knows how to do. Wray is a smart guy, he knows what happened to Comey and won't make that mistake! The FBI is in the background, but it's they're watching and asking quietly. Wray is gonna hedge his bets with the democrats if he wants a career as FBI director, as the election approaches other government people will too. Many future microscopes will look at all aspects of this fiasco and many might have to answer for much that was done, or undone...
I was referring to what Comey did just days before the election. He's not why Clinton lost, but his nudge made a difference in the favor of Trump. If the election this fall is close, Trump's control of the FBI makes another nudge likely to have a similar effect. As with Comey's nudge, he doesn't even have to be correct, just truthy to have an effect. This, in spite of all the crap that Trump had done and will do before the election, might be all he needs to convince the short sighted members of our voting community at the critical moment.
It will come from Barr this time around is my bet. Trump's cult members keep getting bumped off and discredited.
Your voice of experience is noted.
Shish, don't let the secret out keep the legend alive!

It's a bit like scotsmen and the question of whether they wear underwear under the kilt. I used to be a member of the second division Cape Breton Highlanders (militia) and to go regimental meant to go without tidy whities under the kilt and they could tell by looking at your boots (they shined) on inspection (back then all underwear was white). "Let the wind blow high let the wind blow low let the wind whistle up around yer", was a marching song set to a familiar scottish tune, but the words were quite different.

With more women in the forces and in combat roles, things are probably different now...
It will come from Barr this time around is my bet. Trump's cult members keep getting bumped off and discredited.
It occured to me that if Donald loses the election, he won't be Donald lame duck, he'll be Donald dead duck! If he takes Mitch's senate majority with him when he goes Mitch might do him at light speed after november, if the democrats offered up more impeachment articles then, giving Donald the bum's rush early might be helpful to all concerned. I still think the best thing for the country would be for Trump to flee on AF1 to Russia after losing the election. That would leave the GOP holding a big bag of shit, it would be worth the price if it destroyed and discredited the republican party while shaming every asshole who ever wore a MAGA hat or attended a rally, not that many of them are capable of feeling shame.

Donald could do an RT show from Moscow for Vlad and whine about the deep state coup and rigged election, maybe even build the Moscow Trump tower, or he could even be sent back to America after Vlad is done wiping his ass with him. What a wonderful reception he would get on arrival, thousands would shout, "LOCK HIM UP! It would be a nice clean and tidy end to a sordid tale and settle things quickly.
It occured to me that if Donald loses the election, he won't be Donald lame duck, he'll be Donald dead duck! If he takes Mitch's senate majority with him when he goes Mitch might do him at light speed after november, if the democrats offered up more impeachment articles then, giving Donald the bum's rush early might be helpful to all concerned. I still think the best thing for the country would be for Trump to flee on AF1 to Russia after losing the election. That would leave the GOP holding a big bag of shit, it would be worth the price if it destroyed and discredited the republican party while shaming every asshole who ever wore a MAGA hat or attended a rally, not that many of them are capable of feeling shame.

Donald could do an RT show from Moscow for Vlad and whine about the deep state coup and rigged election, maybe even build the Moscow Trump tower, or he could even be sent back to America after Vlad is done wiping his ass with him. What a wonderful reception he would get on arrival, thousands would shout, "LOCK HIM UP! It would be a nice clean and tidy end to a sordid tale and settle things quickly.
I agree, Nancy needed to get the impeachment out of the way and into the Senate so Trump wouldn't be a little baby and shut down the government making 900k+ government workers and millions of private businesses suffer.

Knowing Mitch would show the Republicans are just Trump's minions, because they are forced to keep him or get slaughtered in the fall because he is all they got now. If he loses Mitch has no more use for Trump, and they can drop him without consequence after the election.

It is dangerous, Mitch riding Trump's coattails reminds me of this guy:

What happened to your sock account? Posting for Trump should be kinda embarrassing for a normal person, I mean carrying Donald's water for nothing and looking like a fucking fool is bad for your rep.
Im personally a libertarian and could give two fucks; however, the sniveling is so egregious i had to take a position against the snowflakes to pass the time and test what level of personal attacks id get and sure enough this level of banter showed its head. I do wish you and your sock well... Go chiefs.....