The Daily Bud


Well-Known Member
the color in those "better than mom" shots is amazing. those plants have purple tiger striping! too cool bro! As always great shots Sub
OMG! U create such unique looking, beautiful plants. To u and Mz Jill & all your crew "Right On! Thank u for sharing!!". We just recently grew Querkle that we purchased as clones in Oakland, and had the privledge of meeting you guys and we even got to show you our version of Querkle at the expo. We got a few packs of your seeds and I just started my first two seeds of Jb & two Pb. My husband and his crew have been growing for years and although Iv'e always been involved in harvesting or an occasional checking of temps and lights in the room I've mostly been the taster. LOL!!! Something about u and Mz Jill inspired me :) Like the pics of your creations we are now in the process of expanding our grow room to make room for my girls :):):)


I've got 3 packs JC2, 1 AO, 1 Querkle, and 3 3D's. Had 1 Deep Purple none germed :( but had goodluck with AO can't wait to try all of ur genetics I've got! Also have sampled your Jillybean and Dairy Queen both were tasty! :):):)


Well-Known Member
I thought I better test her outside as well and I was very pleased.

This strain has been grown more than any other TGA hybrid.



Well-Known Member
]Never seen a plant make so much resin on the fan leaves[/B]
shit man thats what im sayin everytime i pull out a certain qwerkle. this thing is coated in trichs....

however the buds on said qwerkle are super tiny. also the leaves are a much lighter green then the other qwerkles and has purple stripes down the center of each finger (day 36 floweer).

does this sound like a phenotype your familiar with? only one has these charecteristics and i plan on that being my prized meds.


Well-Known Member
By now everyone should know of my work with Black Russian and Sputnik and how many people grow then out and swear by them as far as potency and yields and no one complains ever about flavor but I see people describing it as Berry Pepper or Spicy and that not really the flavor I was looking for when I started out. Everyone is crazy about Blueberry but to be honest its rare I find a female that actually taste anything like an actual blueberry anything. Sure there are the occasional rare yummy ones but its not like a super tasty keeper is in every pack. Now I must clarify this has nothing to do with Somas’s lavender I have smoked it several times and it doesn’t have the same taste, smell or look at this northern California original.

I have spoken with several people who grow this cutting also know to some as Urkle. Its easily recognized by her super short and slow growth pattern and later in bud her amazing transformation into a Lavender beauty just reeking of grapes and purple goodness.

It my recent article The Color Purple I lay out why cannabis turns purple and other colors and explained why so many find it desirable. I have spend many wasted dollars trying purple samples both in the US and in the UK as well as Canada but until Sticky Lungs passed this cut to me I was not overly impressed with the taste of any of them and you know me I am into taste as much as potency. If Lavender has a down side its how slow she grows after rooting. In soil I take cuts a full month before the rest of my strains just so she can have a chance of keeping up. One thing Space Dude ( our Space Queen breeding male) is good for is adding some speed and stretch to most of his sibling crosses and we hope the combination of potency and heavy resins will make a killer cross.



Well-Known Member
I grew out the cutting Sticky gave me along with the Trainwreck and in the end I liked the TW grown in my garden about as much as his. The lavender fooled me though, it took so long to get going I had her in the rear of the garden and in the last 2 weeks she just filled out some massive rock hard colas that slowly started to fade to purple. Now I must stress I intentionally kept her in a warm area with no cold nights and I maxed out my super soil so that zero fading could occur. Basically I had the Nitrogen levels super high to make sure she was green to the end. If this girl turned colors I wanted it to be naturally occurring.



Well-Known Member
The plants simply loved super soil it was just slow......
As the plant matured it was extremely dark green and total Indica at week 5 she was barely turning purple but it was all in the genetics because day and night temps were running in the high 70’s I didn’t add any fertilizers other than sucanat and sweatleaf.

Professor Plum in the Study with the Dank Ass Buds



Well-Known Member
In the end the buds were a beautiful Purple, almost Black Plum colored and the flavor is out of this world. I like to contrast the taste with another strain like Jack the Ripper that’s completely different and lemony harsh. When you have a binger of lavender it taste so good I almost always take to much in and get a giant head rush. This isn’t whimpy bud either with a heavy Indica influence its buzz is great for night time. I like to pour a nice strong sweet coffee to go with a joint of this super sweet strain. I notice living full time with a bud garden some times my senses are numbed down and I have to leave the house to really smell what our weed is like.



Well-Known Member
Breeding in the winter is a bit different than the summer in that the breeding closet we use now is not heated and being remote from the home its cold as hell out there. He developed nicely but has been kinda hanging on here the last few days so I have decided to move the 400 watt light over him to warm things up and get the party started. I have lavender clones in two stages one budding now almost 27 days and one budding like 22 I will decide which one is best but the older one may be to far along to finish the seeds before finishing.

