The Daily Bud


Well-Known Member
everybody grows their own way, a lot of people will tell you to flush your plants for the whole last week before harvest, others will tell you its bull shit, and unneeded. ive flushed for the last week, and not flushed, both burn pretty much the same. however, you get these growers who use a fuck load of supplements and additives along with their regular grow and bloom, and their pot turns out great, but the more food you hit your plants with, the more need their is for flushing, this doesnt necessarily mean your plants are over fed, it just means they're processing many different kinds of food, and they should probably be flushed before harvest, especially with synthetics.... thats just from my experiences with growing though. it really depends on your methods, and what/how much you're feeding them


Well-Known Member
flushing isnt necessary WHATSOEVER. prove me wrong.
It is necessary... period.

its common sense.. if you have any experience at all, you know that when using chemical ferts.. you HAVE to flush out the broken down metals/sugars/starches out of the soil/medium.

If you don't want to flush.. fine, don't flush yours.. but once again, don't go around telling people that its not necessary, because it is. If you want your final product to taste like shit.. to taste like the nutrients you used.. and to crackle and pop when you try smoking it.. then by all means, go for it.. but just because you don't flush your own.. doesn't mean other people won't need to... period.

*shakes head*... ppl these days.



Active Member
It is necessary... period.

its common sense.. if you have any experience at all, you know that when using chemical ferts.. you HAVE to flush out the broken down metals/sugars/starches out of the soil/medium.

If you don't want to flush.. fine, don't flush yours.. but once again, don't go around telling people that its not necessary, because it is. If you want your final product to taste like shit.. to taste like the nutrients you used.. and to crackle and pop when you try smoking it.. then by all means, go for it.. but just because you don't flush your own.. doesn't mean other people won't need to... period.

*shakes head*... ppl these days.

The problem here is you're posting in the organics forum. Flushing is pointless in organics. And it's also pointless when you're using mineral ferts if you can resist the temptation to overfeed. All you gotta do is stop feeding them a couple weeks before chop and the plant will consume the leftover nutrients and complete senescence on its own, without having to drown the medium in shit tons of water and stress your plants unnecessarily. And if you think that this is method is called flushing, you're wrong again. Flushing involves tons of a water and is almost always unnecessary if you're practicing good feeding habits to begin with. Even with liquid mineral nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Do I really need to type Just Add Water again?

When using organics and only water what would or could I flush out?
60 days of flowering watering every 4 days means I have "Flushed" the plants 15 times.

Chemical growing is a completely different game and yes you must flush when using salt based fertilizers Duh!!



Active Member
I think people have different definitions of what flushing really is. I was always taught that "flushing" is an emergency method used to leach excess ferts from your medium and stabilize pH when you've over fed or are locked out. This isn't the same as cutting off liquid ferts two or three weeks before chop to get a good fade. But I think a lot of people call this method of just feeding plain water in the last phase of budding "flushing," which I feel is kind of a misnomer. This is called watering your damn plants, not flushing. When I hear the word flushing I envision somebody pouring tons of water through their medium to leach excess ferts that are only there because the grower was overfeeding. If the plant is getting just enough food to keep it happy and thrive, the excess ferts won't be there in the first place and won't need to be "flushed" out.

Sorry for crapping up this thread, Sub. I was just trying to defend myself. :eyesmoke:

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Do I really need to type Just Add Water again?

When using organics and only water what would or could I flush out?
60 days of flowering watering every 4 days means I have "Flushed" the plants 15 times.

Chemical growing is a completely different game and yes you must flush when using salt based fertilizers Duh!!

Lol thanks man. I flush because I haven't switched to super soil yet haha.


Well-Known Member
lol, i think cannabisguru forgot he was in the organics area.

sub said it pretty much the most obvious way you can.

organics is awesome, mainly bc i can dry a fresh plant in a week, stuff some nug in my bong, rip it and it tastes better than synthetically-grown bud thats been curing for three weeks.

of course, i still opt to cure my organic buds...but the measure of quality is so much more pronounced in organics, its hard to do anything but.


Well-Known Member
I grew this out last year and maybe the best bud I ever grew that I didnt breed myself.
I have lost contact with Sonic since leaving Breedbay but this cat is one of the best unknown breeders on the planet today!!

Thanks for the kind words and all wiull be revealed before this rides over but I have to stay in order or I will loose my place.

Yeah, I know Sonic from Breedbay. He's actually the coolest person I've ever "met" as far as cannabis forums go. He was actually the one that sent me 10 of his creations for free. I didn't really think he was serious about doing it.. but about 2 weeks after talking with him, I got a package and sure enough, it contained (well hidden of course) - but it contained 10 different strains.. all of which are his creations. He sent me a list.. and had each bag of beans marked accordingly with the list.. so I knew what strains were there.. and which bags they were in.

I mean, he sent these to me for free. I've only grown 2 of his creations.. the Pandora's Box cross being one of them. Let me tell ya.. this Pandora's Box cross is a fucking KILLER strain. I'm talking like.. this stuff is truthfully a legit 'one hitter quitter'. Take two hits from the bowl with this strain loaded and your going to be asleep within the hour.. guaranteed. ;)

But anyhow, as always.. I'm absolutely loving your creations/grows Sub. Keep up the great work man!



Active Member
I second that as well. Sonic is a real cool cat. Very humble and is a legend in my opinion. I think sub hit it on the head when he said sonic is one of the best breeders that is really unknown for the most part. I still have my pinequeen and I will to the end :)

Sub, what did you ever find with the Shimla project? or is that "top secret" :blsmoke:

chef c

Well-Known Member
Sub! badass. As promised, here's some Space Bomb, HaSh!!!View attachment 1657023View attachment 1657031 As well as some pics of what it does to youhash 017.jpg.
Some Qrazy Train HasHhash 001.jpghash 002.jpghash 003.jpg, btw I'm using popcorn + trim for these concentrates, TOTALLY WORTH IT!!! And a random picture of some guys from the U.S. ARMY watching the detonation of "Ivy Mike" (which is what I'll be calling the QT xCN for now) the first hydrogen bomb. Its so sureal I think. Sitting in the chairs w the blast goggles on... hash 009.jpg like any other Sunday, except for the fact that a 10 mega ton device was just set off... Anyone else need another cold one??? 6..., 5..., 4..., "Ya, Bob send one over here", 3..., "Quick sit down!", 2,... "Just in time..", 1..... Ummmmm, BOOM?



Well-Known Member

I love it & thanks I had a good laugh

TGA Bubble is not for the timid

I think Mike Tyson had a hand in making this bubble since it has been kicking my ass all week long

I have 3 bags of trim of the following -- Cher, Space Madness, & Dairy Queen ready for the bubble bags this week

I may need to training more for this round bongsmilie bongsmilie

T :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the vortex pics back on page 111 sub.i just started some of the flav and space bomb,and i'm working on finding some vortex to run with them.i'll try to do em some justice and make ya proud,peace.


Well-Known Member
hi t whats the chance you have some of those dairy queen buds to show off got a fresh ten pack would like to see my future smoke looks like iam hoping some stinky skunky smoke had to get some of these beans cause there's more dairy queeens in this state than star bucks in seattel i just found this thread i was digging it light it up t or sub