The Daily Nugg,

Favorite time to smoke

  • Morning

    Votes: 70 24.3%
  • Afternoon

    Votes: 26 9.0%
  • Nighttime

    Votes: 68 23.6%
  • Naked while yelling at strangers

    Votes: 124 43.1%

  • Total voters
This is what I got done yesterday, only had a couple hours so I just printed out some templates and cut all the holes I know the dimensions for.

View attachment 4179227

Then I mounted the largest components to get a better idea of where I want stuff to go. Even though I modeled it some of the dimensions for some of the parts are off a bit so it all needs to be test fit.

View attachment 4179226

Won’t be able to work on it today
10A of 12v not enough? Why 2 12v power supplies?
What is the deal with the pigs do you have to register and can you keep the pig, since your only turning in the tail.

In my area we don't have to register, the one thing we do, do is we have to notify the game wardens of what we are doing....kinda goes like this.

Once the red flag is up, we contact to local vets, feed shops and send out flyer to let them know that if they have a problem they can contact us. Once we are contacted, we setup a date to be there, we advise the land owner to get in contact with the local game warden in the area, usually they are pretty nice. Once we meet the land owner and game warden to get access to the property this way it lets them know we are gonna be on the property hunting and setting up traps. If we get kills, and most of the time we do, we notify the warden, they give us tickets to turn it, then we turn in the tickets for the money. Most of the time we eat what we kill, or we donate it to families in the area, food banks, etc. We made some nice money doing it, northern counties get it the worst though, southern are not bad, but they are a nusince to the farmer and ranchers. Biggest thing is, always keep your hunting license up to date cause that's what the game warden cks first. It's just a responsible thing to do, and to teach to our younger generation, cause sometimes we take them out too hunt as well....
In my area we don't have to register, the one thing we do, do is we have to notify the game wardens of what we are doing....kinda goes like this.

Once the red flag is up, we contact to local vets, feed shops and send out flyer to let them know that if they have a problem they can contact us. Once we are contacted, we setup a date to be there, we advise the land owner to get in contact with the local game warden in the area, usually they are pretty nice. Once we meet the land owner and game warden to get access to the property this way it lets them know we are gonna be on the property hunting and setting up traps. If we get kills, and most of the time we do, we notify the warden, they give us tickets to turn it, then we turn in the tickets for the money. Most of the time we eat what we kill, or we donate it to families in the area, food banks, etc. We made some nice money doing it, northern counties get it the worst though, southern are not bad, but they are a nusince to the farmer and ranchers. Biggest thing is, always keep your hunting license up to date cause that's what the game warden cks first. It's just a responsible thing to do, and to teach to our younger generation, cause sometimes we take them out too hunt as well....
Are wild pigs good eating?
The biggest thing i have to stress bout hunting them is the simple fact they are wild, and the will run after you. I seen many time where hunting go after them only to be gotten by them. Mauled by a wild pig or a feral pig is not a good site, especially if you seen what they can do with a human body. So you gotta drop them with one shot if possible, cause if they come after you better learn the high stepping and climbing abilities.....

if you really wanna have some fun, get on a chopper and hunt them with an AR it's legal here in Texas
The biggest thing i have to stress bout hunting them is the simple fact they are wild, and the will run after you. I seen many time where hunting go after them only to be gotten by them. Mauled by a wild pig or a feral pig is not a good site, especially if you seen what they can do with a human body. So you gotta drop them with one shot if possible, cause if they come after you better learn the high stepping and climbing abilities.....

if you really wanna have some fun, get on a chopper and hunt them with an AR it's legal here in Texas
A shotgun is best at close range -- but will ruin the meat. :shock:
The biggest thing i have to stress bout hunting them is the simple fact they are wild, and the will run after you. I seen many time where hunting go after them only to be gotten by them. Mauled by a wild pig or a feral pig is not a good site, especially if you seen what they can do with a human body. So you gotta drop them with one shot if possible, cause if they come after you better learn the high stepping and climbing abilities.....

if you really wanna have some fun, get on a chopper and hunt them with an AR it's legal here in Texas
we used to take 6 inch pvc pipe, split it, and put it in pockets we sewed on the lower legs of our hunting pants. i never let one get close enough to me to get mauled, but it saved my buddy once, he tried to get in a tree and fell, the hog slashed the shit out of his lower legs, and he got off with one cut before he got back into the tree
saved me from getting snake bit, once
The biggest thing i have to stress bout hunting them is the simple fact they are wild, and the will run after you. I seen many time where hunting go after them only to be gotten by them. Mauled by a wild pig or a feral pig is not a good site, especially if you seen what they can do with a human body. So you gotta drop them with one shot if possible, cause if they come after you better learn the high stepping and climbing abilities.....

if you really wanna have some fun, get on a chopper and hunt them with an AR it's legal here in Texas

Hogs are mean, that's for sure - I've taken my share but you can't climb fast enough to get away from a brownie.

10A of 12v not enough? Why 2 12v power supplies?

The Arduino has its own power supply which gets bucked to 9v. Two of the sensors are susceptible to noise and need to be isolated. I'm driving large inductive loads.

So because of my power requirements and how much those power supplies cost (about as much as a wall wart) I just bought them for one purpose instead of getting one supply. That way I was able to get a low wattage low noise one for the arduino and sensors, the 5v for all of the indicators/switches/buttons/displays etc. and the 120w one is for the stepper motor microstep drivers and cost as much as the small low noise one.
At extremely close range it's hard to beat buckshot for stopping power.

In fact, #4 buckshot is a very good choice for home defense.
Devastating at close range with minimal over-penetration.
Well the problem with that is unless you pith them or severe their C-Spine they are pissed off enough to still kill you because their body hasn't gotten the message they are dead.

We saw that in young males with severe trauma. It took them a considerable amount of time to die after they were actually dead. They could still do a shitload of damage prior to the memo reaching their extremities.

I keep slugs in my Mossberg for a reason; to many years of LA County trauma.
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