the Dank & Stew grow!!


Well-Known Member
Noice! Subbed up for sure. This is gonna be awesome; in my mind I already had kinda paired you two together, BC of your grow styles and how many strains each of you grow.

Never turn down a chance to make things interesting 8)

Edit: finally fixed that damn type. Male= make**


Well-Known Member
Just checked on the 4 beans of the Sx1's I had popped into the h2o last night, and as of right now none has popped. So hopefully by in the morning atleast 1 or 2 will have! Trying to wait till they atleast have a tap b4 placing them into the soil.


Well-Known Member
Out of my 4 that i put between wet paper towels in a baggie one cracked. NO TAIL yet. just a crack in the side of the seed..... I'm keeping it above my floro that i use for the cuttings dome.(the interior ballast in it warms up enough to give off a small amount of heat.... So i'll wait another day before i put them in moist plugs. if they have a tail or not......


Well-Known Member
Out of my 4 that i put between wet paper towels in a baggie one cracked. NO TAIL yet. just a crack in the side of the seed..... I'm keeping it above my floro that i use for the cuttings dome.(the interior ballast in it warms up enough to give off a small amount of heat.... So i'll wait another day before i put them in moist plugs. if they have a tail or not......
Hell yeah, I hear that bro.. Sounds good. Shit I've yet to even check on these 4 tonight! Just looked this morning is all. So I may have 1 or 2 sprouted. I don't know though. 4 some reason the last ones I tried where "hard as hell" 2 crack! Its like there shells are double thick or something!! That, and when they did pop, like you had said they just sit in there shell and didn't sprout out a tail! :( the little shits!!


Well-Known Member
one popped and one cracked. so both were plugged in moist RR plugs and put in the humidity dome with the BD cuts. :) Good luck buddy. go check those beans out.


Well-Known Member
DANK!!!!!!!!!!!! Please tell me you've got at least 1 or 2 tails......... lol I've got 2 tails rooted into plugs after 12 hours. sprouts will be up tomorrow or the next day. I'll snap a picture of the sprouts as they come up.


Well-Known Member
IMG_20130820_005451.jpg Shitty blurred taproot picture......

Better Taproot picture sorry one of my favorite bands lol.


Well-Known Member
haha let the games begin!!!! beans that won't make mhmm mhmm
Hope none of mine are like that...what do you do? use your tweezers or fingernails and coax them out?
pardon if I missed that part lol


Well-Known Member
I use my finger nail. holding the bean firmly I press my nail into the side I want to crack. just enough till it pops. if you crush the little bugger you can say goodbye to any chance of germinating. :) Dank uses forceps I think.


Well-Known Member
I use my finger nail. holding the bean firmly I press my nail into the side I want to crack. just enough till it pops. if you crush the little bugger you can say goodbye to any chance of germinating. :) Dank uses forceps I think.
of course he does;) he's a genius...I am merely a lowly minion LOL