the Dank & Stew grow!!


Well-Known Member
Wanna light a lighter and kick me in the chest to get the blunt started too? lol
Asking a little much there are we sir??? HAHAHHA j/k

I don't know. That will be up to Dank I guess.
Personally i don't know a lot of training techniques. but i can always learn as i go.


Well-Known Member
dr. grinspoon
Critical Super Silver Haze
Rare Dankness - Night Terror
As more are added i will add them to the list. This way people can see what has been picked. Remember you CAN pick the same strain.
For those of you just joining this thread. We are asking for strain suggestions for the next 3 MONTHS
The strain with the most choices at the end will get purchased and run in our next grow.
(I guess it's MY next grow, since Dankster runs new shit almost everyday)

I will accept 1 strain from each person. Pick wisely because you cannot change your strain once I have posted it.
I am on ALL THE TIME so it's hard to try to sneak an edit by me unless it's between 6am-12pm. I'm usually half asleep.

Thanks for your time. No worries on staying subbed to the thread. All who vote will get a PM from me when the winner is decided.

Take care


Well-Known Member
  • Originally Posted by dlftmyers

    Critical Super Silver Haze

    [FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]+1 for critical super silver haze[/FONT]



Well-Known Member
Wanna light a lighter and kick me in the chest to get the blunt started too? lol
Asking a little much there are we sir??? HAHAHHA j/k

I don't know. That will be up to Dank I guess.
Personally i don't know a lot of training techniques. but i can always learn as i go.
Ha Ha Ha Maybe just top them? Any way you decide to grow they will still be awesome


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha Ha Maybe just top them? Any way you decide to grow they will still be awesome
I don't top. lol.... But if dank want's to then we will... Up to him. :)

I crimp now. thanks to BEECH. lol He showed me the light!! lol and now i have a 3' canopy on one plant. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. This contest is going to be called off for a little while.

Both Dank and I have so much going on right now, this extra contest is just going to cause problems and stress for us.

Once I start on my next grow, both of us should be ready to actually go through with the contest. :)

I was thinking that maybe we should have everyone, who wants to watch us
compete, get together and choose the strain we run..............
Which ever strain gets the most votes by the end of the year will be the one we go with.

How does that sound to you and everyone else? lol
We live in busy times my friend. I understand completely.
What??? Didn't everyone go into full retirement with me yesterday :o ...and at 46 years old even....:clap: man I'm already bored....NOT...just got home from fishing...yep stuck an empty pole in the water and a full beer in both hands, and sat on "my" creek and celebrated.....ahhh


Well-Known Member
What??? Didn't everyone go into full retirement with me yesterday :o ...and at 46 years old even....:clap: man I'm already bored....NOT...just got home from fishing...yep stuck an empty pole in the water and a full beer in both hands, and sat on "my" creek and celebrated.....ahhh
Nice man. Good for you. Able to get into and hold a good enough career to retire from at a reasonable age. My hat's off to you sir.

Not retiring. just have a breeding project with multiple crosses this grow. have over 40 plants. and just not enough time to worry about updating this thread with pictures weekly. it's becoming a hassle. Dank is having trouble with his main thread. and hasn't updated much for his crosses. lol

So I KNOW he is busy too. lol


Well-Known Member
Explain please...this crimping you speak

EDIT: And a pic would be good...I'm an avid bud porn

Give me a minute and i will show you some pictures of my Blue dream before and after the first crimp. and what she became in under 2 months.


Well-Known Member
Nice man. Good for you. Able to get into and hold a good enough career to retire from at a reasonable age. My hat's off to you sir.

Not retiring. just have a breeding project with multiple crosses this grow. have over 40 plants. and just not enough time to worry about updating this thread with pictures weekly. it's becoming a hassle. Dank is having trouble with his main thread. and hasn't updated much for his crosses. lol

So I KNOW he is busy too. lol
lol...well...sort of...I have a thing with computers, I understand them (alot easier than I will still write software (probably) for a few medical companies....but my parents died 3 years ago and I was the only one left to give everything ya they were rich...I'd give it all back to have em here though...

Well enough about that...looking forward to seeing all the action when you can update...I'll be stalkin like what you and dank are doing man and can't wait to order from you guys...peace


Well-Known Member
That video was great man, thanks, gota try it....damn and that plant is awesome man, nice canopy...see that's what I want to try...I kept a couple plants from my last grow..I left a few lower branches and some foliage and they're reveging nicely and I've tied down a few branches in a LST, but ya that's perfect for what I want to try next thanks again man :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
that BD b4 and after is beautiful stew. i wanna try to do the same with my BD but i just through her
into flower @ 3weeks ish yesterday. u think i could still Supercrop a lil b4 she starts getting preflowers?


Well-Known Member
New to sub or back to join the party. Here is the updated information.
Hey guys. This contest is going to be called off for a little while.

Both Dank and I have so much going on right now, this extra contest is just going to cause problems and stress for us.

Once I start on my next grow, both of us should be ready to actually go through with the contest. :smile:

I was thinking that maybe we should have everyone, who wants to watch us
compete, get together and choose the strain we run..............
Which ever strain gets the most votes by the end of the year will be the one we go with.

How does that sound to you and everyone else? lol
As more are added i will add them to the list. This way people can see what has been picked. Remember you CAN pick the same strain.
For those of you just joining this thread. We are asking for strain suggestions for the next 3 MONTHS
The strain with the most choices at the end will get purchased and run in our next grow.
(I guess it's MY next grow, since Dankster runs new shit almost everyday)

I will accept 1 strain from each person. Pick wisely because you cannot change your strain once I have posted it.
I am on ALL THE TIME so it's hard to try to sneak an edit by me unless it's between 6am-12pm. I'm usually half asleep.

Thanks for your time. No worries on staying subbed to the thread. All who vote will get a PM from me when the winner is decided.

Take care
Critical Super Silver Haze
+1 for critical super silver haze
Rare Dankness - Night Terror
dr. grinspoon