Just out of curiosity do you have tracking numbers and correspondence to back up your claims? And the GGG thing is hard to prove, you got pics of how it was shipped "opened"?
Also can you link to the "blogs of people with similar issues"?
I apologize if I come off as calling your bullshit but its absolutely necessary when someone is slandering a person's business and livelihood.
As we saw with bros Grimm shit usually is caused by the accuser themselves and then blamed on the seedbank.
When a business like TDT is successful and reliable eating up a huge % of themarket they will make enemies . I even had to call out Seeds Here Now who proceeded to slander TDT on IG regarding accusations that are unfounded. All despite Seeds Here Now greedily auctioning off old, possibly useless Exotic beans at a minimum of $200. Pot loves calling the kettle black around this community. But that's a seperate issue.
All I'm saying is, this is someone's business and livelihood, you should provide evidence before talking shit and possibly hurting ones business. Too many shills out there. Especially when you are a new user with zero rep around here.[/QUOTE
Quick question brother. Why wait until now to say you got scammed? This thread been up. Not accusing you of lying or nothing but I hope you see where I'm coming from. Because if say TDT was scamming or swapping beans you could've saved most of us from the same faith.
Ok let me clear this up , I have been a member of RIU for 3 years so not a newbie , I also have two jobs 3 gardens and a fiancé that takes up most of my time .. I don't sit around and blog about herb every single day or even ever week , just got more to do with my life .. glad thats clear .. with that said it should answer or clear up some of the other concerns . I do still have tracking numbers and some email correspondence but I will not publicly post them and allow people access to see any of my personal info peroid , I also erased the text between yankee and I because of my protacall .. I don't keep pictures , text , emails or the like if it could be deemed "illegal activities" , I'm on parole and try my best to stay jail free - I'm paranoid as a motha fucker ... so sorry for not bloging about being ripped off until now , but better late than never .. I have NOTHING to gain by stating these facts !!! If Jason would have been straight up and have a sense of professionalism , ethics and morals then this would never be an issue .. He ABSOLUTELY swapped my breeders stash beans , he flat out claimed he sent me my order and didn't . Look at the Cannaventue pure Shoreline thread where I posted that he presold me 2 packs and he is still dragging me a month and a week later .. again my own fault for ordering from TDT and specifically Jason because he's fucked me in the past .. I wanted the bros grimm and shoreline fems bad enough to roll the dice .. one other thing I mentioned and will again , google Dank Team reviews - multiple folks with similar stories .. he drags people - sends wrong shit - doesn't send at all and accuses them of lying when they complain -- again guys I have ZERO to gain from this .. I agree that people should not go around slandering folks and potentially hurt thier biz but it has happened to me and I will not apologize to anyone and I could give zero fucks to those of you that dont believe me ... and I only wish that Jason the owner / operater of the TDT was reading this , please come on here and dispute this claim , I FUCKING DARE YOU TOO .. fellows thats all I will post on here about that fucking thief bitch .. good luck buying your gear from him , I personally will go through different venues. . Im out , deuces ✌