the DEA


Well-Known Member
if you have weed growing in your house just shut the fuck up about it to everyone you know but us and you are good to go...dont be stupid and will get you busted.


Active Member
local sheriffs maybe. watch the dea show on tv, they wouldnt go into a grow/sellers house if the snitch didnt confirm he had more then 20 lbs.

depends on what state you live in im sure to.


Well-Known Member
i watched a grow video once with an old aussie guy who only grew 49 plants because over 50 was wayyy worse..think smarter not harder


Well-Known Member
if you have weed growing in your house just shut the fuck up about it to everyone you know but us and you are good to go...dont be stupid and will get you busted.

to be honest i wouldnt even say shit on here about it unless your med and legal very easy to get a IP and locate an address only if your growing major weight the government do have cyber task force on the internet these days for watching for drug ops, child porn all kinda shit really i mean its only common sense yo

just cause this is a cool sight doesnt mean your protected anyone can register here so use ya head
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Well-Known Member
to be honest i wouldnt even say shit on here about it unless your med and legal very easy to get a IP and locate an address
Wrong. The feds would have to serve a warrant to the owners of a site in order to acquire the IP addys of their members. Lets use as an example. Lets say someone makes a post which states that they are growing Maryjane on their property. For all the cops know, it could be a lie. Therefore, its not gonna be a good enough reason to get a warrant, get the IP of the random poster, track down the address and then go raid them. So, its NOT easy to get an IP.


Well-Known Member
I am knocking on wood when I say this but if you do not live in the city then you should be fine. Because if you live in a nice little area I would not worry about it because do you think the DEA will bust down the doors to find more and they walk away for 1 plant?.

I doubt it but what is why I am a little paranoid and do not want to post pictures of my grow maybe when I harvest it.


Well-Known Member
In Maryland the DEA just popped a state trooper for growing 1 plant outside! I don't put anything past them....


Well-Known Member
local sheriffs maybe. watch the dea show on tv, they wouldnt go into a grow/sellers house if the snitch didnt confirm he had more then 20 lbs.

depends on what state you live in im sure to.

Cops couldn't catch a cold unless someone told them where it was, and what time it was gonna be there. Relax and keep quiet about it, you'll be fine. It being outdoors could be problematic for "chance" discovery by others.


Well-Known Member
yea as long as you don't tell any of your friends or even your "best" friend you should be fine. and I say "best" friend because everyone has a "best" friend that they feel they can trust with you tell your "best" friend, then they tell theirs, then they tell theirs, and so on and so forth until 25 people know about your little op.