The Debate Thread


Well-Known Member
But as a supporter of Gay Marriage he isn't a Republican isn't that right?
No Gary Johnson is a Republican that ran in this years Republican primary as such ...

Many Republicans are actually Libertarians see Ron & Rand Paul.

My point was that his view on the subject has not changed or been "funded" by the special interest groups as they are to the left. i.e. he is for realz ;)


Well-Known Member
maybe stop posting the same video with the same text across half a dozen threads and i won't report it as spam, sistah.
Could you please provide links to one such occurrence of your claim. If not, you are CLEARLY harassing me now!


Well-Known Member
Oh great, Professor Ignorance again ...
i know tons of libertarians that believe in less liberty for women and call sex for reasons other than procreation "immoral".

don't libertarians also tout the endorsement of pastors who want to kill the gays?

you tell me, i'm so stupid!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how I might go about resolving my "UncleBuck" issue here, as reason has repeatedly failed?


Well-Known Member
So can we cut fed taxes and let the states set their own rate. Free market for states to attract business by having their own regulations and taxes.

Have a flat 1% fed tax just for defense and let the states do evertibg else. Closer to home better the goverment efficiency


Well-Known Member
Why are we always concerned about the deficit? I say forget about making the goverment better and start helping the citizens get better.

We should not have to pay for their fuck ups