The difference between being punched and being smacked...


Well-Known Member
Today me and my brother were discussing the difference between being punched in the face and being smacked in the face. WE both feel that being smacked is worse than being punched (at least for a guy).

I think a slap is more about disrespect than actually hurting you. When a man smacks another man with an open hand, to ME, that's his way of saying, "You're such a BITCH that I won't even bother punching you, I'm just going to slap you like I would a woman."

I was wondering what you guys think. I mean, I guess this is a question mostly for the guys, but hell, I know we got some down women here, they might have something to contribute.

So I want to know which you think is worse, and why.


Well-Known Member
I love slapping women... I'm all like bitch please
O great an alias..

Anyways.. YES! a slap is most certianly.. well a slap in the face for lack of better words lol.
A punch is something that should be performed in a minute of uncontrollable rage and anger for that person!
A slap to me is like the physical equivalent of saying "You are a little bitch.. now wtf are you gonna do about it"
Then if the person does it once more they are definitely taunting that person and physically asking once more.. still not gonna do anything?

not to be sexist BUT this is regarding men slaps, women slaps seem to have a lot less depth..


Well-Known Member
what would you guys do that would warrent a slap in the face anyways? I slap boxed this guy in high school for shits and giggles, but that was the only other time I ever been slapped by anyone other than my parents.

well um if someone slapped me I didn't know, I would access the situation and decide wether or not it would be safe to go overboard on them or not.


Well-Known Member
I think a slap is more about disrespect than actually hurting you. When a man smacks another man with an open hand, to ME, that's his way of saying, "You're such a BITCH that I won't even bother punching you, I'm just going to slap you like I would a woman."
I totally agree with you. I bring up this fact when I am extremely angry at a guy I threaten to slap him like the bitch he is


Well-Known Member
O great an alias..

Anyways.. YES! a slap is most certianly.. well a slap in the face for lack of better words lol.
A punch is something that should be performed in a minute of uncontrollable rage and anger for that person!
A slap to me is like the physical equivalent of saying "You are a little bitch.. now wtf are you gonna do about it"
Then if the person does it once more they are definitely taunting that person and physically asking once more.. still not gonna do anything?

not to be sexist BUT this is regarding men slaps, women slaps seem to have a lot less depth..
"you are a little wtf are you gonna do about it" that's IT! That's exactly what I'm saying!

And I totally agree, women slaps aren't as deep, because too many women fight ONLY with slaps, you know? It's irritating, but true.

what would you guys do that would warrent a slap in the face anyways? I slap boxed this guy in high school for shits and giggles, but that was the only other time I ever been slapped by anyone other than my parents.

well um if someone slapped me I didn't know, I would access the situation and decide wether or not it would be safe to go overboard on them or not.
lol, I dunno, maybe we're just different, but there are PLENTY of reasons to slap a person. I mean, sometimes there are just some punk ass bitches (guys) who you don't REALLY want to hurt, but who need to be put back in their place. That totally merits a smack.

I mean, it's not something you do to your friends. But dont you know people, who you ONLY tolerate for your friend's sake? People who aren't shit to you, and when they step out of line it's just like even worse BECAUSE they don't mean shit to you.

I totally agree with you. I bring up this fact when I am extremely angry at a guy I threaten to slap him like the bitch he is
lmao, see, you guys are all confirming it. Have you ever bitch slapped a guy Head? I want to hear stories!


Well-Known Member
Shit I don't know what you guys are talking about.. Knuckles can shatter faces. If your a guy and you slap someone thats pretty gay lol.. The only slapping a guy should ever do is slapping his girls ass.


Well-Known Member
Of course hitting with a fist does more damage, that's not the point. When you slap someone it sends a different message than a fist, that's what we're talking about. lol, and I don't think a guy smacking another guy makes him gay. It's more about demeaning the other person I think.


Well-Known Member
I just think that what is "worse" for one person, is not "worse" for another. I don't care if I got slapped or punched, I'm not the one instigating anything. If someone slaps me, they look the fool, not me, and I'm not in as much pain as I would be had he punched me.

I'd rather be conscious and have a slight sting than out on the floor ...

But then, I suppose the intentions behind things can make them hurt in other ways, soooo haha I don't know ...

I'm just gonna eat my crunch berries and go to bed:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol, i dunno, honestly, if I'm just an outside observer and I see a guy smack another guy, I generally think the guy who GOT smacked looks like the fool...I mean, especially if he doesn't do anything....


Well-Known Member
lol, i dunno, honestly, if I'm just an outside observer and I see a guy smack another guy, I generally think the guy who GOT smacked looks like the fool...I mean, especially if he doesn't do anything....

That must just be cause your a chick, and chicks slap each other. Where I'm from if one of my friends got into it with another dude and walked up too him and slapped him, I'd probably have to kick his ass, or just laugh hysterically and make fun of him for the next month or two.


Well-Known Member
Nope, it has nothing to do with being a chick, because when I fight, I'm sorry honey, but I don't slap.

I don't know what kinda slap you're thinking about, but I'm sorry, if I see a guy straight BITCH SLAP or BACK HAND another guy, and the guy who got hit doesn't do anything, I think the guy looks like a bitch.

And that's just it, most smacking situations aren't when two guys are getting into it, it's when one guy and one PUNK are getting into it. Of course you don't slap someone who would actually be a worthy opponent, you SOCK that guy.

I guess if you don't know what i'm talking about, then you're lucky, you must not live anywhere where it needs to be done.


New Member
OMG ya think???:roll:
How friggin gay does that look? :?

I personally don't like to resort to violence but someone wrote that woman' can't do any damage :roll: they are sooo wrong. :fire:

If someone is in my face being violent and threatening me....they had better throw the best bunch they got the first time because I cannot STAND being touched without my consent...

I have actually broken my hand hitting someone back. I'm not here bragging about it but I just don't take to kindly to being messed with. :evil::evil:
lol, i dunno, honestly, if I'm just an outside observer and I see a guy smack another guy, I generally think the guy who GOT smacked looks like the fool...I mean, especially if he doesn't do anything....


Well-Known Member
lol, damn Lacy don't play that.

I'm not saying I can throw a really good punch, lol, I'm pretty sure I CAN'T, because I never seem to be able to make my brothers even FLINCH (they just give my that condescending oh-were-you-trying-to-HURT-me? look...bastards).

But if someone hits me, even if I'm SURE that they can kick my ass, you better believe I'm gonna swing back, and try my hardest to hurt them before I go down. To me, it's about at least fighting back.

Once this girl wanted to fight me, and she looked like a straight MAN, and I was scared as shit, and pretty positive she could kick my ass...but I sure as fuck didn't back down.

If someone starts a fight with you, and you get your ASS kicked, but you at least fought back, to me, I gotta have respect for you. Because at least you didn't just let someone treat you like that, at least you have enough sense of self respect to stand up for yourself.

If someone stars a fight with you, and you kick THIER ass, THEN that person looks like a straight asshole.


New Member
lol, damn Lacy don't play that.

I'm not saying I can throw a really good punch, lol, I'm pretty sure I CAN'T, because I never seem to be able to make my brothers even FLINCH (they just give my that condescending oh-were-you-trying-to-HURT-me? look...bastards).Hey gurl. All I am saying is that I CAN throw a damn good punch and have but only in self defense.

But if someone hits me, even if I'm SURE that they can kick my ass, you better believe I'm gonna swing back, and try my hardest to hurt them before I go down. To me, it's about at least fighting back.

Once this girl wanted to fight me, and she looked like a straight MAN, and I was scared as shit, and pretty positive she could kick my ass...but I sure as fuck didn't back down.

If someone starts a fight with you, and you get your ASS kicked, but you at least fought back, to me, I gotta have respect for you. Because at least you didn't just let someone treat you like that, at least you have enough sense of self respect to stand up for yourself. Yes wikid dear. :idea: light bulb moment. :roll: wow. :cry:

Thanks wikid hon. :hug: TODAY you are absolutely my hero gurl.
sign ****

This morning my dear friend I just lifted my head a bit higher and thats HUGE for me. :blsmoke:

Thank you :mrgreen:

If someone stars a fight with you, and you kick THIER ass, THEN that person looks like a straight asshole.


New Member
I know this is slightly off the exact topic but the need to use violence has always eluded me. :confused:
I grew up in a violent atmosphere. Both my brothers took Tae Quon do or whatever the name is and we used to scap all the time.
When I got older I realized that there was no use for violence and should only be used as a last resort and still feel this way.

Like you said tho if you are in a situation where your very life is threatened then the idea to hit is very real. The only problem with this is that you do not know if this is going to worsen the situation or not. If the offender is attacking you then you do need to at least try to fight back but sometimes this is exactly what they want in order to keep up the game. Every situation is different. Its a tough call - 50/50

Also you are talking about reactions in immediate situations. I think once the intial threat is over it takes the bigger person to walk away and leave it be. :blsmoke::peace:

As far as a man slapping another man. I dunno. Never saw it happen and not sure what I would do if I saw it happen. Probably laugh. :blsmoke:
It sounds kinda gay. :? Not sure why a man would do that but I am not sure about a lot of stuff.


Active Member
A good smacking/slap is very demeaning. But a punch sure does hurt a lot more...
Hard to choose which is the worst. :/


Well-Known Member
dunno....... U mean a slap..... smack'd him with my foot ( object..... ), punch'd him ( obv. hands... )