The different stages of being high.

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hi all.

So about a year ago this thought came to me while I was on the shitter. Basically I want to know how your average smoking sessions evolve. I just have a feeling that no matter what strain I smoke, be it an indice dom. or sativa dom, I'll always be stuck in this reapeting cycle and I'm wondering if this is normal.

Most of the time I smoke hybrid strains. Note: I just wanted to add that I'm super fucking sensitive when it comes to cannabis, you could say that I'm your average easy bake.

Phase 1: after a joint with a 50/50 mix of cannabis/tobacco I'm usually pleasently baked but I'm still able to grasp hold of any logical and sensible thinking. At this phase anyone can still have a "normal" conversation with me that doesn't result in me losing track of everything I say. Everything is fine and basically none of the worlds problems seem to bother me.

Phase 2: I start to notice that my high evolves and everything I watch/listen to is just amazing. As if everything becomes amplified. I'm still able to talk about certain subjects such as evolution and religion.

Phase 3: the beggining of the stoner phase. I get a slight couchlock and basically all my senses are concentrated on the thing I am watching/doing. BUT the difference between the next phase I will discuss further on, is that I can easily snap out of it and redirect my energy into doing something new. I also cannot remember anything for shit and am easily distracted when talking about something.

Phase 4: the typical stoner couchlock. I also start to get tired and any new amounts of cannabis only lifts me up for a few minutes and then I become more and more tired.

Phase 5: zombie like phase. I am on the verge of falling asleep, but I can still feel the affects of my smoking and generally prefer to stay up more and carry on listeing to music etc.

That's really just about it. After the fifth phase I go to sleep as I generally always smoke in the evening.

Generally I like to smoke a small amount of bud, because if I smoke too much at the beggining I automatically tend to skip several stages which results in me being stoned as fuck acting like a complete dipshit.


Well-Known Member
those "phases" are a good representation of whats happening in your brain...
i would go into detail but shit i still havent answered a few pms...some asking very similar questions.

the only way to get around this if thats what you desire are landrace sativas. with little really no cbd and thcv, competing compounds. you will always have down regulation-tolerance.

i think i go into a little more detail here if you want more sciency info.

cbn and cbd can bith do as you described. ibdont like weed with that sleep in it even at night time personally


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking since 2010 I still get excited like I did back then when I have a nice 8th of some of dank,
1. I'll go to sleep thinking about my morning sesh, it's like Christmas everyday. So I'll wake up early like I'm doing right now.
2. Pack my bowl go outside, take 1 hit - " Yes I feel relaxed my music sounds wider everything looks more vibrant, let's go further into marijuana land" - this is what I actually say when I'm smoking so I take a 2nd hit, cough cough.
3rd hit I chill on the bowl and just enjoy my walk, then I'll take 3 more hits out the bowl within 30 min, after 3 or 4 bowls I don't get any higher just tired.

I love the effects of marijuana I cherish each time I get high, I'm glad I have the ability to just be satisfied with weed I seen people get bored of weed and go down the wrong path.

I love the tingling sensation in my head I love the Way my music sounds I love how my anxiety is completely wiped out I love having out of there thoughts.


Well-Known Member
tisk tisk.

i will pray for you and your journey through recovery. relapse is not something to be proud of skywalker, whatvwoukd your mother think.

do you need to get sent back to florida?


Well-Known Member
those "phases" are a good representation of whats happening in your brain...
i would go into detail but shit i still havent answered a few pms...some asking very similar questions.

the only way to get around this if thats what you desire are landrace sativas. with little really no cbd and thcv, competing compounds. you will always have down regulation-tolerance.

i think i go into a little more detail here if you want more sciency info.

cbn and cbd can bith do as you described. ibdont like weed with that sleep in it even at night time personally
thcv is mostly present in sativas n works in conjunction with thc to give u a super strong psychedelic energetic high that also keeps ur apatite down


Well-Known Member
i know what thcv is and does lol
did yiu happen to read my posts in that thread i linked, it may interest or help.or just something to read

its very short acting as well
and is actually a cb1 antagonist. why it supresses appetite. the psychedelia is mostly related to its serotogenic properties as it hits 5ht receptors, but other reasons as well i can go into later if you like. its found mostly in asain strains. why i prefer central/south american strains.

given the asain hybridization there are many in jamaica and s.a that have good amounts of thcv...


Well-Known Member
yeah its a good need to go into it man lol ive been reading into all that lately n as you said its easy to go on n on...super exciting stuff once you get into it n lots of great papers on it.