The donkey show


Well-Known Member
hell yeah robert!!! thanks for stoppin in man. like i said before, i put the odds in my favor so it should work out good. glad to have ya here, feel free to put your 2 cents in anytime.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i hate squirrels, i was growing palm trees when i lived in rio hondo tx , those little bastards killed hundreds of my seedlings ,your plants are getting larger they will be harder to kill

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
cool man! can't wait to see what you can make out of it. how do i upload vids NeL? i'm going to get a new camera and do video updates. you've inspired me hahahaha

Ok so what I did was open an account on youtube. I set the video to "unlisted" so it can't be searched for. I don't need anybody but people here viewing my shit you know. So after you upload a video to youtube when you want to post it so you can see it here in the thread you do as follows.

type this

[youtube] Link name [ /youtube]

For example this is the link to my snake video

What you want to insert, haha, insert. Yeah but what you want to insert is the XNokGxUdxi8 where I wrote Link name and it will come up like i n my thread.

EDIT: I had to put a space in before the / because it just posted a blank video.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Yep you got it Sub. Took me a few years, I even had trouble doing it after someone showed me how. Not much of a computer guy myself, I'm more rip and tear.:fire:


Well-Known Member
I got two rabbitts in my backyard with my little 22. My next door neighbor, who was outside, didnt even hear the shot. I waited till he went inside and I tossed their bodies over the fence for their rabbitt friends to see.


Well-Known Member
hey robert, whats up with the police in your city siezing all the mint plants? aaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaa buch of damn idiots! they thought they had something good huh.


Well-Known Member
right. i was thinkin about that too. they almost have to find something now! be careful buddy!!!!

i just got my new camera this morning so when my back heals up i'll go get some video of the patch.