Officially Releasing my old 'Rasta Blend' recipe now that I'm totally revamping our recipe and incorporating the ideal amendments at last.
Over the time, there's been a lot of ppl asking for it, so if it can help you make soil easier, faster, all the power to you, many less ingredients than The Dons' first recipe, 10 less to be exact.
To some, may seem a tad controversial but wholistically speaking and health speaking, and simplicity and speed speaking, it was a no brainer upgrade for us

Not to mention cleaner and smoother and a tad more potent.
On the Go Mix
No Finished Compost necessary (Interim solution)
No leaf compost needed per se
No rotting wood needed per se
streamlined Improvements:
No Blood Meal (hormones, antibiotics)
No Bone Meal (disease pathogens)
No Steamed bone meal
No Feather Meal (above)
No rock phosphate
No soft Rock Phosphate
No dol lime
No peat
No guanos
No all purpose fertilizers
No Oyster Shell Flour (Carbonates)
Switch to Shell Crab Meal at least, if not Shrimp Meal
No Turkey Litter / Chicken Manure (above)
No Commercial Steer manure
Switch to higher quality, more potent castings with more humics, fulvics, and bene-bacteria
Optional: add 10% Organic Free range cow manure, or urine free rabbit manure to total volume
Plus the Meal Mix received a heavy tweaking:
2x Alfafa (TRIA hormone) 1 cup per cu ft
2x Neem (P, repellent oils, for resiliency, output & more) 1 cup per cu ft
~5x Kelp (Mg, Fe and 60 traces, for potency & much more) 2.4 cups per cu ft = 2% tot vol
Goals to aim for (no play):
10-15% castings, 15 max, not 33, fresh, vegan, living, fed a balanced diet of mixed greens, fruits, & avocados, etc.
45% aeration
At least 2% biochar (charged), if not 5 to 10%
2" (inch) top dress of DE Rocks (Si source, pest barrier, and more)
Now to mix:
Take well rinsed, pithy, fluffy, Coco fibre &
Vigoro Black Earth High Humus (Non Peat) Soil ($3 per bag at Home Depot)
^ Combine- Equal parts ^
Then combine above mix with aeration mix
^ Again, about equal part ^ keeping end goal in mind that 9 : 11 ratio or 45% end goal ^
(Aeration Mix: Aim for at least one porous rock i.e. mineral based like pumice or lava rock, & one spongy decompacting type, i.e. plant based like leaf combo, rice, coco, or buckwheat hulls, remembering the more wild or organic the better, as they do spray a bit)
Then add your fresh worm castings, also aerated as to keep that 45% balance.
Now you have a quick but solid base. Lots of humus, lots of life. Coco, vigoro humus, aeration
To the above, ADD:
Main Goal: Glacial Rock / Blue Metal / Paramagnetic Dust, 4 cups per cu ft
Greensand, 1 cup per cu ft
Technically unnessecary but good Optional additions: Basalt, gypsum, (perhaps even langbeinite, limestone)
Meals, per cubic foot
2.4 cups kelp meal
1 cup neem meal
1 cup alfafa meal
1/2 cup, shrimp meal
Shopping List / Short List
- Vigoro Black Earth Humus Rich Soil
- Botanicaire Well Rinsed Organic Coir
- Aeration 1 (Pumice and or Lava Rock)
- Aeration 2 (Hulls or leaf compost)
- DE Rocks
- Neem Meal
- Kelp Meal
- Alfafa Meal
- Shrimp Meal (or Shell Crab)
- Glacial Rock Dust
- Myco Fungi
- Greensand
Free Items (DIY / local trade or gather, etc) Clean organic Manure, sequestered carbon/Biochar, Fresh Worm Castings, eggshells (apply eggshells @ 1 Cup per cu ft)
Super simple recipe but its all you really need. Insect frass is another good one to have on hand for auto immune responses but you can make lacto bacillus for free too, or BIM / bokashi etc etc some kind of anti-pathogen / natural pest killer
Then just supplement the grow with a timely bacterial dom microbe tea (upon start of flower) , a timely fungal dom tea (couple weeks in), and a few well timed mineral foliars (just before/as flowers appear), for peak performance. Can foliar twice a day with lacto or tea too, before flowers arrive, the bene bacteria can eat bugs from the outside in, break them down.
This beats the old 22 ingredient recipe in a lot of ways
Im positive that our new 22 ingredient recipe will out perform this one and the original Vamp Blend, but this is a high performance, high flavour, low pathogen, killer recipe not to be underestimated either.
Great for chemo patients and cancer patients alike, or anyone with compromised immune systems.
. Can really handle a sat dom tomato and takes only half the work to get going.. of course, making well rounded compost is the best and easiest, but that takes time, about 2 years proper space and planning to do it bang on, so this has tremendous speed advantages for anyone in a less than ideal timeframe or situation.
Blessings from the Dons to all the pioneers, breeders, caregivers, and herbalists..
Spread love and cannabinoids