^^^ its was good i stayed busy the whole time. I did good and so did other vendors i talked too. Met some cool cats from northern az same town im thinking of moving by or to. Its such a small world especially in the weed world.
Ok since my Raptor Room is getting to be so full its getting harder to move around in there with out damaging branches here and there. I got to run some irrigation i cant run a drip line that feeds them all the same because some strains just drink more than others. Plus some are in different size containers. So I came up with my solution a pvc manifold. 1/2 inch pvc, 1/2 inch ball valves, 1/2 inch tubing. Now i can control each plant the way i want.
pvc manifold 004.jpgpvc manifold 005.jpgpvc manifold 006.jpgpvc manifold 007.jpg
About to glue this bad boy together. Left room, so i could attach more valve's if i wanted to.( i probably will add more valves) If it works good in this room i will have to build another for the other room, i think it will.
Looking good brother :) watering definitely has to be a bitch. Why not make a zipper on one side of your room? Not sure with what type of space is there but when I've ran hallways like that, I always leave enough room to pull 3 or 4 girls out and usually that is plenty to be able to move around. All in all it looks great ....keep it up!
^^^maybe i will put in side doors next go on this room. You have to run a room to get the kinks out and i think i got a pretty good understanding of this room now.
Main room update. Day 10 of flower Feb, 2013 061.jpgFeb, 2013 062.jpgFeb, 2013 063.jpgFeb, 2013 064.jpg. I like the way this garden is running so smooth. There starting to drink so much water I love my thirsty bitches :)
Raptor room update. Day 31 of flower Feb, 2013 058.jpgFeb, 2013 059.jpgFeb, 2013 060.jpg. This room has had a kink or two but over all its running ok. The reason I say Just ok some a the strains in this room are all not liking the feed the same some love it some don't. But i guess as a grower you will always be pessimistic if a room isn't looking perfect or damn near at least i am.
I FUCT raptor room i am so disappointed in my self my room never shut off for the whole dark cycle. The lights were on for 36 hours straight this late into flowering i know the consequences.. This garden will now probably hermie i am so sad. I know i will still get meds just now not as pretty or as valuable... I am truly disappointed in my self :( :( no ones fault but mine. I just hope i can make it up by getting extra wait by going an extra week or two. Then id have enough to cook or hash it out and it will still be worth it.
I FUCT raptor room i am so disappointed in my self my room never shut off for the whole dark cycle. The lights were on for 36 hours straight this late into flowering i know the consequences.. This garden will now probably hermie i am so sad. I know i will still get meds just now not as pretty or as valuable... I am truly disappointed in my self :( :( no ones fault but mine. I just hope i can make it up by getting extra wait by going an extra week or two. Then id have enough to cook or hash it out and it will still be worth it.

That sucks big time dude.. !!
ya bro sorry to hear this.I have the same fears and 9/10 times im there when the lights are comming on or shutting off.