I've been pretty close to that....I over-dosed on cocaine.
4-5 day bender, collapsed in my bathroom, was completely comatose and my friends had to kick in the door.
Never went to the hospital until the next day though when I collapsed for a second time.
Haha, that's some kinda shit. Sounds to me like you had to much mold, bacteria, fungus inside you.i ate too many shrooms back in the day. we used to get them in gatorade bottles (don't ask me why, the guy sold them like that, jampacked in there). we used to share one bottle for two people, to trip a whole night...
once I ate the whole bottle, maybe more (can't remember)... i threw up 50+ times. i was extremely dehydrated... i passed out for 20+ hours.... woke up in my bed, sweating balls, with a hospital thing on my wrist.....
don't knw what happened that night, don't want to.....
My roommates overdose on acid would correspond to this story.Haha, that's some kinda shit. Sounds to me like you had to much mold, bacteria, fungus inside you.
Well, see my situation was basically this: I was young (this was 5-6 years ago) and in a situation where I was under watch. I was by myself and just wanted to get high and Ive gotten high just off eating large amounts of raw weed prior to this. I just straight ate some of it raw and put others in a piece of bread and between 2 small cookies, just chewed it real fast and swallowed it down like a pill after that. Didnt cook it in anything.I can't decide, did you sit down and munch out like a bag of potato chips, or did you cook it somehow? Anyways that's an insane story. It sounds more like you were tripping really bad that you were gonna die, and your brain took off with it and some horrible cotton mouth and motor confusion made you more and more nervous. That sounds like a horrible time.
Im almost positive that I took way too much.WTF, Can people really still be that oblivious????
That sounds EXACTLY like PCP. The duration, numbing effect, you were alot better off eating it so that was good, you probably didn't take more than a person normally should. It was just REALLY unexpected and you weren't experienced with drugs.
Well the oral dose of PCP is 8mgs so yah, you probably did overdose.Well, see my situation was basically this: I was young (this was 5-6 years ago) and in a situation where I was under watch. I was by myself and just wanted to get high and Ive gotten high just off eating large amounts of raw weed prior to this. I just straight ate some of it raw and put others in a piece of bread and between 2 small cookies, just chewed it real fast and swallowed it down like a pill after that. Didnt cook it in anything.
About 15 mins later the opportunity came for me to get out for a while and be able to smoke it so I smoked maybe 1/2 a gram of it.
The weird thing about it was that I was actually relatively calm, the PCP definitely made me just not care about certain things. The effects were just that bad. I definitely did something wrong there because there was nothing pleasurable about the experience. I literally had to walk down that hallway to the bathroom to get water about 20 times throughout the night. Theres a lot more to that story too, I only told the real short version. IDK what this means but I felt like a complete zombie for the next 2 weeks after that night. Im good now but I dont think Ill ever be exactly the same after that night.
Im almost positive that I took way too much.
There was no way that anyone could take that dose and have good effects to where they actually ever wanted to take it again.
Im planning on take PCP at least once more in the future, but a much smaller dose and seeing what its supposed to feel like.
It's always fun to watch someone take too much pcp..Well the oral dose of PCP is 8mgs so yah, you probably did overdose.
One night at a bar I was watching the LA DODGERS playoff game and before I hit up the bar with a few buddies of mine.. me and other friend drank two pitchers of FAT TIRE BEER, and IF ANYONE knows about this beer.. its a beer with plenty of distinguishable hops and a body load similar with HEIFER! ITS a beer built for the big boys, while afterwards we hit up this shit in a hole type of bar and I had a few kamikazes and a few red headed sluts... and I got really screwed balled! I was straight acting a fool not knowing it of course yelling at the television screen as the dodgers just tore it upAlcohol in combination with a benzo or other pill? Alcohol alone has only caused me to black out once, and I've been pretty near hospital time about 5 times. In fact, my friends actually drove me to the hospital once but I woke up on the way there. But I had recollections. Though it took a few days to piece together.
I didn't need to replicate your entire post for redundancy, but you have just been quoted for truth.liquor can kick anyones ass, no matter your TOLERANCE!
Mighty Arrow is the general best.Most definitely, BELGIUM fat tire it is!
...and a few THAI beers that I love!
I'm not a beer connoisseur, A Budweiser [from a RED bottle only]Mighty Arrow is the general best.![]()