Well-Known Member

Hmm well yesterday was quite eventful. I dont know why or what about it, I dont even know how I feel about the whole experience. So anyway my friend bought Ccc's and I bought 2 4oz bottles of Robitussin Max Strength. This to mention was my first time taking the syrup other than delsym, which I think blows btw. But yeah I started feeling effects 10-20 minutes after ingestion. Smoked a bowl and left my house to take a 12 minute walk to my friends house..It was quite hot yesterday so I was feeling weird and uncomfortable from the sun, but knowing I just drank 8oz of cough medicine I was pretty fine with it. So we get to his house, Hooked up my ipod to his speakers and started the techno..We smoked a bowl or so more and started to dance. Once I first got there I remember going in to his bathroom which oddly smelt like an emergency room. Very weird.
For some reason I walked in to his bathroom and hit my knee on his tub which sounded like a gong, Due to how hard I hit my knee. I didnt realize how loud it was until my friend walked in and started like freeking out that I hit my knee that hard. He starts like trying to grab my leg like he was going to pull my leg back into place..but I didnt feel like it was fucked up. Which it wasnt..big bruise nothing more. Then I started getting really hot and confused..I wasnt sure what I was feeling so I crawled into the bathroom. Everything was confusing. Strangley I could still smell the ER smell, and then my body felt like each individual part had its own temperature..I was over heating forsure. I then thought to myself and I was so sure that I was dead. I actually accepted this fact and told my friend to call my mother..I threw up a little twice and kinda just went in to a daze. When I realized where I was I started feeling coldness on my back. My friend had gotten an ice pack and was rubbing it all on my back. Once I felt the cold I knew I was fine..I got up and just enjoyed the rest of the trip. My friend to say the least was very disturbed about the whole experience. Im not sure if I was dying or not but I was quite sure if it in my mind and I felt like it was death.
Good over all trip but I dont know how I feel about the near death.
I think I only ingested a little over 700mg of DXM But yeah it was intense.
yeah from an old thread but yeah heat and DXM is no mix. =D