The dumb questions just keep on comming


Well-Known Member
I do understand that most of these ppl are smoking some of the best pot in the world but JC do the stupid questions ever stop?


Well-Known Member
this thread should of been called, ''trade ur rep''

hahahahhaaaaaa this is a fukin funny for stoopid questions.....

''how do i make a tin can pipe''
thats a good one.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
fuck yu!, lol, JK, but hey is that a personal jab? I am one of the dudes who told that guy who wanted to smoke for the first time about the tin can pipe I smoked out of way back when. TO be fair I was sixteen and naked in bed with an older woman. She was indoctrinating me as to what pot was. Lol. I never thought it cud be used for crack. SOmething in the suburbs I saw precious little of. In fact I got a rep for the tin can advice I gave that kid. rofl.