The effects of interupting light for 5mins???

When i water my plants its when the light is off and the plant is asleep(its the only time i can get up to feed my plants).I have to turn my light on just for a couple of minutes to water my plants and was just curious will this have any effect on the development of my plant?Thanks farmers.


how would you feel if when you were asleep someone turned on bright lights and made you eat dinner and go back to sleep?

kush groove

Active Member
here's a quote from the bible:

Without consistent dark periods of sufficient length, cannabis buds elongate and grow looser. Every time the dark period of the flowering cycle is interrupted, there is a slight loss of flower-growing time and thus of yield. A spate of light interruptions of the dark cycle may also stress the plant to the point that it becomes hermaphroditic.


Well-Known Member
I still say if it's a female it'll stay a female even if you screw with the lights....
some yield big deal really

screwing with the lights with a hermi though...and'll hermi on ya all right.
No doubt about it.


Active Member
Light interruption in vegetative stage is no problem. Constant light interruption in flowering will slow or stop flower initiation. An occasional interruption is usually OK, but continued, repeated, exposures in the flowering period is not advised.