Use your stoner ingenuity.
Lol!As for the g or g.5 I ate 1.5 g of penis envy shroom and went to work, first time I tripped shroom for over 2 months so hite super hard looked like everything was coated in shimmery oil and was moving too fast for me, but then again I was at work lol
Yea the dmt resin just stays on the foil you can just re-use it as is or scrape it off onto clean foil and add a bit more dmt and do that. I've found that even if it's all black and you think its well burnt if its still crystal-like and not just black goop it definitely still packs a punch. Good clean dmt you should be able to breakthrough with around 30mg, I always see people saying you need at least 50mg+ even up to 100mg to breakthrough but that is a huge waste. Good smoking technique, patience and an open and clear mind is a sure fire way to breakthrough. However if you have a lot of dmt to spare you can always just load the cunt up with as much as you can and blast off that way but i'm too poor to be doing things like that hahaWhat happens to the DMT resin? Does it stay on the foil? I made a glass light bulb into a vaporizer but I didn't like it cause the DMT went everywhere.
that looks better cause the bottom is flat and has the little spot to keep the DMT so it looks like it would basically stay.
I just smoked my tried and true way, it seems like I HAVE to use a lot more that way to blast off. I took a little rock from a bag and broke it in half and then added the crumbs into a blunt, keeping them really close to the bottom. I think I spread it out too far apart tho :/ I started to feel real fucked up and stuck-plasticky-like from really early into it. I saw everything super clear, managed to make it back inside, blinded by the 40 watt light and stark white walls (not even white really I was tripping) of my house and when I closed my eyes I saw more freaking plants and some weird metal containers it looked like a weird cartoon image. That part eventually moved on to a field it was like I was getting the memory of the plant that contained the DMT I smoked. I was stationary and it kinda moved through the seasons. Then I saw rolling green hills and weird shifting green figures for a few minutes. DMT is odd lol. Everything open eyed looked flat as hell and super bright but when I close my eyes a whole new world...
Yeah I wouldn't like to waste it, this seems a good way I just need to find a plastic bottle which I have none lol
what about keeping a hand held basket from king soopers ???Lol I refuse plastic bags all the time its hard to shop sometimes
I only use my backpacks.I've got a 100% recycled fabric bagonly use that kind of stuff