Read up on - This little peice of info
So. there's a rating scale for dosage.
Level 1-
Level 2-
Level 3-
Level 4-
Level 5 effects are exclusively attributed to serotonergic psychedelic tryptamines, such as N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (psilocybin) and 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT). These experiences can still be achieved with REALLY HIGH doses of LSD, mushrooms, and mescaline. Experiences include total loss of visual connection with reality, the sense of not being human or having a body, and the feeling of being in many places at the same time. The loss of reality is so extreme that it becomes ineffable. People have been reported seeing themselves in entirely different settings than their original setting, and many people experience the feeling of being in a simulated reality; often computer simulated. Religious phenomenon is reported at this level; often mentioned is a connection to an "all-knowing presence" or a "universal knowledge", which many equate with extra-terrestrials, artificial intelligence, God, love, or "enlightenment". This level is most often experienced by users of DMT. it can still happen with LSD, mushrooms, or mescaline AT HIGH DOSES and some attributes of this level can happen at lower levels.
This is exactly what I experienced, and it's still so fresh in my memory. Can someone reassure me everything will be ok? Because honestly I've experienced the notions of dying and when we finally die it's as if I was going through some kind of futuristic simulation waiting to be spat out into another simulated reality. And the next reality is something really really really harsh, almost as if everything is made of this weird aluminium and everyone is basically like robots living, working, doing.