the end is near for the USA

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Well-Known Member
Britain or Europe??? what???? Isnt that were hitler, stalin, and that wop came from? bosnia, serbia?? genacide how many times??sound like a good time....oh and ww1 ww2?? and how many times did we have to go there and fight?


Well-Known Member
jopro u so fuuny u suckme long time, on the coast dipshit, come to grand haven, mi. walk on my beach ill put one in your medman thx ww2 so what happend to you?? hero why such a coward then???


Well-Known Member
jopro u so fuuny u suckme long time, on the coast dipshit, come to grand haven, mi. walk on my beach ill put one in your medman thx ww2 so what happend to you?? hero why such a coward then???
clearly you fell head first into an ass load of money, if that's even the case.


Well-Known Member
Our ancestors came here because it was a land of Opportunity, now it is becoming a Land of Oppression, perhaps it's time to find a new land of Opportunity.

Or perhaps, just a new political party. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have shown that they know WTF they are doing.


Well-Known Member
nope fitness trainer here in philly for richass jewish lawyers a tv actor from the movie green mile cant say name, no not tom, and a pro inline vert ramp dood.


Active Member
Britain or Europe??? what????
Yes! Those places exist! Good job.

Isnt that were hitler, stalin, and that wop came from?
That was how long ago? Im fairly confident its much different now, lol.

Nice try, but face it, the rest of the world is on the up and up and America is in the shitter, its not number one, get over it.


New Member
Yes! Those places exist! Good job.

That was how long ago? Im fairly confident its much different now, lol.

Nice try, but face it, the rest of the world is on the up and up and America is in the shitter, its not number one, get over it.
Ummm, that is quite incorrect and if you read the international papers they are scared sh*tless that we are going socialist, meaning the economic engine is going to be choked out. They know DARN well that THEIR socialism only works because our HUGE capitalistic economy keeps everything going. Even Putin is warning us not to go Socialist. You would think he would be estatic, but even a drip like him knows the real story, even if he can't admit it publicly.

If the US catches a cold, the world is going to get pneumonia.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
up and up like how??? Americas over haha we will allways be here alot longer than you, AND WE WILL ALLWAYS BE BETTER. NO ONE has achieved more than us, we will be bailing out your bullshit country again . You have never been here, how many run to live over there?? i myself have been to england europe big deal, it was nice but its way better here. how many people risk there lives to get there now??? you all try to be like us face it. you have done wonders with that place, and you have been there for what???for fucking ever! 300 plus years here and we went to the moon, how about europe?WW! WW2 30 million dead because of europe?? how many for the usa??? what .... what dumbf..k sounds simple but true


Well-Known Member
yes ok .... I allways read your posts.. the make the most sence. compared to all the usa bashers and the end of the worlders


Active Member
If the US catches a cold, the world is going to get pneumonia.
Isnt that just how macroeconomics works? Cause effect? I mean no doubt that America is a major player in the world economy, I wasn't saying otherwise and nations would suffer if America just went belly up but still to assert that America is number one and is doing better than other nations primarily in Europe I think is incorrect.


Well-Known Member
FRANCE!!!!!frenchy!! your country fights wars by sticking both hands up in the air and saying "we surrender" we bailed you out twice this past century, now i heard everything, backpacked in france...... got to admit... it was cool!! great food
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