The Excitement Of Growing


Well-Known Member
So, I was just sitting down smoking this blunt after I had gotten done watering my girls. I began to just zone off thinking about random shit, I know you all know what im talking about. Your playing some tunes and 10 minutes later your mind is jumping from subject to subject to subject all within like 3 minute intervals.

I was thinking how exciting growing used to be for me, dont get me wrong I love everything about growing...I cant imagine NOT growing. But...BUTTTT.... I remember my first grow like 4-5 years ago, it was a cheap CFL grow I did, cost me like 50 bucks total..I remember I made the most cheapest POS grow reflector out of a shoebox and aluminum foil. Than I wired two 45w cfl bulbs with a extension cord and taped up the lose wires.

I might have yielded 20 grams AT BEST.

andd... I tell you what, that was the most exciting grow I ever did, I truly felt proud of my little ugly nute burned, over watered, horrible ph'd little baby girl of mine.

I have so much shit now, that I nearly spent about 6 of my work checks on all the shit I have in my room now, My room is cluttered with so much grow shit, my plants are a zillion times better, quality wise, strain wise, nutrient wise, EVERY possibly way...

But....I dont seem to get that feeling anymore that i used to get when I would be growing its really a shame, I have a feeling I might be the only person like this. I love marijuana, Ive spent the past 8 years smoking it and im 20... i began smoking when i was 12.

There is really No point to this thread, Im just faded and kinda rambling about my feelings about growing nowadays compared to when I first began. Then again it could be the fact that I got laid off, and I cant find a job and... im currently fighting edd to get paid for the last 12 weeks.

Its weird... anyone feel this way or am I completely alone on this one....



Active Member
So, I was just sitting down smoking this blunt after I had gotten done watering my girls. I began to just zone off thinking about random shit, I know you all know what im talking about. Your playing some tunes and 10 minutes later your mind is jumping from subject to subject to subject all within like 3 minute intervals.

I was thinking how exciting growing used to be for me, dont get me wrong I love everything about growing...I cant imagine NOT growing. But...BUTTTT.... I remember my first grow like 4-5 years ago, it was a cheap CFL grow I did, cost me like 50 bucks total..I remember I made the most cheapest POS grow reflector out of a shoebox and aluminum foil. Than I wired two 45w cfl bulbs with a extension cord and taped up the lose wires.

I might have yielded 20 grams AT BEST.

andd... I tell you what, that was the most exciting grow I ever did, I truly felt proud of my little ugly nute burned, over watered, horrible ph'd little baby girl of mine.

I have so much shit now, that I nearly spent about 6 of my work checks on all the shit I have in my room now, My room is cluttered with so much grow shit, my plants are a zillion times better, quality wise, strain wise, nutrient wise, EVERY possibly way...

But....I dont seem to get that feeling anymore that i used to get when I would be growing its really a shame, I have a feeling I might be the only person like this. I love marijuana, Ive spent the past 8 years smoking it and im 20... i began smoking when i was 12.

There is really No point to this thread, Im just faded and kinda rambling about my feelings about growing nowadays compared to when I first began. Then again it could be the fact that I got laid off, and I cant find a job and... im currently fighting edd to get paid for the last 12 weeks.

Its weird... anyone feel this way or am I completely alone on this one....

I just started my first grow. The excitement is there for sure. I'm doing it outdoor though. super happy.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Yeah man im completely with ya bro, after my first grow, that was it, I was completely obsessed with growing weed and weed in general, now I think about breeding strains and growing allll day! I even dream about it sometimes....its great.


Well-Known Member
That is like a dream of mine, would be to be able to open up my own coffee shop and start my own genetics, Ive actually already done it. Accidentally, I crossed OG kush from clone with Grandaddy, when my Grandaddy hermied.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Well yeah, that is me and my brothers goal, to open our own dispensary/coffe shop, or co-op, but its going to take time, and money...but ITS GONNA happen lol


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what your talkin about when you say thoughts jumping from subject to subject. I wish i had pen and paper like 95% of the time because all that stuff seems so important- like i just solved the meaning of life or somethin. LOL Im doing a second attempt grow this year, last yr i had to kill off my 6 plants before they even got to really grow, but that was sooo much fun. watching em jump everyday. Im doing a single plant this year on my porch, just to see how far I can get it. I'll prolly have to kill it though cuz i cant figure out any stealth growing ideas that could work.
cool shit though about the thinking thing. =)


Well-Known Member
Been going for it for just over 2 years now, still lovin' it!! Perhaps because I do not feel like I've mastered the art yet, but gettin closer every grow. Every grow i've tried a new trick, this time around it is the "less is better" path, see what happens with this one. I still check the girls constantly and it drives me nurts sometimes. Still very impatient and lose sleep if the girls are not just right and happy. I am at the most exciting part of growing right now, 5 days of 12/12 waiting for something between the legs to show up and nothing yet. I was more patient waiting for my kids to be born and never knew what the sex of the kids were till they came out.

Well all in all growing keeps me excited about something.


Well-Known Member
I just feel like I need to do something extra, Like when you learn to play guitar pretty well, you wanna learn to play arpegios faster, tapping etc.... I feel like i need to do something new to excel my knowledge of growing. I feel as though i KNOW ALOT, and I just need to do something NEW. I think I'm gonna build a hydro system after this grow. I think that will really bring back alot of fun into it because its a challenenge

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I think I'm gonna build a hydro system after this grow. I think that will really bring back alot of fun into it because its a challenenge
Me too, I grow outdoors, and dabbled sum indoor with cfl's, and fluoros, but I wanna challenge too, step my growing game up lol hows the blue cheese Wrecked? I plan on growing that next year outdoors, or maybe late this year...


Well-Known Member
its going good so far, i have g13 haze and white widdow going aswell under 1200w HPS about 6 days flowering right now. Just started Lst'ing. I started growing outdoors first, now i dont have a big enough area outdoors, so i began indoors about 3 years ago and I haven't looked back since, cant beat the yield of outdoors though. But alot denser nugs, and I enjoy being able to be mother nature and mimic everything mother nature does.