The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Well-Known Member

I mix 2 parts FFOF 1 part happy frog and one part light warrior, I also add 4 tbs of bone meal per gallon of mix isually 16 tbs to mix a five gallon bucket of soil not quite full.

I use this soil mix when I transplant my veggy plants to move them to the flower room and that way they have everything htey need for hte first two or three weeks of flower.

Not saying this is right just throwing in my two cents:) I had hoped the light warrior would help keep the soil from compacting as hard.
Sounds a lot like the MoonShine Mix

prolly the most well known next to subcols soil mix for growing without added nutes


Well-Known Member
It does, the only reason I did this is because I had 3 partial bags that equaled close to five gallons:)

I have no perlite though and fear I will now have problems over the next 60 days...
All the FF soils have perlite in em you should be ok


Well-Known Member
I may just get the same soil i got last time from the supermarket, its low on nutes but I have enough supplemental nutes (fox farm, botanicare) to get by. Plus the stuff is loaded with perilite.

Nice to have you hamanu :)


Well-Known Member
I use moonshine mix and love it. I still feed once or twice because I dont transplant but my plants seem to love the mix. I may start composting my mix though and adding some stuff so I don't have to keep buying all that soil. That shit gets expensive and I don't like the fact that Im always lugging soil into my house.


Well-Known Member
So my cousin forgot the carbon filter hes shipping it to me tomorrow, btw nice to have you natro


Well-Known Member
nah, i told him id give him $200 when I harvested but he didnt ask for it.. I figure even if i just sell it ill make well over $200


Well-Known Member
I bet on ebay that equipment would go for at least $400, probably more.. Harvest, I wont talk about but hopefully WAY WAY more...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yay harvest will def make some bank. Got some good looking plants going, any idea how much you can expect for yield?


Well-Known Member
i dont really wanna disclose any #s but hopefully alot ;)

heres a pic of the mh constructed.. my cousin forgot a couple of pieces to the hood for the hps as well so im getting them shipped.




Well-Known Member
^^^ now i understand the saying curiosity killed the cat, she just loves checking out new shit i get...