The FDA - A Silent Killer?


Active Member
I justed listened to an interview with Dr. Mary Ruwart, a former research scientist (biochemist, biophysicist and surgeon) for the Upjohn Institute, and found her personal thoughts and experiences regarding the FDA very enlightening. I'll bullet out a couple of her statements, and you can tell me what you think.

-In 1962 the federal government made several ammendments to the Food and Drug Act which created a disasterous environment for medical advancement and disease prevention in the US.

-From the time a drug therapy was discovered to the time it was put on pharmacy shelves was once 5 years. That turnaround is now tripled. This is due to increased regulatory demands by the federal government. The additional testing required on the therapies meant more would die waiting for a cure, and less drugs would be developed due to a severe lacking in cost effectiveness. Estimates put the human death toll at around 4 million lives as a result.

-A staggering 80% of drug development costs are attributed to regulation compliance. Studies Dr. Ruwart refers to estimates a 50% loss in the innovation of new drugs as a result. Drugs which will not recoup the initial investment in sales are never developed. Drug companies bail on these new developments with regularity. If you calculate the number of lives saved from our current innovation and then calculate the cost of NOT having those drugs (a 50% loss in innovation), we can estimate the human death toll rising to somewhere around 16 million lives. These are human beings that have died silently from their diseases when medical advances existed to save them.

-Drug therapies for individuals suffering from less common illnesses have significantly less of a chance for the development of a cure because there is less chance the companies will be able to recoup their development investment through sales. This again is a result of the enormous compliance costs imposed by our government.

-In our fairly recent past a group of cancer patients sued the federal government for the right to purchase a drug in development that showed reasonable signs of either slowing the progression of thier illness or putting their cancer into remission altogether. The court ruled that these individuals had no constitutional right to purchase a drug on the free market that could possibly save them. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

-Every day, people fight for the right to purchase life saving drugs, but our government steps in and blocks them through existing regulatory legislation. The FDA claims to be protecting these people by only giving them access to drugs that are "safe and effective". The problem is, no drug is safe and effective for all people, so how many people must the drug be "safe and effective" for before the drug is approved? The line is not clear. Certainly a person who is dying is not concerned about drug side effects if the drug has a reasonable chance of saving their lives.

What are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
drug companies are the real killers...

even with all that regulation they still put out countless drugs on the market that are equally dangerous as the supposed illness they treat...

how can you stand there and blame the government for trying to control these crooks??? it's not the FDA's fault that they have to regulate this market, if not drug companies would have a field day... clinical trials aren't that regulated, you can tell this lady is now working as some sort of lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry, trying to sway public opinion...

i'll just give you an example of the abuse that the current system imposes...

they require a sample that can be a representative sample of a population... that means that they have to find somewhere around one thousand people who are willing to try an experimental drug.... that's not too easy, so you know what they do?? they pay you. yeah, that's right...

i went to a job fair a while back and there was three booths dedicated to finding "recruits" for the clinical trials... they paid 75 bucks a week for 6 months.... for taking drugs, that have not had any sort of real side effects tested.... and after all of this they take the statistics and skew them and manipulate them so that side effects seem minimal.... then they make these commercials that make them seem so nice n healthy.... it's sickening....

i can give you an example as to why these companies need to be regulated.... birth control pills were originally tested outside the U.S. because the conservative christians in gov't saw it as a violatin of god's nature (or some shit like that), so they went else where, where REGULATIONS wouldn't intervene......... one place they decided to start testing this was the caribbean... in the island of Puerto Rico, before it was a commonwealth, birth control testing was sold to locals as a temporary way to prevent birth... as a result around 40,000 women were permanently sterilized, many of them in their late teens-early twenties......

of course this story isn't in the realm of knowledge of many of you, but earlier the past century, my grandfather served in military bases in Puerto Rico during the Cold War, and the stories the locals told were horrifying to say the least......

that's why the pharmaceutical industry needs to be regulated.......


Active Member
Thanks for your thoughts...

drug companies are the real killers...
You don't think this description of them is rather limiting, regardless of corruption in the industry?

even with all that regulation they still put out countless drugs on the market that are equally dangerous as the supposed illness they treat...
Drug therapies are not designed specifically to be safe. They are designed as a somewhat radical last resort to either cutting someone open (surgery) or dying.

how can you stand there and blame the government for trying to control these crooks???
I just listed several bullet points that answer this question. I'd be interested to hear your response to them.

you can tell this lady is now working as some sort of lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry, trying to sway public opinion...
Nope, she's now a libertarian author who speaks at small liberty conferences and appears on small internet shows (2,000 downloads) like the one I linked.

they require a sample that can be a representative sample of a population... that means that they have to find somewhere around one thousand people who are willing to try an experimental drug.... that's not too easy, so you know what they do?? they pay you. yeah, that's right...
Can you demonstrate for me how this is a problem?

i can give you an example as to why these companies need to be regulated.... birth control pills were originally tested outside the U.S. because the conservative christians in gov't saw it as a violatin of god's nature (or some shit like that), so they went else where, where REGULATIONS wouldn't intervene......... one place they decided to start testing this was the caribbean... in the island of Puerto Rico, before it was a commonwealth, birth control testing was sold to locals as a temporary way to prevent birth... as a result around 40,000 women were permanently sterilized, many of them in their late teens-early twenties......
That's very unfortunate. Did they force these women to participate in the study or lead them to believe there were no side effects?

that's why the pharmaceutical industry needs to be regulated.......
I'm not sure where you took away that I was not for regulation. Can you tell me what gave you that impression?


New Member
Yes, let's demonize the pharma companies. Let's just forget that they have produced life-saving drugs such as blood pressure medication, cholesterol lowering medication, drugs to prevent the body from rejecting organ transplants, drugs to prolong the lives of cancer patients, drugs to prevent blindness, drugs to control tremors ....

Yeppers, those evil drug companies need to be put out of business just as soon as possible.

Dumb shits.


the FDA is not on our side

do some research on our lovely little buddy, Aspertame

its an artificial sweetener

used in products like diet coke

watch some documentaries on it, when donald rumsfeld was head of the FDA he approved the evil substance

i wont go into too much detail, but when you consume aspertame, your body is unable to digest it,

however, when your body TRIES to digest it, it turns into formaldehyde (methanal, CH2O)

thats fucking embalming fluid, you know, what they shoot corpses full of to preserve them for a funeral

formaldehyde stays in your body forever keep that in mind next time your reaching for that diet coke