The Federal Reserve


Well-Known Member
Probable Cause to get Pulled Over
Which could lead to other things

Maybe in the end the Cops will be the ones to say
Maybe I get away with it for the same reasons I get away with growing illegal plants...we call those political connections in my town.


Well-Known Member
If I'm the FED and you are the USA... And I print $1, and that is the only 1$ in circulation... and I give that to the USA... And the USA pays me the dollar back + interest on that dollar... where do they get the money for the interest??? It's impossible..

....I give you 1$ and that is your only money, how can you pay me $1.10???? if you don't have the 10 cents... I would have to give you the 10 cents, and then charge u interest on that too :)


That's what the FED does. It's never ending debt.
let's give you a schooling.

it's opportunity cost quantified, using a unified unit of measurement, the dollar. it's not possible if you PERCEIVE the dollar to have no value, but if we PERCEIVE it does. then the system works.

it's half faith half science, and the good it has done us is evidenced in the strength of the US economy.

btw, the fed doesn't give us shit. in macro terms, we are lenders, banks are borrowers. look it up.


Well-Known Member
let's give you a schooling.

it's opportunity cost quantified, using a unified unit of measurement, the dollar. it's not possible if you PERCEIVE the dollar to have no value, but if we PERCEIVE it does. then the system works.

it's half faith half science, and the good it has done us is evidenced in the strength of the US economy.

btw, the fed doesn't give us shit. in macro terms, we are lenders, banks are borrowers. look it up.
Is there a means to decentralize the Federal Reserve without reverting to the gold standard?. I've been looking for an answer and find no viable means to accomplish this. We're going to have to find the means to back-up currency, and there simply isn't enough privately held gold.


the way i see it, is that Americas currency is backed by petrol dollars. control of the worlds oil. Not necessary in all cases physical control, but by control of the trade. All OPEC nations sell oil in dollars. all countries need dollars to purchase oil. most these dollars end back up in America through arms sales.

A petrodollar is a United States dollar earned by a country through the sale of its petroleum to another country.[1] The term was coined in 1973 by Georgetown University economics professor, Ibrahim Oweiss, who recognized the need for a term that could describe the dollar receiving by petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) in exchange for oil.
Most oil sales throughout the world are denominated in United States dollars (USD).[1] According to proponents of the petrodollar warfare hypothesis, because most countries rely on oil imports, they are forced to maintain large stockpiles of dollars in order to continue imports. This creates a consistent demand for USDs and upwards pressure on the USD's value, regardless of economic conditions in the United States. This in turn allegedly allows the US government to gain revenues through seignorage and by issuing bonds at lower interest rates than they otherwise would be able to. As a result the U.S. government can run higher budget deficits at a more sustainable level than can most other countries. A stronger USD also means that goods imported into the United States are relatively cheap.
In 2000, Iraq converted all its oil transactions under the Oil for Food program to euros.[2] When U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, it returned oil sales from the euro to the USD.[3]

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran takes this theory as fact. As retaliation to this policy seen as neoimperialism, Iran has made an effort to create its own Iranian Oil Bourse which has sold oil in Gold, Euros, Dollars, and Japanese Yen since its opening.

things dont look good for iran.

This arrangement is maintained by the US/Saudi relationship, ie Saudi Arabia will increase oil supply if any nation stops selling in dollars,lowering the price, making such a economic suicide.


Well-Known Member
the way i see it, is that Americas currency is backed by petrol dollars. control of the worlds oil. Not necessary in all cases physical control, but by control of the trade. All OPEC nations sell oil in dollars. all countries need dollars to purchase oil. most these dollars end back up in America through arms sales.

things dont look good for iran.

This arrangement is maintained by the US/Saudi relationship, ie Saudi Arabia will increase oil supply if any nation stops selling in dollars,lowering the price, making such a economic suicide.
I see gas prices taking a serious tumble these days, there's one way to win an election. Wait until about Nov.15th, probably sooner...when we all get raped again at the pump for the holidays.
