The Female Funny/ Sexy Paradox.


Well-Known Member
Orange is the new black cast

Hello long time member! I'm newish, not yet a year.

I don't think we have run into each other much. Ooooor you changed your hat, and I didn't recognize you...

All you tricky fuckers changing your profile pictures. What's a high bitch like me to do? hahaha

Anywho - Hello!


Well-Known Member
Hello long time member! I'm newish, not yet a year.

I don't think we have run into each other much. Ooooor you changed your hat, and I didn't recognize you...

All you tricky fuckers changing your profile pictures. What's a high bitch like me to do? hahaha

Anywho - Hello!
I have always had this one account but I've gone years in between times that I posted here. I mostly just looked at the MMA sports thread for awhile but I got more free time on my hands now so Im looking around this site again for ol'times sake.