the first grow, just 9 leds, 1 sq. m. and 2 seeds


Active Member
Hi guys,
Is my first post, 1st of all want to say thanks to all of you, I read quite a lot here and finally started my adventure.
I made a box, about 1 cubic meter, 6 red leds, 2 bleu and 1 warm white on an iron plate. I started it about 3-4 weeks ago, at start my girls were near the windows, but they got really not so much sun due to my location. (north of Europe, no sun,still cold).
Anyway when all was ready I moved it inside my box, I'm growing 2 x TOP44 .
Despite my low experience I really believe that all is going well, maybe they are smaller then usual, but the condition in my box are not the best.
Today I bought a small heather, exactly a heating cable for terrariums (and I have to say that now the temperature is a bit wormer then before) I'm sorry but still can't give you the exact temperature.

I got 2 different soil, 1 for the germination and another (some kind of soil for flowers,anyway I believe quite good) I haven t use any nutrients...

Anyway I update my pics and wait for your reply. the pics are not so hi-quality, but can garantee that the green is really nice...

So, see you soon with update!!!



Active Member
yes, they looks good....just are growing slowly, but I think is normal for the condition in which they are...
not the best temperature, just 9 leds working at only 350mA (they could work at 700mA without problem) a bit more lux for the double energy. I hadn't the possibility to buy a 700mA stable current used this.

Anyway I was following the project on and I'm using quite the same leds (not exactly the same , because they were not available :( ) any1 else want to post here???

you are welcome


Active Member
So, that's the way the heating cable is integrated in my box. I think it is ok like that, it is not too hot, but is giving a nice temperature.

1 questions, do you think I can start to flower? is it enough developed? should I start to use any nutrients? if yes, NPK in which amount?

thanks for your help

